2022-10-14 45 -122
Fri 14 Oct 2022 in 45,-122: 45.4913024, -122.6492488 geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox |
"pedal to the metal, mom"
This is part 2 of Hamblingreen's multihashing expedition, read about part 1 here.
In the middle of Mall street in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Southeast Portland. Conveniently near Hamblingreen's mom's place of work: Now we can annoy people who live in the neighborhood by stopping in the middle of the street for a selfie, yay!
Expedition 1
- Hamblingreen
- Both parents
Expedition 5000
Now that we've finished our hike to the top of the butte, we'll go back down after filling up on trail mix. We'll drive back down the logging road and head into town, stopping by my mom's work to surprise her with a geohash. I don't plan on telling her what we're doing, just where to drive. Once we get there I'll get her to hit the gas so we can achieve the Speed Racer achievement. Then we'll all head home after a long multihash filled day.
Getting down from the butte was just as hard as going up, because I wore Vans I slipped once or twice on some pine needles. After we got in the truck and chugged another two bottles of water we drove back down the logging road, past those beautiful vistas and back toward Portland. We stopped at a Subway to grab a bite to eat and I had the usual BLT. Finally we arrived at my mom's work around 3:30.
Since my mom was off at 4, we hung around and bothered her coworkers for a bit before heading to the hash. We decided that my mom would drive her car with me in the passenger seat, and we'd folow dad who would guide us to the hashpoint. Once dad flashed his hazards, that was my signal to get mom to go pedal to the metal and catch a picture of both the speedometer and the hashpoint. My mom didn't cooperate. She stopped the car in the middle of the road and demanded "Is this part of a geohashing thing?" The game was up. We snapped a Stupid Grin (TM) and started to drive away. Just as we were turning the corner, I begged my mom to let me get the Speed Racer achievement. She finally relented as we drove around the block. I snapped a picture of us going 20 on a residential road. So scandalous!
I strapped on my helmet and rode down to the hashpoint after work. I suppose this was an opportunity to get the Speed Racer achievement under my own power, but it didn't occur to me, so I did the usual and stopped, shuffled around to find the right spot, and took photos. It was about a 7 mile round trip.
Then I headed home, got some sleep, and flew to Las Vegas for more geohashing!
Distractions and Detours
That was the extent of Hamblingreen's two part day long multihashing expedition. Unfortunately there were no distractions or detours on the way home from the second hash, we were all tired and wanted to grab pizza for dinner.
Hamblingreen earned the Speed racer achievement
Hamblingreen earned the Multihash Achievement