2010-08-05 45 -122

From Geohashing
Revision as of 18:37, 8 August 2010 by imported>Jiml (Add photo)
Thu 5 Aug 2010 in 45,-122:
45.5267251, -122.6645214
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


Underneath/On OR-30 in Portland, near the Steel Bridge.



Jim and APR had a conversation via the Portland-Geohashers mailing list

  • Jim Observed: Well, it isn't a globalhash, but it is pretty accessible. Or maybe not. It appears to be

on OR-30 North right near the Steel Bridge. I suspect you need to do it by car, which means you get to go for Speed Racer.

  • APR pointed out: It looks like there is a multi-use path running underneath the bridge there. I won't be able to join you, but you should be able to find some parking nearby and get to the hashpoint on the ground if desired.

Jim's final wiki note was that: I'm worried about fences preventing access with those RR tracks there. Jiml 20:40, 5 August 2010 (UTC)


Expedition 5000.01

In the course of ordinary daily work duties, I crossed the hashpoint at speed on the deck of the I-84W to I-5N ramp. I veered a little within the lane to ensure proper placement vis-a-vis the point, but otherwise would have -- like tens of thousands of other people -- reached this hashpoint in the course of my day even if I hadn't known about it.

Michael5000 earned the Cross that bridge achievement
by reaching the (45, -122) geohash on 2010-08-05, which was situated on a bridge.
Michael5000 has visited an Easy Geohash
by reaching the (45, -122) geohash on 2010-08-05 without really trying.

Expedition 5000.02

At 1800 hours, Michael5000 and Mrs.5000 set off by bicycle from their lovely Sunnyside home bearing west by northwest toward the Lloyd District. They crossed MLK on Lloyd Boulevard and pulled up under the ramp along a wide sidewalk overlooking the Eastbank Esplanade. A fence separated the sidewalk from a steep embankment, and the trusty GPS gadget placed the hashpoint 27 feet the other side of the fence.

Undeterred, the 5000s crossed I-84 on MLK and proceeded to a dead-end street off of the newly rerouted Couch (rhymes with "Pooch") Street, from which enterprising cyclists could gain access to a gravel track along the railroad lines. The hashpoint was right where we expected it -- downslope from the sidewalk overlook of a few minutes earlier, and underneath the freeway lane of earlier in the day. It was almost at the bottom of the embankment, in a neglected area of dusty blackberry vines, gravel, creosote, and bare dirt. We found an abandoned traffic pylon nearby and placed it atop the hashpoint to commemorate the spot at about 1835 hours.

Then we proceeded to Ole Ole at 22nd and Burnside for Burritos, and thence home again.

Over and Under.png
Michael5000 earned the The Over and Under Achievement
by reaching the same hashpoint at two different elevations (45, -122) geohash on 2010-08-05.

(I've proposed the Over and Under Achievement to commemorate this kind of three-dimensional geohashing.)

Expedition Three

Jim left work and headed into Portland in search of the hashpoint. He passed near it going east on Hwy 84, and turned around at the next exit to head back towards it. He didn't have to jump around too much since he was in the left lane as he entered Hwy 30. He took the next exit after passing through the hashpoint, and looped back to see if he could reach it at ground level. He wandered around the Oregon Convention Center and finally found the nearby parking lot. The GPS say he was getting close, but it appeared to not be accessible due to a fence. (At least from that direction.)

He's glad that the 5000's made it there since he gave up on ground level access.

Jim earned the Cross that bridge achievement
by reaching the (45, -122) geohash on 2010-08-05, which was situated on a bridge.



  • Land Geohash - for all 3 of us
  • Speed racer - Jim (M5K was in heavy traffic, so well below the limit)
  • Bicycle Geohashes for the 5000s as well.