2024-07-27 50 5

From Geohashing
Revision as of 23:14, 27 July 2024 by Fippe (talk | contribs) (new report)
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Sat 27 Jul 2024 in 50,5:
50.8086992, 5.7211272
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


This Geohash is located on a street in an industrial area in Gronsveld.



In the morning, I walked to Osnabrück Central and took the train via Münster and Köln to Aachen Central. I wanted to take the train to Maastricht next, but it was cancelled last minute. Instead, I could have taken a bus, but it had just left. Fortunately, there was a perfectly-timed train to Aachen-Schanz. There, I caught the bus to Maastricht/Centre Céramique and walked the rest of the distance. It was slightly raining.

First, I crossed the river Maas, and crossed back at the next bridge. I walked south, parallel to the river, leaving Maastricht's municipal borders and crossing into Gronsveld. The coordinates were on a street in an industrial area, in front of a card dealership. Locating the coordinates and recording proof was not difficult. I waited a few minutes until 16:00, but nobody else showed up.

Afterwards, I walked to the Maastricht/Langendaal/Vahrensdaal bus stop. On the way, I tried peeking at Gronsveld Castle, but it was obscured by trees. I took the bus to Maastricht/Centre Céramique, stocked up on peanut butter at a nearby supermarket, and took the bus to Aachen Central. At least, almost.

Shortly before the bus could arrive at the station, a demonstration significantly slowed it down. Fortunately, the bus driver let me out, so I could run the last few hundred meters to the station and catch my train. From Aachen, I took the train via Köln, Münster and Osnabrück Central to Osnabrück-Altstadt and walked back home.




Fippe earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (50, 5) geohash on 2024-07-27.
2024-07-27 50 5 03 Geohash.jpg
Fippe earned the Drowned Rat Geohash Honourable Mention
by reaching the (50, 5) geohash on 2024-07-27 despite being partially wet from rain.
Fippe earned the OpenStreetMap achievement
by contributing to OpenStreetMap based on their expedition to the (50, 5) geohash on 2024-07-27.
Fippe earned the Border geohash achievement
by crossing the German-Dutch border on 2024-07-27 to reach the (50, 5) geohash.
Fippe earned the xkcd Quinquaginturion achievement
by attending 51 Saturday meetups.
Fippe earned the XKCD-100 Achievement
by reaching the (50, 5) geohash on 2024-07-27.