User:GeorgDerReisende/the eleventh year
Expedition lists of GeorgDerReisende
the first year • the second year • the third year • the fourth year • the fifth year • the sixth year • the seventh year • the eighth year • the nineth year • the tenth year • the eleventh year • the current year |
my expeditions, youngest on top
714. 2024-07-10 51 8, at the side of the street Am Tiggemann in Bad Sassendorf
2024-07-06, today it should become my 11th hasiversary, but there were no reachable hashes at good places around, so I didn't start
713. 2024-07-03 51 7, in the Limberger Platz shopping mall in Essen
712. 2024-07-01 50 8, in the house Alter Wetzlarer Weg 1 in Gießen
711. 2024-06-26 49 8, in the bushes behind Friesenheimer Weg in an old line of the Rhine in Ludwigshafen
710. 2024-06-20 51 7, on a public viewing area in Kreuztal-Littfeld
709. 2024-06-19 49 8, in the forest of Darmstadt
708. 2024-06-14 50 9, on a children's playground in Stadtallendorf
707. 2024-06-11 51 7, in the Sternbergstraße in Warendorf
706. 2024-06-09 51 7, on a playground in Bochum-Weitmar
GeorgDerReisende earned the Democracy Geohash Achievement
GeorgDerReisende earned the OpenStreetMap achievement
705. 2024-06-06 50 8, at a field way in Frankfurt am Main-Sossenheim
704. 2024-06-05 51 9, on a field way between Mackensen and Dassel
703. 2024-05-27 50 9, in the forest of Eichenzell
GeorgDerReisende earned the GeoTrash Geohash Achievement
GeorgDerReisende earned the OpenStreetMap achievement
GeorgDerReisende earned the OpenStreetMap achievement
702. 2024-05-25 51 10, at the edge of a forest in Uder
GeorgDerReisende, Torodeas and Fippe earned the Meet-up achievement
GeorgDerReisende and Torodeas earned the GeoTrash Geohash Achievement
GeorgDerReisende and Fippe earned the Towel Day achievement
GeorgDerReisende, Torodeas and Fippe earned the 2024 Mouse Over Day achievement
GeorgDerReisende earned the xkcd Nonaginturion achievement
701. 2024-05-21 51 7, at the upper weir of the river Lenne in Werdohl
700. 2024-05-16 49 7, in the Kiefernstraße in Landstuhl
GeorgDerReisende achieved level 6 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
GeorgDerReisende achieved level 4 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
GeorgDerReisende achieved level 7 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
GeorgDerReisende completed the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
GeorgDerReisende completed the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
GeorgDerReisende achieved level 7 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
GeorgDerReisende achieved level 5 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
699. 2024-05-06 50 8, in the forest of Frankfurt, where a forest way crosses the line of a former railway tunnel
698. 2024-04-29 52 10, at the edge of a field east of Lehrte-Immensen
697. 2024-04-26 50 7, on a car parking for a bathing lake near Troisdorf-Sieglar
696. 2024-04-20 50 6, at the junction of Robert-Perthel-Straße and Longericher Straße in Köln-Bilderstöckchen
GeorgDerReisende earned the xkcd Nonaginturion achievement
695. 2024-04-16 52 9, within some trees between the street Am Annateich and a railway line in Hannover
694. 2024-04-14 52 9, in front of the gymnasium of Großburgwedel
693. 2024-04-12 51 9, at the edge of a field north of Bödexen
692. 2024-04-09 50 8, on the railway tracks between Dillenburg and Siegen near Flammersbach
691. 2024-04-02 51 7, in the Von-Den-Berken-Straße in Dortmund
690. 2024-03-25 50 8, in the forest of Frankfurt am Main
689. 2024-03-14 51 9, at the edge of the village Oberrieden
688. 2024-03-09 52 9, in a foregarden in the Offenbachstraße in Neustadt am Rübenberge
GeorgDerReisende earned the xkcd Nonaginturion achievement
687. 2024-03-06 51 10, in the street Warteblick in Duderstadt-Mingerode
686. 2024-02-29 50 12, in a small forest at the Industriestraße in Gera
GeorgDerReisende achieved level 3 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
GeorgDerReisende achieved level 5 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
