2015-06-03 43 -77

From Geohashing
Revision as of 01:31, 6 May 2020 by Pedalpusher (talk | contribs) (Photos: adjusted grid)
Wed 3 Jun 2015 in 43,-77:
43.0736888, -77.9246192
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


Near Bergen, just East of Exit 2 for I-490 on Chili Riga Center Rd.



This is the best opportunity I have seen for the Rochester Graticule that is in the Southwest Corner. I have errands to run after work, but will drive over and probably be there around 21:00 or so. This will give me a Level 7 Minesweeper for Buffalo (42, -78). I noticed a 7-Eleven on the Google-map West of the exit so I think I will stop there and make this a geosquishy hash too.

Upon further examination, The Lockport hash is also just off a road and will not add significant time to the original plans. This will now be a multi-hash attempt and Part 2(Click here for Part 1).


Once I got back on the I-90 from the Lockport hash, it was a pretty straight shot. I just needed to be on the lookout for the I-490 exit and then take the second exit from there.

When I got there, I headed to the 7-Eleven first to get my Geosquishy. In the car, I noted that I was just over a mile from the hash giving me a 4 point Geosquishy, but being just a few minutes before 22:00, I would get to the hash for a late-night squishy run and a bonus point. Only then would I enjoy my Geosquishy.

I then headed toward the hash, and I figured out I could hold my GPS and the wheel with one hand and the camera in the other. Just focusing on the road, I just held down the shutter button when we got close and hoped I got a decent picture for the speed racer. Once I was sure I was past, I pulled over on the shoulder to check the photo sequence. What is this amazing luck? One photo says 70 feet away and the next...well that says 0.55 feet away. There was no posted speed limit so in that case the state limit applies and is 55 MPH. I was going slightly faster, but that's how we drive in the states.

I turned the car around in order to also walk to the hash but ended up passing it in the dark. I had to complete another U-turn and parked in an access drive-way to a field very close to the hash. Getting out, I got a 0.00 reading and pictures for the Geosquishy too.



This user earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (43, -77) geohash on 2015-06-03.
GeoSquishy Achievement FirstSip.jpg
Pedalpusher earned the First Sip GeoSquishy Achievement
by enjoying a slushy carbonated beverage at the (43, -77) geohash on 2015-06-03.
GeoSquishy Achievement 5Star.jpg
Pedalpusher earned the 5 Star GeoSquishy Achievement
by earning 5 stars all at the (43, -77) geohash on 2015-06-03.
GeoSquishy Achievement Night.jpg
Pedalpusher earned the Late-night GeoSquishy Achievement
by bringing a slushy carbonated beverage to the (43, -77) geohash between 10 p.m. and midnight on 2015-06-03.
2015-06-03 43-77 geosquishy-time.JPG
Pedalpusher earned the Speed racer achievement
by passing through the (43, -77) geohash on 2015-06-03 at 62MPH.
Pedalpusher earned the Multihash Achievement
by reaching 2 hash points on 2015-06-03. It's a Double Hash.
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Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Pedalpusher completed the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in Buffalo, New York and all of the surrounding graticules.
Toronto, ON Lockport Rochester
Dunkirk Buffalo Corning
Oil City, PA St. Mary's, PA Williamsport, PA