It's fun to see how places change over the years, during the seasons, for different weather, daytimes, or for ongoing construction work. If you happen to pass a location you made a photo of earlier, and choose to make another photo on your next visit, feel free to add both (or all) of them here.
It might not always be possible to reproduce the exact view, but please add only photos that basically show the same location, so that the change is really visible. You may include pictures that were not taken on geohashing expeditions, but to keep it on-topic, at least one of each location must be an expedition picture.
Please sort them so that pictures of the same location are next to another in the gallery and add a link to the expedition page, or, if you add pictures not taken on geohashing expeditions, the date in the caption. The automatic category gallery would not do any useful sorting, so there is no use in any special category for this task.
A bad track2009-05-01
A good track2009-02-13
Schönbuch, N 48°35.223' E 9°0.065'2009-05-09
Two months later