From Geohashing

About Me
I have known xkcd for quite a while but I only discovered geohashing recently and I love the idea. I studied Physics in college so xkcd is always something I enjoy reading. I am currently unemployed.
- Thursday, March 2nd, 2017: A hash in the Landes forest near the A63 motorway. Reached.
- Tuesday, February 28th, 2017: A hash in a middle of a vineyard near Saint-Cels. Not reached.
- Wenesday, February 22nd, 2017: The fourth and last stop in my attempt of a multihash, in a forest. Reached.
- Wenesday, February 22nd, 2017: The third stop in my attempt of a multihash, on the banks of the A10 motorway. Not reached.
- Wenesday, February 22nd, 2017: The second stop in my attempt of a multihash. Reached.
- Wenesday, February 22nd, 2017: The first stop in my attempt of a multihash. Not reached.
- Sunday, January 15th, 2017: A hash 2 km west of the sillon du Talbert, in the intertidal zone. Reached.
- Friday, January 13th, 2017: My first geohash. Reached.
Ourlig earned the Done with Nature consolation prize
Ourlig earned the Multihash Achievement
Ourlig earned the Two to the N achievement
Ourlig earned the Admit One Achievement
Ourlig earned the Graticule Unlocked Achievement
Ourlig earned the No trespassing consolation prize
Ourlig earned the GeoTrash Geohash Achievement
Ourlig earned the Land geohash achievement