2020-05-23 52 9
Sat 23 May 2020 in Hannover: 52.1377331, 9.9557195 geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox |
This Geohash is located in the river Innerste in Hildesheim.
War mein aufruf heute,da die Kummunikation unter https://geohashing.site ja schwierig ist !
Was für ein Glück das an einem Samstag in meiner Stadt ein Hash ist, dachte ich mir und
fuhr mit dem Radel zur Hash-Event Location !
Mit unserer Geocache "Angel" sollte wir mit unserem Handy bis zur mitte der Innerste kommen !
Leider waren da schon welche schneller !
Eine ganze Familie schwamm schon um den Geohash !
Nachdem wir unsere Note für alle Geohasher hinterlegt hatten, also die Angel aufgebaut, als plötzlich neben uns ein Hasher neben uns auftauchte und sich bis auf die Badehose auszog ! Er war wirklich Freaky geung in die Eiskalte Innerste zu springen ! Aber wie ich zu mir und meiner Famlie sagte: " Mann muss sein Hobby schon ernst meinen ! "
Naja die reihenfolge war ein bischen anders, aber hier noch ein paar Bilder :
Jetzt noch das Wichtigste !!! Danke Fippe das Du da warst ! Danke an den Frisch übernommenen plattform betreiber, nachdem der Server gehackt wurde ! Und Klasse es war unser erster Hash und erstes Event und dann noch auf einem Fluss ! Ps.: bissel gross der Beitrag ;-)
Since the coordinates were in the river, I put on some trunks and took the bicycle to Hildesheim. The weather was perfect - good enough to make the trip, but bad enough to prevent normal people being at the river.
Imagine my surprise when I saw three people at the site of the Geohash! At first, I thought they were fishing, so I tried getting as close to the coordinates as I could. It turned out that they were standing on the spot on the river bank closest to the coordinates. I also overheard parts of their conversation - "this is Geohashing, not Geocaching". Relieved, I introduced myself as a fellow Geohasher. The others, JoDaEmPa, were a family of Geocachers on their first Geohashing expedition. We had a chat for a while, and took some proof and pictures.
JoDaEmPa reached the coordinates by putting a phone on a long selfie stick. I had a different method, and swam to the coordinates and back. My first Water Geohash! In order to also achieve an Underwater Geohash, I completely submerged for a moment. After getting out again, I changed in some bushes and it started to rain. We sought shelter under a tree and talked some more, and when the rain stopped, JoDaEmPa left.
I ate my lunch and afterwards rode my bike back home, but not without stopping at Hildesheim's UNESCO world cultural heritage site, St. Michael's Church.
JoDaEmPa earned the Earliest geohasher achievement
JoDaEmPa earned the Geohash by proxy achievement
JoDaEmPa earned the Bicycle geohash achievement
Fippe earned the Bicycle geohash achievement
JoDaEmPa earned the Two to the N achievement
Fippe earned the Two to the N achievement
JoDaEmPa earned the xkcd Nullaturion achievement
Fippe earned the xkcd Nullaturion achievement
JoDaEmPa and Fippe earned the Meet-up achievement
JoDaEmPa and Fippe earned the 2020 Mouse Over Day achievement
Fippe earned the Water geohash achievement
Fippe earned the Underwater geohash achievement
- Meetup on 2020-05-23
- Meetup in 52 9
- Earliest geohash achievement
- Geohash by proxy achievement
- Bicycle geohash achievement
- Two to the N achievement
- Xkcd centurion achievement
- Meet-up achievement
- Geohashing Day achievement
- Water geohash achievement
- Underwater geohash achievement
- Expeditions
- Coordinates reached
- Expeditions with photos
- Meetup in Landkreis Hildesheim
- Expeditions by Fippe
- German pages