The Dance™
The Dance™[1] is an integral part of geohashing using satellite navigation (if you are going for a No Batteries Geohash, there is a variant which is called "Where was that one shrub I saw on the imagery?").
Sometimes it is called "the GPS dance" (although one can use any GNSS handheld, not just GPS), "the bee dance", or "getting signal". It may be performed with any number of partners, minimum two (the hasher and the receiver) or one if pursuing a geohash by proxy achievement.
Swing your partner round and round. This is not necessary to proceed, but turnabout is fair play, and it's really a preemptive strike, as the process of repeatedly overshooting the estimated location and having to backtrack is recompense enough. (After all, if the satellites aren't [geo]stationary, why should you be?)
The Dance™ is only classified as a two-step if you achieved a Couch Potato Geohash; otherwise it will probably take a lot more steps.
Rhonda's dad gets down at 2009-06-28 50 -120
Robyn does a badger/mushroom/snake version at 2009-04-05 48 -122, although it looks like it could double for...
...the YMCA dance, xkcd edition, here performed by three hashers at 2008-10-31 41 -96 and a banana
Mampfred boogies at 2011-03-13 52 9
Little do these ballroom dancers know that they are just formal attire achievement drag-alongs to the real Dance™️ at 2013-06-02 55 37.
Jens and Anna dancing in a forest at 2014-04-12 50 11; GeorgDerReisende would soon arrive to tango.
Georg has done many hashes including 2014-05-25 51 9 and many dances; an activity that works up a sweat.
A sculpture gets in the swing of things at 2014-10-02 52 9.
Multimodal dancing at 2009-04-16 48 -122
Dancing comes natural on four legs (unless they are all left feet). Simon and Myka at 2020-04-18 42 -77
thepiguy dances with vigour at 2009-06-11 49 9...
...and demonstrates proper form at 2009-07-11 47 19: antenna tilted daintily but far from his radio-dense body.
- Jump up ↑ not actually trademarked by anyone...we hope