The coordinates for this date are:
0.17946799469778313, 0.8615360124576236
Boston -- The coordinates are in a wooded area to the south of Washington Street (Route 20) near Prospect Street in Auburn, MA.
Chicago -- The coordinates are in a farm field to the northeast of Bourbonnais, IL
Blacksburg, Virginia -- The coordinates reside in a farm off of VA-42 near Dismal Falls.
East Bay, California -- The coordinates are in the mountains of Santa Cruz - 2008-05-21 37 -121
Houston, Texas -- The coordinates are at the center of the North face of a trapezoidal arrangement of trees, as far from major towns and highways as it is possible to get in this graticule
Portland -- The coordinates are in a riparian zone near a farm, off of I-5, near Broadacres, OR.
User:xkcd will attempt to be the first to reach these coordinates in Boston.
User:zigdon will be heading to the coordinate in San Fransisco Eastern Bay area.