Warning: May contain nuts.
Ekorren - that's the european brown squirrel, scientifically sciurus vulgaris. Jumps around, collects various stuff, hides things and never finds all of it again.
I found the link to geohashing on some geocaching forum. Ok, I thought, so there's something even more crazy, so let's try it ;) Then I read all of the past XKCD comics and suddenly felt at home. Given that my list of regularily read webcomics is all but short there's really no excuse that I didn't find XKCD earlier.
For a spontanous expedition bicycle will be the only reasonable mode of transport for me, so I'm somehow restricted to the nearer surroundings of my home coordinates which are roughly N 48°31' E 9°3', as well as weather-restricted. Though, the first geohash I visited was far away from home...
successful |
Expeditions total |
7 |
- saturday 4 pm |
2 |
Graticules |
3 |
- virgin graticules |
2 |
Countries |
2 |
- virgin countries |
1 |
Expeditions by type of transport: |
- foot |
- |
- bike |
5 |
- public transport |
2 |
Past Expeditions
49 6

On a meadow near Fentange, south of Luxembourg. Virgin graticule and virgin country.
48 9

Near Kusterdingen, on a field. Saturday 4 pm, but didn't meet anyone as nick_mz was late and I didn't expect anyone to come.
48 9

Reutlingen, on a cycle path between Ohmenhausen and the city centre. Déjà vu geohash and probably the only expedition worldwide on that date.
48 9
Wannweil, at Gärtnerei Hespeler.
48 9

Tübingen, Rammert forest, near Hofgut Eck. A XKCD'ish snowman (no eyes!) was built and I met nick_mz.
48 8

Pforzheim, in front of the slaughterhouse. Met Danatar.
48 9
Sonnenbühl-Genkingen, Öschenbachtal. Ice and slope doesn't really match.
How I use the symbols in this table
Template:Virgin graticule
| Ekorren earned a hash collision honorable mention by finding the geocache GC11ZMH near to the 2008-10-28 49 6 hash (and other caches near later hashes).
Template:Virgin graticule
For the following achievements the rules had to be stretched a bit, usually because of insufficient proof.
I put the ribbons here anyway but don't insist on counting them, and will definitely try to replace them.
Ekorren thought he earned the Frozen Geohash Achievement
- by reaching the (48, 9) geohash on 2008-11-22 while the temperature was down and it was snowing, but found later that he should have brought a thermometer. One week later it was a bit warmer and a heavily inaccurate thermometer showed exactly zero.