Template:Expedition summaries/2009-10-31
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Atlanta, Georgia - LuxMundi, NWoodruff - Almost in a lake in Snellville Georgia. We have made a new XKCD expedition ...
Toronto, Ontario - Splitdipless - Satellite imagery from Google maps suggested an undeveloped neighbourhood i...
Eugene, Oregon - michael5000, Mrs.5000 - The hash was just off of a street in a quiet suburban area of South Salem.
Landshut, Germany - dawidi - After dusk broke in on their GC-Tour to Bad Abbach, Hans and Tomcat decided...
Bamberg, Germany - Danatar, srs0, user:thepiguy - Setting off into the cold, they managed to get all the way to Rimpar withou...
Würzburg, Germany - user:thepiguy - Mosbach, in a field, 200m into Hessen!
Weymouth, United Kingdom - Sermoa, Macronencer, Mapaholic - Long Crichel, Blandford Forum