
Note: The birthday provided to this template is not
actually my birthday; it's merely the nearest
approximation of it, as my birthday varies from year
to year. In 2022 my birthday fell out on September 2.
In 2023 it will fall out on August 23.
Um... hi!
Yerushalmi is your friendly neighborhood oleh yashan living in Jerusalem with his beautiful wife and five amazing children, whom he finally managed to convince thanks to years of effort and a pandemic that geohashing might be an interesting experience. His first foray into geohashing was not very successful (four points reached out of only a dozen or so attempts), but after a hiatus of nearly nine years, he's finally starting to rack up the hash points.
My expeditions
Total expeditions: (TBC) Total successes: (TBC)
Bolded expeditions indicate successes.
- 2009-03-17_31_34: A drag-along holy no-batteries land geohash in the virgin Beersheba graticule.
- 2009-04-10_31_34: A police no-batteries unleavened land geohash in the Beersheba graticule.
- 2009-04-13_32_34: An unplanned expedition that found my wife and me only 70 meters from the hash point without realization or intention.
- 2009-06-18_32_34: Almost but not quite a Puppet Master Geohash.
- 2009-08-16_31_34: A plain old no-batteries land geohash in the Beersheba graticule. With a surprise celebrity guest.
- 2009-10-06_32_35: Rain, paint, and failure in the Haifa East graticule.
- 2009-12-29_32_34: Predestined failure in the Tel Aviv graticule.
- 2011-10-17_32_34: Virgin speed racer land geohash with wife and first child. Last attempt before going on hiatus.
- 2020-08-16_31_34: First attempt after almost nine years of absence. Failure due to reticence at entering someone's field.
- 2020-08-18_32_34: First success in a very long time: a land geohash reached with #2 in tow. Wife and other children did not reach the hashpoint.
- 2020-08-24_32_34: Land geohash in Holon reached with wife, mother-in-law, #1, #2, #4, and #5.
- 2020-08-31_31_34: Car got stuck in a sand dune, causing failure in Holon.
- 2021-07-21_31_34: First full-family geohash: speed racer with wife and #1 through #5.
- 2021-08-13_31_34: Land geohash reached with #1, #2, and #3.
- 2021-08-22_31_34: Land geohash reached with #1 and #2.
- 2021-08-23_31_34: Failed attempt to get the Ambassador achievement - me and #2 reached the land geohash on the way to knock on the person's door, so we didn't bother knocking.
- 2021-08-25_31_35: Expedition failure due to taking too long to leave the house and taking the wrong path due to a trail that wasn't on the map.
- 2021-08-29_32_34: The illusion of success: The geohash was on the other side of a wall, and the first time we got there we were within the circle of uncertainty, but the second time we weren't.
- 2021-09-13_31_34: Expedition failure because of misbehaving kids.
- 2021-09-29_31_34: Attempt to get an ambassador achievement failed because nobody was home.
- 2021-10-05_31_35: Me, #1, and #2 had our first success in 31 35, and a walk geohash to boot.
- 2021-10-07_31_35: Another hash in Jerusalem (twice in a week!), reached by everyone in the family: me, my wife, and #1-#5.
- 2021-04-11_31_34: Success for everyone but #4, who fell asleep in the car. Also successful drag-along of my mother-in-law.
- 2021-09-11_31_35: Success for me and #3; my wife, #4, and #5 stayed in the car.
- 2021-11-15_31_34: Point in the middle of the road, in a very creepy town. We drove through the point by car. Success for everyone, and Unconscious Geohash success for #4.
- 2021-12-06_31_34: Success for me, my wife, #4, and #5, with a mother-in-law drag-along.
- 2021-12-07_32_34: Me and #3 succeeded in ambassadoring ourselves into a closed carpentry shop, but the point turned out to be elsewhere. Failure.
- 2022-01-26_31_34: Success for me, my wife, #3, #4, and #5. On an archaeological site, an ancient city called Sokho.
- 2022-02-09_31_35: A particularly difficult geohash. Me and #2 climbed a mountain pretty much entirely made of thorns.
- 2022-03-20_31_35: Round-trip walk geohash with #3 and #4 to a point just outside of Jerusalem, 2km from my house.
- 2022-04-11_31_34: Gold medal for the most beautiful geohash I've ever done. Success for all of us.
