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[[Category:Proposed achievements]]
[[Category:Proposed achievements]]

Revision as of 18:41, 20 December 2020

This is a proposal made on 2009-10-23. Please leave comments and suggestions on Talk:Skate geohash achievement, indicating your thoughts on the proposal, including:
  • Support - you think this proposal should be added with zero or minor changes
  • Do not oppose - you think it's boring/meh/not for you, but it wouldn't harm to have it created
  • Oppose - you have a specific reason as to why this ribbon should not exist (state this reasoning in your comment)
  • Needs work - you think the achievement should be created after more significant changes have been made

See Proposed achievements for more information on this process.

Note: This achievement is the generalization of the proposal currently called Ski Geohash proposed by avid skier the_ru with (hopefully) less inconsistencies in the definition. I resubmit this under a more generic name, but if accepted, it shall deprecate the Ski geohash proposal.

Claim this achievement if you reach a hash using skis or skates, or any other human-powered device that is propelled in a skating fashion. Using cars, snowmobiles, dogsleds, etc, to go part of the distance is not allowed (this includes being pulled by such a vehicle). To avoid damaging your equipment, you may take it off for short distances (e.g. skis over non-frozen ground). However, a significant part of the distance must be traversed skating - you can't just carry them around and call it a Skate geohash!

Acceptable devices may skate on water, ice, or land. Skating on small wheels is acceptable, as in the case of rollerskis, skateboards and inline skates. Bear in mind that waterskis may also not be pulled by a vehicle. Downhill skis may be used, but you may not use a ski lift to get to the top. And no, electric variants of skating equipment are also not allowed.

Actually achieving this on ice or snow is encouraged, in which case the achievement ribbon shall be available in a special winter edition. The name of the ribbon may be varied according to the device used - e.g. Ski geohash, Waterski geohash, Inline skate geohash, etc. - feel free to claim it multiple times for any variant of skating you have succeeded in.

Bonus points if you achieve this on a skateboard on Go Skateboarding Day!

Ribbon examples

the icons are not yet the final ones

Rudolph earned the Ski geohash achievement
by travelling by ski to the (53, -0) geohash on 2009-12-26.
LinearT earned the Inline skate geohash achievement
by travelling by inline skate to the (53, -0) geohash on 2009-12-26.
