2023-10-29 -34 138

From Geohashing
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Sun 29 Oct 2023 in -34,138:
-34.9171734, 138.5969208
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


In front of the Adelaide Oval south gate


XXOs (talk)


After finding out about this hash on Saturday and subsequently putting the following message in the Discord:

A screenshot of a Discord message from XXOs saying 'tomorrow's is literally just in front of adelaide oval holy shit'

I planned to take a bus into the city after lunch.

I also realised that the geocache GC2CJWA (Anatidaephobia) was nearby and that I could potentially get a Hash collision achievement.


While it would have been convenient for me to take a bus more or less directly to the hash (given that it was right outside Adelaide Oval), I instead opted for a bus to take me to a GeoSquishy vendor first because there was one within 1km of the hash.

After obtaining my GeoSquishy (and a donut because why not), I walked from the OTR across the Torrens via a bridge with an unnecessarily long name (the Riverbank Precinct Pedestrian Bridge). I then proceeded to spend an embarrassingly long time finding the 1/5 difficulty, 1/5 terrain geocache that I'd identified in planning. Thankfully I found it eventually, and to be honest it was quite a fun find. (Cache log: GL1B194TA)

The cache isn't the point of this expedition, though, and so the next thing to do was to actually reach the hash point. That was beyond easy, given that it was basically just across the road from the cache and in very publicly accessible land. By this point most of my GeoSquishy was either melted or had been drank, so I finished it off there. I took the relevant proof images, including a few of my new hashscot, and then took a bus back home.


Given that I was in the city for most of this hash, some of the tracklog is a bit off.



GeoSquishy Stars: +5

XXOs earned the Hash collision achievement
by discovering the geocache GC2CJWA 90m from the (-34, 138) geohash on 2023-10-29.
2023-10-29 -34 138 geocache.jpg