2020-02-28 52 -1

From Geohashing
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Fri 28 Feb 2020 in 52,-1:
52.4050773, -1.7840553
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


The hashpoint is right on the east side of Monkspath Hall Road in Solihull, southeast of Birmingham.



KarMann will drive through at speed and get a Speed racer achievement, preferably southbound for greatest accuracy.


We drove down from our failure in the Peak District to Birmingham with hopes of greater success to come. KarMann changed into his formal wear along the way, almost achieving an en route geoflashing. As we approached, KarMann's wife practised a bit of taking pictures of the dashboard display. After driving through the nearby roundabout, we made our first pass through the hashpoint. It was rather darker by then, so the picture was pretty miserable. We went around for two more passes, getting somewhat better pictures this time. Then we found a side street good for parking, and got out to savour the hashpoint at a more casual pace, despite a slight drizzle.

We found the more precise hashpoint and got as close as we could to what might be its actual location without getting actually onto the road, which was fairly busy. This was KarMann's wife's first successful geohash, so we celebrated with goofy grins, but without our new hashscot we'd just decided on and brought along, so no pictures with him. He was along for the ride, though, so at least he did make it to the hashpoint. We made one more pass in the car for good measure afterwards, hoping for another shot at a better picture, but, well, you can see how well that worked.

Having gotten the coordinates for the rest of the weekend's hashpoints that afternoon, we had decided on a destination in southwestern Wales in preparation for Leap Day adventures, so drove on to Fishguard to spend the night there before an early start to get some more expeditions in on that glorious day, starting near Cardigan.


On WikiLoc



KarMann & KarMann's wife earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (53, -1) geohash on 2020-02-28.
KarMann earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging KarMann's wife to the (52, -1) geohash on 2020-02-28.
2020-02-28 52 -1 Goofy grins.jpg
KarMann earned the Speed racer achievement
by passing through the (52, -1) geohash on 2020-02-28 at 30 MPH.
2020-02-28 52 -1 Coordinates.jpg
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KarMann achieved level 1 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in Manchester, United Kingdom and 1 of the surrounding graticules.
Formal attire.PNG
KarMann earned the Formal attire achievement
by looking good at the (52, -1) geohash on 2020-02-28.
2020-02-28 52 -1 Formal.jpg