(user:thepiguy liked the Australia page so much he decided to create one for Canada. It's a work in progress.)
Canada is the world's second-largest country, having an area roughly equal to that of Europe, and is covered mainly in trees, rocks, and water. Although the local fauna lacks the natural toxicity of Australia's, they make up for it in body mass, claws, and teeth.
See the Canada category for a list of graticules by province.
Located at (82, -62), Alert is the worlds northern most permanently inhabited graticule... although I don't think any of the 5 people currently living there have ever heard of Geohashing... or xkcd... or possibly the internet.
Canada's second-largest city, the largest in the province of Québec, Montreal is in the (45,-73) graticule. It is on The Island of Montreal with a couple of other towns/cities. The Island of Montreal is situated in the Saint Lawrence River in which the haspoint sometimes falls. Often the coordinates of the day will fall on either shore of the Islands, out of public transportation range.
Québec is one of the oldest cities in Canada. One of the prettiest cities in Canada as some have compared the old town to Europe because of its style. The impressive Château Frontenac, the most famous landmark of Québec (the province), is in Québec City.
Canada's largest city, Toronto of course, resides in the (43, -79) graticule. Former home to the world's tallest free-standing structure (screw you Dubai!), Toronto offers sights and some pretty awesome public transportation. What parts of the graticule that aren't covered by Lake Ontario are probably some of the most accessible in the country.
Of the dozen or so Geohashers listed, only Splitdipless would appear to be the lone contender.
Nestled in the now infamous (49,-123) graticule, the city of Vancouver is Canada's third largest but comes in at #1 for geohashing! The metro Vancouver district covers only a small corner of the largely inaccessible graticule as well as part of the Surrey graticule to the east. The local populations rarely let this get in their way of fun, however, and routinely travel by foot, bike, car, kayak, and plane to... pretty much anywhere they feel like!
The folks in Washington liked it enough to create their own - and confused a lot of people who decided to drive up the coast and meet in "Vancouver."
Local Geohashers include:
British Columbia's capital is located in the beautiful graticule of (48, -123). Full of wonderful bike paths, Victoria also has regular (albeit somewhat expensive) ferry access to the mainland as well as to the Gulf islands.
Wenslayer, Jrade and Muffin are Vancouver Island's best shots at regulars, but the Vancouver crew can also be found wandering about too.