This user likes juggling clubs at hashpoints.
Likes to get there by bike.
This user writes about itself in the third person.
Hijackal started hashing in 50,7, but has since moved: Now, he lives about 10 km from the 48,8 confluence in 48,7
He had been planning to go to one since he read the comic, but his refusal to go by car makes things harder.
Every few months he would glance at the coordinates, find them too far away for his cycling capabilities, and forget about hashing again.
Now, he has signed up for the wiki and a python script calculates the distances to the closest hashes every afternoon, when they become available for the next day, so he can decide whether to go.
This has helped a lot, and he has now been to several hashes, dragging along the innocent and meeting random strangers. One of his former dragalongs has even been dragged into creating an account here.
Hijackal compiles the data for the Meetup_graph at irregular intervals.
Hijackal would like to:
- Meet someone at a hash, teach them to juggle before leaving.