I'm just here to be a cheeseball and drink the beer left in bottles people litter on the sides of trails in the woods. It's a good life.
Graticules visited
42 |
41 |
38 |
Click here to see a Google Maps version of where I've been so far.
Click here to see a map of the centicules I've visited in my home graticule of 41 -73.
Successful Expeditions: 8
Posted Achievement Points: 5
Graticules Visited: 5
41, -73
2021-05-20 41 -73 Walked down the side of a pleasant country road with my sister in Hyde Park, New York.
2021-05-08 41 -73 Barely made it out of my car before being stopped by a guy guarding a private lane in Lagrange, New York.
2021-03-31 41 -73 Crossed a busy road to a gravel parking lot in Newburgh, New York.
2021-03-17 41 -73 Loitered in an Acura dealership parking lot in Wappingers Falls, New York.
2021-03-12 41 -73 Traipsed my way through North East, New York to a spot just off the road.
2021-02-28 41 -73 Off a dirt road in Pleasant Valley, New York, my expedition was halted by a driveway leading to private property.
2021-02-06 41 -73 Was stopped in Pleasant Valley, New York by an ornate fence with a Posted sign forbidding trespassing. Rats.
2021-01-22 41 -73 Bushwhacked through the Pawling Nature Preserve of Dover, New York for my first ever success. Nice.
2021-01-19 41 -73 In the town of Lloyd, New York, just off the end of a cul-de-sac. A failed attempt, just barely.
42, -73
2021-05-13 42 -73 Walked past some fallow fields to the side of a stream in Pine Plains, New York.
41, -71
2021-05-08 41 -71 Meandered through a field of fallen trees in Coventry, Rhode Island.
41, -72
2021-05-08 41 -72 Stopped on the side of the road in a residential spot in New Britain, Connecticut.
38, -75
2021-06-03 38 -75 Drove to the edge of a trail through a private forest in unincorporated Woodcrest Estates, Delaware.