2009-10-24 50 -1
Have you seen our geohashing marker? We'd love to hear from you! Click here to say "hi" and tell us what you've seen!
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Sat 24 Oct 2009 in 50,-1: 50.8684224, -1.3917489 geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox |
Hythe, Southampton Water, just south of the ferry pier
Sermoa will take the ferry and be at the geohash by 4pm for the saturday meetup (if anyone else is thinking of coming?) For those not geohashing, look out for me at about 3:30pm on the webcam on hytheferry.co.uk. I'll stand just in front of those railings and wave an xkcd sign of some sort! Hopefully DavidMiller will be able to take a screenshot of me on camera! :D
By the way, the location appears to be in the Southampton Water, but i should be able to get fairly close!
Twitter stream
Sadly i haven't yet found a way to integrate this automatically live into the wiki, but here was my stream of tweets on #geohashingN50W1:
- 14:23 - about to take the train to southampton. aaaand relax! my journey to hythe will take as long as it takes.
- 14:47 - I'm on the free bus in southampton. might not make the 3pm ferry but I think there's one at 3:30pm.
- 15:17 - just having a bit of lunch as I wait for the 15:30 ferry. you should see me on the www.hytheferry.co.uk webcam at 15:45
- 15:51 - pls look for me now on www.hytheferry.co.uk webcam, screenshot and twitpic it thx!
- 16:27 - monica and I are at the geohash, or pretty near. should we cross the wall to get 2m closer?! http://twitpic.com/mqm38
- 16:31 - this is what you should have seen on the webcam. it didn't entirely work! http://twitpic.com/mqmrw
- 16:36 - RT @David_Miller http://twitpic.com/mqjzg - this is the best we got on the webcam! thank you David! :)
- 17:03 - this is as close as we're going to get! within 130ft I think. http://twitpic.com/mqrh6
- 17:54 - on the ferry back to Southampton now. it's been a great afternoon! :)
- 18:55 - back in Winchester, home soon! :)
This trip started exactly the same as the one to Bierley, Isle of Wight: train to Southampton Central, and free bus to the Town Quay. This time i went to the other waiting area to get the Hythe ferry rather than the Cowes ferry.
I was so happy when the ferry pulled up and i recognised Phillip from Macronencer's trip to The New Forest near Hythe, when Mike took the same ferry! I introduced myself and explained that i was on a geohash today. Phillip gave me a big cuddle for a photo, which was so nice! :D
At the Hythe pier i spent a lot of geofaffing trying to get my xkcd poster to appear on the webcam! I was on the phone to DavidMiller who was telling me where to stand in order to get the best picture! It didn't really come out very well; i should have made it a lot bigger. I also annoyed someone in the Hythe ferry office who seemed to think i was trying to advertise something. Later on i found out that Mapaholic had also been watching the whole webcam fiasco, and put together a lovely animated gif of it! Thanks to both of you! :D
Due to the aforementioned geofaffing, i was about 10 minutes late to the geohash, but i don't think i missed anyone. I spent some time taking photos of the scenery, then i climbed over the wall and got about 5 metres closer. I always knew i wouldn't be able to get the exact coordinates without a boat, so i'm pretty happy that i managed to get 40 metres away.
It was odd to do a solo geohash again. I haven't been on my own since my very first geohash in Gosport. Not even any local residents asked me what i was doing. I left a marker but i felt a bit uneasy about it because it's quite a secluded, nicely landscaped residential area. So i added a message saying it's fine to take it down if they want to!
Hythe Ferry webcam

Main gallery
The long pier. The person with the brown jacket appears in Mapaholic's filmstrip! :)
Panoramic photo
To make panoramic photos like these i recommend hugin panorama photo stitcher - it is excellent and so easy to use!
Achievement ribbons
Sermoa earned the Public transport geohash achievement
Sermoa earned the xkcd Nullaturion achievement
Sermoa earned the Consecutive geohash achievement