Picnic achievement
A picnic geohash achievement may be taken by anyone who enjoys a picnic meal at a geohash, or at a safe, accessible location nearby.
A picnic meal requires geohashers to sit down and enjoy food with at least one of the following picnic accessories: picnic basket, tablecloth, napkins, colourful plastic tableware. Traditional accoutrements associated with a festive outdoor meal in other cultures are also acceptable.
Despite the illustration, Geoflashing is not required for this achievement.
A simple photograph of you and your companions, if any, enjoying the picnic meal (with the accoutrements noted above) will suffice, but for extra points, have an impressionist painter capture the image of your repast. For double bonus points, reenact the scene, here. NOTE: No double score unless the reclining man is wearing a properly-fitted hat-with-tassle (what the heck are those called, again?!)
Post links to your picnic here. most recent on top
2013-12-25 35 -118 - Bravissimo594 and Boppy5, with plenty of interference.
2012-08-30 -35 149 - 1PE
2012-06-10_52_5 - Eupeodes
2012-05-04_59_18 - Per S, T-Res and Angsy.
2009-10-03 51 -1 - lots of food and drink, and even a picnic blanket, yay! :)
2009-08-31 39 -104 - Cedar, Jennifer, Rachael, and Obed Myers.
2009-03-28 39 -86 - Erik and Kira.
2009-02-10 52 12 - lyx and relet and relet and relet.
2009-02-03_53_9 - Hermann and Matthias combined Picnic and Midnight Geohashing.
Ribbon Template
And award yourself a ribbon like the one below, using this template.
This user earned the Picnic achievement