2009-05-21 45 -123
This geohash happened via a 2009 Geohashing Day Retrohash on 2009-05-23 (Mouseover Day) by the 45,-122 folks.
How's that for confusing?!
Thu 21 May 2009 in McMinnville, Oregon: 45.8587364, -123.5438145 geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox |
- Jhon
- Elegant Forkbomb
- Jim
- 3riador
- 3riador's sisters
Our discussion of Mouseover Day plans led to a decision to go graticule hopping, taking a field trip over to the McMinnville graticule to visit the 2009 Geohashing Day hash as a retrohash. That point was just off of Highway OR-26, about an hour west of Portland. A few of us coordinated the meeting over email, with the meeting set for 4 pm. Pies were obtained from stores or the Farmer's Market.
3riador brought along a set of poi in order to make the Circus Geohash achievment, some fresh-baked brownies and his sisters.
Expedition (Retro expedition on 2009-05-23)
The point was under some powerlines just off of a small gravel road, a couple hundred feet from the highway. Access was easy and parking was available next to the highway. When 3riador arrived there was already a small gathering taking place. Pictures were taken, introductions were had and goodies were consumed.
Elegant Forkbomb and Jhon met up at a Burgerville in West Linn. After munching down burgers, they headed off on their long drive to the geohash point. The two arrived at around 3:55 and used a dying GPS to attempt to find the location. The two located the hash point and headed back to the vehicle to pick up Cameras and Pie.
In the nearby parking lot, Jhon noticed Jim walking back to his car. The three grabbed pie and headed up to the hashpoint. On the way, they stopped to greet and speak with a family who lived nearby the hashpoint and explain what was happening. The actual location proved difficult to find. The two different GPSes were set to different destinations and the dying GPS was providing a dubious location. Jim finally managed to locate the actual point behind a satellite dish. The location may not have been 100% correct as the GPS started freaking out as it got closer to the location.
Having found the hashpoint (and been attacked by several brambles, aka "micro-velociraptors") we looked for a good place to set down for a picnic. A location in the shade right off the road was appropriated. Jhon brought Apple Pie, Jim bought several flavors of turnover. The three began munching away at the delicious sweets.
After mentioning the mythical fourth geohasher, a silver car came by. The window rolled down and we were asked if this was the Geohash. They celebrated and went to park the car. The three new geohashers ( 3riador and his 2 sisters ) walked up the road to our picnic and brought with them a pan of brownies and two 2-litres of soda. Utilizing the borg-collective, the three newcomers journeyed to the location for themselves to find their own proof of arrival.
After venturing the ninety-some-odd feet back from the location, 3riador broke out his Poi in search of a Circus Geohash Achievement. With that out of the way, meeting, eating, drinking, and merry-ing was enjoyed by all. The only quote worth reproducing here goes something like "See? It's stuck!" "That's what she said!" ( 3riador and one of his sisters ).
After enjoying the eats, the group headed down toward parking lot. On the way, the group passed by the family from earlier. After a quick discussion, Jim offered the family some apple pie which they readily accepted. In return, we were offered water to quench our thirst. We spent some time chatting with them before heading back to our cars and back toward Portland. Overall, from arrival to leaving, we spent about an hour and a half at the location.
My photos are in the gallery, but camera raws are available from here.
I arrived a little late to the hashpoint. I was staring my GPS in the car and it wasn't making sense. Finally I got out to see if I moved it would point in a reasonable direction. It still didn't. As far as I could tell, I had to go 300 feet up a slope through a herd of Velociraptors. (Heard of raptors? Of course I have!) I seem to remember the hashpoint looking more accessible on the satellite photos.
Just as I was wondering about this, Jhon called out my name. It turns out that what looked like a driveway for a house was really a public (?) road that lead up to the hash point. We gathered together our pies and headed up the slope. The other GPS's were having trouble either with batteries or getting good signal. My batteries in my GPS were more willing to work, having been replaced this morning. However, there seems to have been some co-ordinate trauma that I'll need to sort out. Eventually we found the spot. Photos were taken, and we settled down for pies.
Portland, Oregon earned the Largest geohash achievement
Is it true that we all earned the Land Geohash?
Is it true that we all earned the Meet-up achievement?
Jhon, Elegant Forkbomb, Jim, & 3riador earned the 2009 Mouse Over Day achievement
Is it true that 3riador earned the Circus Geohash for spinning poi?
3riador earned the Drag-along achievement
3riador's Sister earned the Pie Geohash Achievement