- 2022-04-18_31_35: Failure due to lack of access from the highway and a massive dust storm.
- 2022-05-16_31_34: In a pumpkin field 200m away from where I got married (the venue is now abandoned). My wife, #1, and #5 chickened out of crossing a dry riverbed. Success for me, #3, and #4.
- 2022-07-26_31_34: Everyone but me chickened out because of loose dogs, and forced me to comply with their chickening out.
- 2022-08-24_31_34: My first of what will become known as a Train Day(tm). Success in Kfar Chabad. I missed meeting Deneko and Yosef.
- 2022-08-25_32_34: Train day to the edge of an artificial lake near Binyamina.
- 2022-08-28_31_34: Train day, to a grove of olive or date trees, according to what I wrote at the time. I genuinely don't remember a thing about this hash.
- 2022-10-15_32_34: Saturday night hash on the way home from my brother's house. Success for me, my wife, and #3; everyone else was asleep in the car.
- 2022-11-10_31_34: Train day. Expedition abandoned due to family medical emergency.
- 2022-11-28_32_35: Train day to Afula. Success.
- 2022-12-19_32_34: Train day to an orange grove near Netanya, and my first successful Ambassador achievement!
- 2023-01-16_32_35: Train day. Expedition abandoned due to forgetting my laptop power cable at home.
- 2023-01-19_32_34: Train day to outside a basketball court in Netanya.
- 2023-02-13_32_34: Train day to farmland that had a no trespassing sign.
- 2023-02-21_31_35: Just outside Jerusalem, but failed the walk geohash with #3 and #5 due to time constraints.
- 2023-02-28_31_35: Train day. Success in Beit Shemesh.
- 2023-03-16_32_34: Train day to a field outside Hadera, and my return contemporaneous expedition reporting.
- 2023-03-23_33_35: Train day. Virgin graticule. Success!
- 2023-04-10_32_34: Expedition called off due to thunderstorm that began shortly after our arrival.
- 2023-04-13_31_34: Train day. Success in Sderot.
- 2023-04-17_31_34: The most fun failure I've ever had, with #3 and #5. #5 still brings up the fun time a cow chased us and Aba slipped and fell off a cliff.
- 2023-04-18_31_34: Train day. No trespassing failure in Yashresh. Weirded a guy out asking him to come into his garden.
- 2023-05-09_31_35: Failure due to not recognizing the point was in a closed military zone.
- 2023-05-21_31_34: Train day. Success near haystacks in Gvaram.
- 2023-05-28_32_34: Train day. Failure. I remember nothing about this.
- 2023-05-31_31_34: Train day. Successfully reached a point just inside or just outside a community center (I covered both just in case).
(Note to self: I've finished page 60 of the backlog in updating these expeditions.)
My achievements
Yerushalmi earned the Drag-along achievement
Yerushalmi earned the Land geohash achievement
Yerushalmi earned the Holy hash achievement
Yerushalmi earned the No Batteries Geohash Achievement
Yerushalmi and his wife earned the Police Geohash Achievement
Yerushalmi and his wife earned the Unleavened Geohash achievement
Yerushalmi and his wife earned the Celebrity Geohash achievement
Fun Stuff
On the difference between a man and a GPS.
The Israeli Geohasher's Theme Song
קום והתהלך בארץ
בתרמיל ובמקל,
וודאי תפגוש בדרך
שוב את ארץ ישראל.
יחבקו אותך דרכיה
של הארץ הטובה,
היא תקרא אותך אליה
כמו אל ערש אהבה.
זאת אכן אותה הארץ.
זו אותה האדמה
ואותה פיסת הסלע
הנצרבת בחמה.
ומתחת לאספלט
לבניני הראוה,
מסתתרת המולדת
בישנית וענוה.
קום והתהלך בארץ
בתרמיל ובמקל,
וודאי תפגוש בדרך
שוב את ארץ ישראל.
יחבקו אותך דרכיה
של הארץ הטובה,
היא תקרא אותך אליה
כמו אל ערש אהבה.
וכרמי עצי הזית
ומסתור המעין,
עוד שומרים על חלומה
וחלומנו הישן.
וגגות אודמים על הר
וילדים על השבילים.
במקום שבו הלכנו
עם חגור ותרמילים.