GeorgDerReisende completed the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
GeorgDerReisende achieved level 6 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
GeorgDerReisende earned the Leap geohash achievement 2024
685. 2024-02-20 50 8, on the tram tracks in the Lyoner Straße in Frankfurt am Main-Niederrad
684. 2024-02-16 52 11, on a car park of some allotment gardens in Helmstedt
683. 2024-02-09 51 9, on a field way south of Wellen
682. 2024-02-08 50 8, on the same meadow like 2023-01-07 50 8 in Bad Vilbel
GeorgDerReisende earned the Déjà Vu Geohash Achievement
681. 2024-02-07 51 9, beside a field way from Immenhausen to Hohenkirchen, but on the side of Immenhausen
680. 2024-02-05 50 8, in front of Kattenbachstraße 110 in Krofdorf-Gleiberg
679. 2024-01-03 51 7, in the street Zum Osterfeld in Unna
678. 2024-01-01 50 8, in front of Goethestraße 21 in Rödermark-Waldacker
677. 2023-12-18 50 8, near Raunheim, in some bushes near a lake with bathing and gravel mining
676. 2023-12-15 49 8, at the side of the national road 43 at the western end of Bischofsheim
676. 2023-12-14 51 9, in the garden of Humboldtstraße 1 in Kassel
2023-12-12 50 8, in the house Schanzenfeldstraße 6 in Wetzlar
675. 2023-12-10 51 7, in a forest in Gelsenkirchen-Buer
674. 2023-12-06 51 9, near the bus stop Schäferberg in Espenau
673. 2023-11-29 49 8, on the railway tracks between Darmstadt-Eberstadt and Bickenbach
672. 2023-11-23 49 8, in the forest above Seeheim-Jugenheim
671. 2023-11-15 49 8, in the Uhlandstraße in Heppenheim
670. 2023-11-06 49 8, at the edge of a forest east of Darmstadt
669. 2023-10-31 51 9, on a field way near Nieder-Werbe
668. 2023-10-28 50 8, at the southbound bus stop Käthe-Kruse-Straße in the street Zur Kalbacher Höhe in Frankfurt am Main
667. 2023-10-23 49 8, in the forest of Rüsselsheim am Main
2023-10-19 51 9, on a steep slope of the noise protection wall of the motorway 44 at Kassel
666. 2023-10-16 51 8, on the shore of the Padersee lake in Paderborn
665. 2023-10-14 51 9, at a group of young trees above Bovenden
GeorgDerReisende earned the xkcd Nonaginturion achievement
664. 2023-10-11 52 10, at the east of Baddeckenstedt
663. 2023-10-08 52 9, in the middle southbound lane of the Vahrenwalder Straße in Hannover
GeorgDerReisende earned the Democracy Geohash Achievement
662. 2023-10-06 50 8, on the main cemetery of Hanau
661. 2023-10-01 52 9, on the ground of Krugstraße 8 in Hannover-Ahlem
660. 2023-09-21 51 9, on the state road 3217 near Ahnatal
659. 2023-09-15 50 8, in the Schwanheimer Wald in Frankfurt am Main
658. 2023-09-12 52 9, behind a hedge in the street Hahnensteg in Hannover
657. 2023-09-05 50 9, on a meadow in the Haune reservoir
656. 2023-08-19 49 8, in the Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße in Münster in Hesse
GeorgDerReisende earned the xkcd Nonaginturion achievement
655. 2023-08-18 51 10, in the fields southeast of Wulften
654. 2023-08-11 52 9, in Neustadt am Rübenberge-Bevensen
653. 2023-07-31 50 10, on the parking area of an abandoned hospital in Bad Kissingen
GeorgDerReisende earned the Regional geohashing achievement
652. 2023-07-20 50 8, in the forest near Frankfurt-Schwanheim
651. 2023-07-14 51 10, on the railway tracks from Eichenberg to Halle near Wingerode
650. 2023-07-12 49 8, behind a hedge in the Poststraße in Biblis
649. 2023-07-06 51 10, in a field near Silberhausen
GeorgDerReisende earned the 10th Hashiversary achievement
Expedition lists of GeorgDerReisende
the first year • the second year • the third year • the fourth year • the fifth year • the sixth year • the seventh year • the eighth year • the nineth year • the tenth year • the eleventh year • the current year |
GeorgDerReisende - statistics by AperfectBot
GeorgDerReisende - another statistic
- Gratuitous ribbon achievement
- OpenStreetMap achievement
- Geotrash achievement
- Meet-up achievement
- Towel Day achievement
- Geohashing Day achievement
- Xkcd centurion achievement
- Minesweeper geohash achievement
- Leap geohash achievement
- Déjà vu geohash achievement
- Regional geohashing achievement
- Hashiversary achievement