User:Tom W
From Geohashing
About Me

I'm from Melbourne, Australia and currently live in Coburg, Melbourne West. A few people I know were doing a lot of Geohashing so I followed them into it. I'm generally more enthusiastic than the number of Geohashs I've done would suggest.
2013-03-02 -37 144 - My first one. In a paddock, near Broadford.
2013-05-16_-37_145 - Dark and rainy Thursday night. What better time to ride to Mount Waverley.
2013-06-23 -37 144 - A pleasant days walk but a lack of coordination.
2013-07-04 -35 142 - In a paddock North of Birchip.
2016-02-28 -37 144 - In a park in Sunshine.