Only the best or first of multiple achievements will be shown here.
3 times Baerenfell earned the Land geohash achievement
Baerenfell earned the Public transport geohash achievement
Baerenfell earned the Drag-along achievement
Baerenfell earned the No Batteries Geohash Achievement
Baerenfell achieved level 1 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
Baerenfell earned the Earliest geohasher achievement
Consolation prizes
not one! everything worked just fine!
About me
I'm a studying astrophysics at the LMU in Munich, Bavaria. As I don't have a car most of my Hashes will be near Munich (Gradicules: southern part of München, Germany and northern part of Innsbruck, Austria). I'll reach those either by Train or Bike.
Total Expeditions | 5 | by:* | |
5/5 | bicycle | 1 |
0 | walking | 0 | |
0 | public transport | 3 | |
0 | car | 0 | |
1 | boat | 1 | |
Saturday meetups | 0/0 | ||
* the longest part of traveling counts, except with boat (wouldn't happen very often), there the final approach counts.
If the weather is fine :) I'll make the 47,11 Hash on Sunday (2009-04-05) my first one.
My birthday geohash is just north of Maisach. I will go there with Jones, reaching it at about 6 pm
First one overall in the Kempten gradicule on 07.June 2009. Went there with Danatar, Srs0, Thepiguy, dawidi, Hans, Tomcat, Ekorren and zb. Worlds first underwater geohash as well. Really awesome. (2009-06-07 47 10)
First by bike on 05.June 2009 again in Munich. Reached it with my flatmate Sami. (2009-06-05 48 11)
First hash in my home city of Munich on Wednesday the 03.June 2009 (2009-06-03 48 11)
First hash in my home gradicule 48,11 on Wednesday the 15.April 2009 (2009-04-15 48 11)
First overall Hash. Successfully reached the 47,11 Hashpoint on Sunday the 5.April 2009 with Jones and Naty (2009-04-05 47 11)
Regional Hash Bavaria
second one down. 18 to go.