2018-12-12 43 -79

From Geohashing
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Wed 12 Dec 2018 in 43,-79:
43.8648960, -79.2447016
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


Near, or potentially in, a golf course in Markham.




Going to head up on the TTC, then walk the last stretch. Hopefully will not get stopped by the existence of a golf course. If the situation presents itself, I will definitely attempt to sink a golf ball.

Edit: How could I forget that golf closes in winter???


The trip started just west of Kipling station, with me taking the subway and 102D bus to Markham. I got off just north of the 407, in a beautiful little neighborhood that included several parkettes and cul de sacs. It was quite easy to access the park that contained the geohash, despite Google Maps insisting that there were no connecting roads or paths. After a short, uneventful walk, I reached the geohash.

The geohash itself was in an area of snow and bramble just off the main path. Literally 5 meters west, there was a "No Trespassing" sign from the Markland Green golf course. I don't know whether to consider myself lucky for so narrowly missing the threat of prosecution, or unlucky for being only 5 METRES OFF from the golf green. Not that I could get the golf achievement anyway, since it was the middle of winter and I was on my own.

After taking some photos of the hash, my phone immediately died. I retained my "proof", but got embarrassingly lost without GPS. Thankfully, I stumbled upon a small church and was able to ask directions, getting to the bus stop just as it went completely dark outside. There was a massive sense of relief and accomplishment, naturally. Pretty darn nice for a first geohash!



Meggs413 earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (43, -79) geohash on 2018-12-12.
Meggs413 earned the Public transport geohash achievement
by reaching the (43, -79) geohash on 2018-12-12 via TTC and YRT.
Meggs413 earned the Frozen Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (43, -79) geohash on 2018-12-12 while the temperature was -3°C.
Meggs413 earned the Two to the N achievement
by reaching 20 hashpoints on 2018-12-12 43 -79 and is promoted to Level 0 (Coordinates reached).