2020-07-15 54 13

From Geohashing
Revision as of 14:11, 15 July 2020 by SastRe.O (talk | contribs) (Pictures to achievements)
Wed 15 Jul 2020 in Greifswald, Germany:
54.0451230, 13.5087677
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


Diedrichshagen forest, Weitenhagen, MV, Germany.


SastRe.OSastReO logo.png


Well, plans where a bit unusual for today's hash. The weather hasn't been great these last weeks and I even had to give up some possible hashes because of it and I was getting tired of it ;) So, I saw that today's hash was near and seemed easy, but then I looked for the weather forecast for today and it showed rain going on and off all day... again... And then I had an idea, why not try for a midnight hash? Rain won't start until 06:00-07:00 am. Then it occurred maybe staying there overnight but I wasn't so sure about it. I packed some things just in case I decided to stay there. I also thought that if I stayed, I could try to spot the comet Neowise since, if I am not wrong, you can spot it these days right before sunrise. Unluckily for me, the forecast said it had to be cloudy all night and the next day.


So, let's see what I ended up doing. Since I have not camping material where I am living now, I packed the basics: a pillow, an oilcloth to lay over and some warm clothes. And at 23:00 I left home, so to reach the hash slightly before midnight.

Grabbed Winterbuche, well equipped with frontal and rear lights and headed towards the forest. I know these paths very well, so it was no problem riding them at dark. They appeared to feel however narrower than I am used to, since my light only illuminated a restricted area in front of me. I just hope I didn't scare/disturb the living fauna in the forest to much. It's their home.

All went as planned and at about 23:45 I was already parking Winterbuche and doing the last approach by foot. The undergrowth is not very dense here so it's easy to walk through and after some dancing at 23:50 I located the hash :) Right before midnight, just in time. Oh got I was sweating. Had to change clothes.

And then I started to decide, go back home or stay here for the night. More or less right about now is when I wrote this message from the spot (well, a little bit later, since the Geohash Droid app wasn't working for me):

Midnight hash! Not very good editing in situ, will write a propper report once home, tomorrow. Planing on spending the night here. --SastRe.O (talk) 22:47, 14 July 2020 (UTC)

To be true, I was tired and I since I had all the thing packed with me... I found a cosy spot about 6m next to the hash and camped there. The soil was soft and comfier than expected. I fell asleep easier than I thought. Not directly, since an ant bit me in the middle finger and it bugged me for a while, but right after that. It wasn't very profound, but I got some rest.

But then, very rapidly, about at 03:00am the temperature sunk noticeably. I had some cover, but the my feet stayed out. Now I couldn't find the right position and didn't rest as much. And it started to dawn. After some on and off I checked my phone an 04:15. The sun had to rose at around 04:50, at there was enough daylight already. Kept lying down but awakening. I went on checking Winterbuche and noticed that I had no air in the rear wheel... Please not now ¿^^ (Winterbuche will be retiring soon, it deserves some rest). However, it was not too bad. Pumped some air and it seemed to hold.

I packed everything and at about 05:00, right after sunrise I took off back home, taking the same path. I needed no light now for my bike. Once home the city was starting to wake up.



My things at the hash. 
Arrived just before midnight. 
Proof with GPS. 
Proof with app. 
Sleeping arrangements ready. 
View from sleeping position at 04:22am. Starts to dawn. 
Looking east at the sunrise, at exactly 04:50. 
My bivouac shelter just before packing it back. 


SastRe.O earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (54, 13) geohash on 2020-07-15.
SastRe.O with Winterbuche earned the Bicycle geohash achievement
by cycling 18km to and from the (54, 13) geohash on 2020-07-15.
SastRe.O earned the Two to the N achievement
by reaching 25 hashpoints on 2020-07-15 54 13 and is promoted to Level 5 (Coordinates reached).
SastRe.O earned the Midnight Geohash achievement
by reaching the (54, 13) geohash on 2020-07-15 in the middle of the night.
2020-07-15 54 13 midnight.jpg
SastRe.O earned the Camping geohash achievement
by camping in bivouac 6m the (54, 13) geohash on 2020-07-15, from midnight to 05:00.
2020-07-15 54 13 bivac.jpg
SastRe.O earned the Sunrise Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (54, 13) geohash on 2020-07-15 to smile at the first rays of sun to cross the horizon.
2020-07-15 54 13 sunrise.jpg

Other Geohashing Expeditions and Plans on This Day

Expeditions and Plans

Chełm, Poland JRK After 7 years of inaction in this graticule (and 4 years of general inactio...
Stralsund, Germany SastRe.O Diedrichshagen forest, Weitenhagen, MV, Germany.

Update this list.