
From Geohashing


All locations: .7667093, .8028228
Globalhash: 48.007681614988,109.016216956010

Photo Gallery

Expeditions and Plans

Dallas, Texas Luke, Emily In a vacant lot next to an intersection, across from a gas station, and nex...
Danbury, Connecticut DMAJB On the path cut for power lines through the woods of Pleasant Valley, NY.
Lyon, France Baarde On a strip of lawn, next to a community centre in Lyon.
Mannheim, Germany Gefrierbrand, Santu, Pedro the dog, an unknown nice Lady, anoth on a path with a nice view on the castle Lichtenberg
Moscow, Russia January First-of-May Terletsky Park, Moscow.
Joensuu, Finland Kripakko In lake Höytiäinen, nearly a kilometre from the nearest shore.

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