2012 calendar/December

From Geohashing

For the December picture of the 2012 calendar you can nominate the best geohashing-related picture from expeditions in December 2010.

Nomination gallery


Voting takes place until 31 January 2011. Each wiki user can cast a vote. We're using the Schulze method for voting:

  • Rank the nominated pictures in order of preference, you may give the same preference to more than one picture and you may choose not to rank every picture
  • Post your ranking below in the format of : [pic with rank 1] > [pic with rank 2] > ... --~~~~ and use the equality sign to indicate equal preference
  • You cannot change your vote, unless a new picture is nominated after you have cast your vote

Please vote below:

B>A=E>F>C=D>G --HiroProtagonist 07:27, 5 January 2011 (EST)
E>D=F=A>C>B>G --relet 14:56, 5 January 2011 (EST)
E>A>D>C>B=F>G --aperfectring 18:48, 9 January 2011 (EST)
A > E > F > B > G > C --mykaDragonBlue [- i have no sig -] 18:44, 28 January 2011 (EST)
D>E>A>F>B>C>G Jiml 18:47, 29 January 2011 (EST)
D > A = E > F = C > B = G --Crox 11:39, 30 January 2011 (EST)

Voting is closed

A>C=D=E --Jevanyn 10:17, 10 February 2011 (EST)


2010-12-19 49 -123 close.JPG

Using this Condorcet Calculator and the following input the winner is E
