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Ribbons I have attained during my Geohashing career are listed below. The first achievement is listed for most, apart from those I feel are really hard to obtain.

Location Achievements

Greenslime and JimmyNZ earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (-36, 174) geohash on 2010-01-24.
2010 01 24 -36 174 view from the hashs.jpg
Greenslime earned the cubicle geohash almost honorable mention
by working not that far from the (-36, 174) geohash on 2010-07-20.
Greenslime earned the cubicle geohash almost honorable mention
by working not that far from the (-36, 174) geohash on 2010-08-31.
Greenslime and JimmyNZ earned the Speed racer achievement
by passing through the (-37, 175) geohash on 2010-06-04 at 100 km/h.
File 2010-06-04 -37 175 speeding.jpg.JPG
Greenslime and JimmyNZ earned the Tale of Two Hashes achievement
by meeting the challenge by Hessophanes, Hiro, JUB and relet to geohash in New Zealand going to the (-36, 174) geohash on 2010-01-24.
2010 01 24 -36 174 view from the hashs.jpg
Greenslime earned the Hash collision honorable mention
by discovering the geocache GC2GVQG 0.05 km from the (-36, 174) geohash on 2012-01-09.
2012-01-09 -36 174 Cache.JPG
Greenslime earned the Couch Potato Geohash Honorable Mention
by living near the (-36, 174) geohash on 2012-01-16.

Activities & Attire Achievements

Greenslime earned the Puppet Master Geohash achievement
by manipulating Neo to reach the (-36, 174) geohash on 2011-10-11.
2011-10-11 -36 174 Neo.jpg
Greenslime and JimmyNZ earned the Public transport geohash achievement
by reaching the (-36, 174) geohash on 2010-12-26 via Northern Express 895 bus - Albany to Smales Farm.
2010-12-26 -36 174 bus.jpg
Greenslime and JimmyNZ earned the Speed racer achievement
by passing through the (-37, 175) geohash on 2010-06-04 at 100 km/h.
File 2010-06-04 -37 175 speeding.jpg.JPG
Greenslime and JimmyNZ earned the Tron achievement
by reaching and returning from the (-36, 174) geohash without crossing their own tracks on 2010-12-26.
Greenslime and JimmyNZ earned the Walk geohash Achievement
by reaching the (-36, 174) geohash on 2010-12-26 on foot, travelling a distance of 13.3 km.
Greenslime and JimmyNZ earned the GeoTrash Geohash Achievement
by cleaning up the (-38, 175) geohash on 2010-01-29.
2010 01 29 -38 175 geotrash and rainbow.jpg
XKCD 235 kite 2.jpg
Greenslime and JimmyNZ earned the Fly a kite achievement
by flying a kite at the 2010-07-07 -37 175 hash.
Flying a kite at the hash point.JPG
Greenslime earned the No Batteries Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (-36, 174) geohash on 2010-06-24.
2010-06-24 -36 174 That direction.jpg
Greenslime and JimmyNZ earned the Pie Geohash Achievement
by baking Xmas fruit-mince pies for other people to degustate at the (-36, 174) geohash on 2010-12-26.
2010-12-26 -36 174 Jim Pie.jpg

Challenge Achievements

Greenslime earned the No Batteries Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (-36, 174) geohash on 2010-06-24.
2010-06-24 -36 174 That direction.jpg
Greenslime earned the Consecutive geohash achievement
by reaching 2 consecutive hash points starting on 2010-08-07.
Greenslime earned the Consecutive geohash achievement
by reaching 2 consecutive hash points starting on 2010-08-31.
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash 3.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Greenslime achieved level 3 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in South Waikato, New Zealand and 3 of the surrounding graticules.

Interaction Achievements

Greenslime and JimmyNZ earned the Ambassador achievement
by obtaining permission from farmer to access the (-37, 175) geohash on 2010-07-07.
Launching the kite.JPG
Greenslime earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging Maximus Adonis to the (-36, 174) geohash on 2010-08-08.
2010-08-08 -36 174 geotrash.jpg

Timing Achievements

Greenslime earned the Last chick standing achievement
by being the the only hasher world-wide to go on a geohashing expedition on 2010-06-24.
2010-06-24 -36 174 Water Feeder.jpg

"I'm Better than You" Achievements

Greenslime and JimmyNZ earned the East geohash achievement
by reaching the (-38, 175) geohash on 2010-01-29.
2010 01 29 -38 175 Future easterly hashes await in this direction.jpg
Graticule unlocked.png
Greenslime and JimmyNZ earned the Graticule Unlocked Achievement
by being the first to reach any hashpoint in the (-38, 175) graticule, here, on 2010-01-29.
2010 01 29 -38 175 Beating blackberry into submission.jpg
Graticule unlocked.png
Greenslime earned the Graticule Unlocked Achievement
by being the first to reach any hashpoint in the (-39, 175) graticule, here, on 2011-07-04.
2011-07-04 -39 175 Mt Ruapehu.jpg

Consolation Prizes

Greenslime earned the Cliffs of Despair consolation prize
by being prevented from reaching the (-37, 174) geohash on 2010-10-07 by steep ridge face.
Greenslime earned the My kingdom for a boat consolation prize
by being prevented from reaching the (-37, 174) geohash on 2010-10-07 by an impassable and unforeseen Pararaha River.
Greenslime and JimmyNZ earned the No trespassing consolation prize
by almost reaching the (-37, 176) geohash on 2010-06-07.
File 2010-06-07 -37 176 No Trespassing.jpg.JPG