My home coordinates are plusminus 48.53,9.06 in the city of Tuebingen, Germany.
I was born and lived for a long time in 49,11 and still am there from time to time.
I plan to geohash mostly by bicycle, but will make short detours (less than 5km one way), if a geohash is near to a route I'm driving by car anyway.
Finally I started with geohashing after years of just watching and checking the coordinates like once every few months :)
Only the first ribbon is listed for achievements I acquired more than once.
Getting There
(1) 2015-05-17 48 8
(2) 2015-06-12 48 9
(3) 2015-07-12 48 11
(4) 2015-08-16 48 8
(5) 2015-08-28 48 9
(6) 2015-09-11 48 9
(7) 2015-10-19 48 9
(8) 2015-11-03 48 11
(9) 2015-11-08 49 11
(10) 2015-11-28 48 9
(11) 2015-12-28 50 11
(12) 2016-01-04 49 11
(13) 2016-01-17 48 8
(1, 42km) 2015-05-17 48 8
(2, 36km) 2015-06-12 48 9
(3, 18km) 2015-08-28 48 9
(4, 18km) 2015-10-19 48 9
(not reached, 7km) 2015-11-26 48 9
(5, 38km, pedelec) 2015-12-28 50 11
(6, 17km, broken tire) 2016-01-17 48 8
(1) 2015-07-12 48 11
(2) 2015-09-11 48 9
(3) 2015-11-03 48 11
(1) 2015-11-08 49 11
(2) 2016-01-04 49 11
Meetup Achievement
none yet
People met during Geohash expeditions
People missed
For an over view see the map: or use the table below. It contains the first successful hash for each graticule.
I only included graticules for the moment for which I know I'll be travelling through or staying at least for a few days per year and thus there is a small possibility to get them, if the algorithm is kind enough! Those with brackets are quite unlikely :(
Klaus achieved level 1 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
- by visiting coordinates in 48,9 and 1 of the surrounding graticules.
Klaus achieved level 1 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
- by visiting coordinates in 48,8 and 1 of the surrounding graticules.
Klaus achieved level 1 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
- by visiting coordinates in 48,11 and 1 of the surrounding graticules.
Klaus achieved level 2 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
- by visiting coordinates in 49,11 and 2 of the surrounding graticules.
Klaus achieved level 1 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
- by visiting coordinates in 50,11 and 1 of the surrounding graticules.
Furthermore, I'm travelling for work sometimes, so I might be able to get some other graticules mostly in Germany, too.
(1) 2015-11-01 48 11 (2) 2015-11-26 48 9
(1) 2015-11-03 48 11
(1) 2015-11-03 48 11
Bash Script
As I always forget to look up the coordinates, I hacked this (very ugly) bash script to let a daily cronjob inform me per email, whenever a geohash is near to me:
a=$(curl '' 2>/dev/null |
iconv -f 'iso8859-1' -t 'utf8' |
sed 's/<br>/\n/g' |
sed 's/ / /g' |
fgrep 'km' |
cut -d ':' -f2 |
cut -d 'k' -f1 |
sort -n |
head -n 1 |
cut -d '.' -f 1)
echo $a
if [ $a -lt $maxdistance ]
echo '' |
mail -s "geohash is near to tuebingen ($a)" USERNAME
I just parses the small hash inquiry tool from Ekorren in the most complicated way and sends the mail via a local mailserver :)