
From Geohashing
Revision as of 20:33, 26 February 2013 by imported>MagicIan (About Me)
Me Geohashing!

About Me

Norfolk colour.PNG This geohasher lives in Norfolk.

Lol-asg.png 40 / m / 52,1

Hi, I'm Ian, and contrary to my username I have yet to discover anything magical about myself! I live near Norwich, England and I started Geohashing in late 2009 as a way of exploring the region to which I had recently moved. I completed lots of hashes in 2010 before having a bit of a lull. Nowadays I use Geohashing as a suggestion of where to go for cycle rides etc when I have a spare weekend.

I have access to car, motorbike, bicycle(s) and kayak(s) and have used them all at some point in to achieve a variety of ribbons, although I am yet to use public transport to get to a hashpoint - something I hope to fix in the future. About 1/3 of my home graticule is the North Sea so if I can find someone with a seaworthy boat then that will increase my range of possible hashes in the area!

When I go out of my home graticule I try to make a point of looking where the hashpoints are located, but usually they require a large detour from whatever activity I have planned. One of these days I would like to do a hash or two while I am in a foreign land.

When I started Geohashing I didn't have a GPS device, so I used to print out the satellite view of the hashpoint from GoogleMaps to identify the it using local topographical features, but now I use the Geohash Droid app on my phone to give an indication of how close I am.

I was quite pleased to achieve a Tron Ribbon, and am now turning my attention to other achievements. I keep trying to do a Hashcard one so I ensure I take fellow Geohashers' addresses with me when I go out, but have yet to find any villages selling postcards. Guess I'll just have to keep trying! Others on my radar are the Juggernaut and, having got a Reverse regional ribbon by getting getting to hashpoints in Norfolk and Suffolk in 52,1, I would like to get the Regional ribbon by getting to bits of Norfolk or Suffolk that are in 52,0

My Geohashes

I've completed 21 successful geohashes in 6 graticules, with 1 failure. I have now done a hash on each day of the week, and 11 months of the year (just missing January)

A map of my various Geohashes can be seen here: