2024-03-30 50 8

From Geohashing
Revision as of 21:18, 24 May 2024 by FippeBot (talk | contribs) (subst-ing)
Sat 30 Mar 2024 in 50,8:
50.0043165, 8.6374159
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox
2024-03-30 50 8 160839.jpg


In a forest area, about 30 meters away from the closest track road, in Offenbach county, Hesse, Germany. The closest settlement is Neurott (a suburb/quarter of Langen) in southeast direction.

This day’s weather: completely clouded


  • Green guy! (talk)
  • Green guy!’s mother (no consent to publish photos of her)
  • Green guy!’s father (no consent to publish photos of him)


Not in the mood for thorough planning, so it’s quick and dirty:

  1. Drive to Neurott in the afternoon
    • Might be a bit difficult to park our car there …
  2. Go on a walk to visit the hashpoint
  3. Visit a nearby cafe and/or do the groceries
  4. Drive back home
  5. (Enjoy the rest of Holy Saturday)


My parents and I drove to the quarter of Neurott. As expected, it was a bit tricky to find a spot to park our car there, but we were successful after a short while.

It was also a bit tricky to find a spot to actually leave the residential area and enter the forest, as OpenStreetMap shows quite a lot of barriers. We found a way and successfully walked to the hashpoint, reaching coordinates a few minutes after 4 pm CET. (I’m mentioning the time zone because the kind-of-useless CEST, better known as daylight-savings time, takes effect the next day.) While walking back to our car, I had the opportunity to trace a path which is not mapped yet in OpenStreetMap. Also, I surveyed another spot that didn’t look possible to trespass due to a construction site, but actually was.

After finishing our expedition, we felt like enjoying some cake and/or ice cream in a café in Langen. My parents opted for the family-operated EisAnita which offers home-made pastry and ice cream, and so we drove there. Because it was still March, there was no ice cream available, so we savored coffee and cake. It was a calm and nice place.

Tracklog: Walking to the hashpoint

  • Direction: south => north for a while => west => north (reaching hashpoint) => south => east (via a path not mapped yet in OSM) => south => east
  • GPS accuracy: medium–good
  • Markers show all locations where I took photos (including some photos taken separate from the tracklog) – nearly all of them are taken for OpenStreetMap surveying and not uploaded here.




I already earned these from an earlier geohash, but fulfilled the conditions again on this one.

Green guy! (talk) earned the OpenStreetMap achievement
by contributing [1] to OpenStreetMap based on their expedition to the (50, 8) geohash on 2024-03-30.
Green guy! (talk) earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (50, 8) geohash on 2024-03-30.

And no, drag-along doesn’t count as recurring because my parents are now sort-of familiar with the concept of geohashing (apart from not comprehending the Algorithm’s details).