Proposed achievements

From Geohashing
Revision as of 15:36, 5 November 2024 by KerrMcF (talk | contribs) (Proposing a new achievement: Moving "Create this page" and adding point on watching page. Fits the actual process better)

This page explains how to propose new achievements (ribbons).

Proposed achievements
2000s Geocashing · Nanny
2010s Networking · Tag the hash
2020s EcoFriendly · Graticuleader · Guard Dog · Holiday · Hot and bothered · Planes trains and automobiles

Proposing a new achievement

Anyone can propose a new achievement.

  1. Create a new page (go to{achievement}, replacing {achievement} with your achievement name).
  2. Enter a description. The more detailed, the better. Try to be clear about questions such as:
    • Is it required for the achiever to reach the geohash?
    • What proof is required?
    • Are there any special rules that restrict the geohasher's behaviour?
  3. Use the Template:Ribbon to demonstrate what the ribbon may look like. The achievement does not need its own template at this stage, you can use the Ribbon template directly in the page.
  4. Add the [[Category:Proposed achievements]] category, and no others.
  5. Once you're happy with the proposal, click "Create this page".
  6. Edit the Template:Proposed achievements page to add a link to your new achievement. Your entry should be ordered alphabetically.
  7. Tell people about it. Perhaps this could be done in our Discord server, or by messaging people you know.
  8. Keep a watch for comments from others, which may include suggestions on how to improve your proposal.

Discussing a proposal

To discuss a proposed achievement, head to the talk page of the proposed achievement. If there isn't one, create it by clicking the "Discussion" tab at the top of the page.

Add a comment as follows:

  • Support - you think this proposal should be added with zero or minor changes
  • Do not oppose - you think it's boring/meh/not for you, but it wouldn't harm to have it created
  • Oppose - you have a specific reason as to why this ribbon should not exist (state this reasoning in your comment)
  • Needs work - you think the achievement should be created after more significant changes have been made

Proposals: what not to do

Avoid proposing achievements where:

  • The activity proposed is illegal, offensive, intrinsically dangerous, or contrary to the spirit of geohashing. This means no achievements for theft, vandalism, rudeness, environmental damage, or similar.
  • The ribbon is a subset of - or has a large overlap with - an existing ribbon, such that everyone who won one would win both.
  • The ribbon is for a trivial activity that almost anyone could do at almost any geohash without significant preparation.
  • The ribbon cannot be earned across the globe. Achievements should not require geohashers to be located in a specific part of the world in order to earn it. This means a "geohash in Canada" achievement should not be made, but a "geohash near to a pub" (Pub Geohash) could and has been made.

Passing the proposal stage

When the achievement...

  • has been open for discussion for at least seven days
  • has a complete page, including a ribbon
  • has supporters from different graticules, and
  • no longer has any significant opposition

...the Proposed achievement category is replaced by New achievement and the page/template get proper categories and a listing in the appropriate section of the Achievements page. The proposal is also removed from the Template:Proposed achievements page. To ensure real support, the person who finalises the achievement should not be the same as the one who proposed it.

Failing the proposal stage

If an achievement has strong opposition and the reasons for opposition are not resolved through discussion, then the Proposed achievements category is replaced with the Rejected achievements category, the reason explained succinctly on the page, and the page otherwise marked to make sure it isn't confused with an achievements page. The proposal is also removed from the Template:Proposed achievements page and added to the Template:Rejected achievements page.


The template Template:Proposal talk adds a link to the talk page if it is on a main page. If it is already on a talk page, it asks for comments to be written below.

This is a proposal made on {{{date}}}. Please leave comments and suggestions on Talk:Proposed achievements, indicating your thoughts on the proposal, including:
  • Support - you think this proposal should be added with zero or minor changes
  • Do not oppose - you think it's boring/meh/not for you, but it wouldn't harm to have it created
  • Oppose - you have a specific reason as to why this ribbon should not exist (state this reasoning in your comment)
  • Needs work - you think the achievement should be created after more significant changes have been made

See Proposed achievements for more information on this process.

The template Template:Rejected puts a message box on the page, details the reasons for rejection, and adds the page to the respective category.

This achievement was proposed in the past, but has been rejected, because it was too good to be true. Please read the discussion page for more details.

As per the page proposed achievements: If an achievement has strong opposition and the reasons for opposition are not resolved through discussion, then the proposed achievements category is replaced with the rejected achievements category, the reason explained succinctly on the page, and the page otherwise marked to make sure it isn't confused with an achievements page.

Background: why?

We need this system:

  • To preserve good ideas and get them turned into ribbons if their proposers don't know how.
  • To ensure that every new achievement is well-thought-out, clearly described and free of controversy.
  • To block the creation of silly ribbons (the same ideas can still be Gratuitous Ribbons).
  • To ensure that newly created ribbons comply with the naming conventions and are properly listed and categorized.
  • To make it easy for people to find out about new ribbons.
  • To save time on "we already talked about that and no one liked it" discussions.

One achievement that could have used such a process is the Speed racer achievement, which to discourage lawbreaking, specifies that achievers must drive the speed limit, but is now controversial when there is no speed limit (Autobahn, unofficial road) or a very low speed limit. Another achievement, the First Geohasher award - now renamed the Earliest geohasher achievement because of this confusion - was originally intended for the purpose now served by the Graticule Unlocked award, but was poorly defined and ended up being interpreted differently.

Proposed achievements
2000s Geocashing · Nanny
2010s Networking · Tag the hash
2020s EcoFriendly · Graticuleader · Guard Dog · Holiday · Hot and bothered · Planes trains and automobiles
Rejected achievements
Airborne · Awesome addiction · Bingo · Boats are for sissies! · Celebrity · Children of the Hash · Christmas GPS · Citation Needed · Day Late and a Dollar Short · Dogwalking · Drunk · False start · Ferry · Fibonacci · Fire safety · First aid · Foreign · Free Culture · Good Samaritan · Hashholiday · Irony · Lying Down Game · Mapillary · Motorcycle · Mythical beast · Over and under · Polyhash · Red spider · Reflowered Graticule · Relay · Rite of passage · Romantic · Rubik's Cube · Samaritan · Save the Crop · Serendipity · Sharing · Ski · Smoking · Stacking · Strange attractor · Travelling hashman · Tree dresser · Valentine's · Virgin World · With the dead · You Lost