Template:Expedition summaries/2008-06-07
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Canberra, Australia - Psud, Nemo, Joanna - Joanna, Nemo, Llandorin, Helen, Psud, and the tamagotchis Helen and Ahaly m...
Houston, Texas - SmartGirl83 - The Houston location for June 7th, 2008 is on I-45, just south of FM 518, i...
Tallahassee, Florida - James, Brian - Raptor Alert! Four brave citizens of Tallahassee ventured into the unknown...
Waco, Texas - myself, GreyGndalf - This hash was located East of Loop 340 in Waco, TX. GPS: (31.501784N, 97.1...
Atlanta, Georgia - ElSupreme - I took this route [1] on my bicycle. I started out about 1:30 and arrived at t...
Denton, Texas - Erik - This hash is located East of I35 near Valley View, TX. GPS: (33.501784N, 9...
San Bernardino, California - Chris, far call, Martin - was in the desert near Apple Valley. Not too far from the road and easy to...
Los Angeles, California - Daniel, IlyaHaykinson - Somewhere
Santa Barbara, California - AperfectBot/TestPage - Wilderness near Ojai.
Nashville, Tennessee - kurochi - This meetup location was located in the Nashville, Tennessee graticule on 2008-06-07 in the rural area no...
San Jose, California - Ted - Somewhere
San Francisco, California - Zigdon, Cwolves - Zigdon and Cwolves met at the western end of the bridge, scaled a razorwire...
Sacramento, California - Crash413 - Somewhere
Washington (West), District of Columbia - Ciel - The point was in the woods near an abandoned house in Maryland, due south o...
Reno, Nevada - Paveman - Coordinate map The meetup was located on Bureau of Land Management land. ...
Baltimore, Maryland - image - These coordinates are located in the Baltimore graticule on 2008-06-07. The coordina...
Cincinnati, Ohio - m5rammy, agamaed, slytherinmarie, zircon, icehawk78, lisa165 - This meetup location was located in the Cincinnati, Ohio graticule on 2008-05-31 on the Holly Hills Golf Course...
Denver (NW), Colorado - Rich, matt, michael - 40.037487°, -105.281267°Geohashers that made it: (4 total) ::I only have on...
Allentown, Pennsylvania - Zack - The point was directly in the middle of a small farm road near Ottsville, P...
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Psychopez, Mike H - The first successful Pittsburgh meet-up in which people who didn't know eac...
Champaign/Urbana, Illinois - Brett - Brett made it to the coordinates after an easy drive north from Champaign....
Clearfield, Utah - Kaldric - Kaldric got about 185 yards from this site. The actual site is in the midd...
Chicago, Illinois - AperfectBot/TestPage - 7200 Archer Rd, Justice, IL 60458; The westernmost pond in Resurrection Cem...
Omaha, Nebraska - Matt - Matt and Kate arrived right at 4:00pm. Had to drive by and turn around to f...
Boston, Massachusetts - Matt, Adam, Ben, CA, Geekthras, Bake, Keith, hendusoone, Dan, Randall, Pinecone - About42.501784N%2C%2071.114371W This hash] is located in the Boston, MA graticule in Reading, M...
Ithaca, New York - R0d3n7z - R0d3n7z and two others made it to the spot. Youtube video
Buffalo, New York - Bunsen - Farm field in Mills Mills, just off Wiscoy-Mills Rd. Coordinates: (42.50178...
Detroit, Michigan - Someone went - Somewhere
Grand Rapids, Michigan - Smq - The Grand Rapids coordinates are on Guy road between Battle Creek and Charl...
Portland, Oregon - Jessica - Expeditions Jessica: The location seems to be slightly less in the middle ...
Ottawa, Ontario - AperfectBot/TestPage - Supplies: 1 camera, 1 tripod, 1 family bucket of KFC, a baseball and some f...
Seattle, Washington - Thomcat - This hash is located south in Renton, not far off highway 900 and the May V...
Vancouver, British Columbia - Someone went - This was my first attempt at a Saturday hash. I had planned a long and chal...
Kiev, Ukraine - grep - grep has reached the checkpoint at 15:55 EET. It seems to be the first geo...
London West, United Kingdom - Someone went - We met between platforms 13 and 14 in London's busy Waterloo Station. There...
London East, United Kingdom - myself - Work in progress. There were people here this day, myself and my other hal...
Eindhoven, Netherlands - I - I took a train to Tilburg to reach this hash, I cycled with no problems thr...
Dortmund, Germany - update, proof - On a football field! Let's see if we interrupt a game, if not see you ON th...
Cambridge, United Kingdom - Granularman - This week's location was in a field just off Manea Road (B1093) near March....
Edmonton, Alberta - matt, group - 53.501784°, -113.114371°
København, Denmark - Someone went - This one was in the middle of a cow barn outside of Højelse near Ølby. I to...
Malmö, Sweden - HannesL - Second ever meetup in the Malmö graticule was near road 101 outside Arrie, ...
Linköping, Sweden - Effbot - Yet another geohashing/icecream expedition. today's target is southeast of ...