
From Geohashing
Revision as of 23:34, 29 July 2011 by imported>Michael5000 (The Belle Epoch: July & August 2010 (Expeditions #23-38))

The Michael5000 Trophy Room

  • Note: So far, these are only the trophies I collected back in 2009.


Late 2010 (Expeditions #39-45)

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Michael5000 & Mrs.5000 earned the first Hashiversary achievement
by attempting a hash point exactly on the first anniversary of their inaugural geohashing expedition.

The Belle Epoch: July & August 2010 (Expeditions #23-38)

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36. 2010-08-29 46 -123 In the Capital State Forest, twelve miles WSW of Olympia, Washington.

  • First Washington-side expedition to the Astoria, Oregon graticule (for anyone).

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Second Consecutive Triple Hash: all three 2010-08-29 Expeditions Succeeded!

Michael5000 earned the Multihash Achievement
by reaching 3 hash points on 2010-08-29. It's a Triple Hash.

34. 2010-08-28 47 -123 In light forest near the Matlock-Brady Road, fifteen miles west of Shelton, Washington.

Template:Mnimb geohash

All three 2010-08-28 Expeditions Succeeded!

Michael5000 earned the Multihash Achievement
by reaching 3 hash points on 2010-08-28. It's a Triple Hash.

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30. 2010-08-14 42 -122 In the forest west of I-5, south of Ashland.

Expedition Failed.

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Michael5000 earned the Birthday Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (42, -121) geohash on his 42nd birthday, 2010-08-13.

28. 2010-08-12 42 -123 In the hills south of the Applegate Valley, Southern Oregon.

Expedition Succeeded!

User:Michael5000 earned the Cross that bridge achievement
by reaching the (45, -122) geohash on 2010-08-05, which was situated on a bridge.
Michael5000 has visited an Easy Geohash
by reaching the (45, -122) geohash on 2010-08-05 without really trying.
Over and Under.png
Michael5000 earned the The Over and Under Achievement
by reaching the same hashpoint at two different elevations (45, -122) geohash on 2010-08-05.

Michael5000 and Mrs.5000 earned the Walk geohash Achievement
by reaching the (45, -122) geohash on 2010-07-25 on foot, travelling a distance of a mile and a half, round trip..

Michael5000 & Mrs.5000 earned the Bicycle geohash achievement
by cycling 21.1 miles to the (45, -122) geohash on 2010-07-17.

January - June, 2010 (Expeditions #11-22)

22. 2010-06-11 52 -129 In Queen Charlotte Sound, off the British Columbia Coast

Expedition Failed.

  • First documented Expedition (for anyone) in the Rennison Island graticule.
  • First (and likely only) Expedition mounted from within a cruise ship.
  • First Expedition at sea!

21. 2010-06-06 47 -122 In an apartment complex parking lot near SeaTac Airport.

Expedition Succeeded!

  • First successful opportunistic Geohash in transit.
  • Seattle becomes the second graticule to host a second Michael5000 geohash.
  • First successful Seattle geohash.
  • King County becomes the third county to host a second Michael5000 geohash.

20. 2010-05-30 45 -122 Forested foothills northeast of Vancouver.

Expedition Succeeded!

  • First "Triathlon" Expedition: Truck/Bike/Foot.
  • Best Expedition Ever, to date.
  • First successful map/imagery/GPS integration.

19. 2010-05-23 45 -122 Along the Clackamas River near Estacada.

Expedition Thwarted -- No physical access in one direction, no legal access in the other.

  • First Thwarted Expedition on a Sunday?

18. 2010-05-22 45 -122 A Street on the suburban West Side.

Expedition Succeeded!

  • First Successful Expedition using GPS.

17. 2010-05-05 45 -122 Kingsley D. Bundy City Park in Southeast Portland, with Sarah.

Expedition Thwarted -- Time, Access, and Hostile Native Issues.

  • First Expedition for Sarah.
  • Declared "Anti-Ambassador Achievement."
  • The Curse of Wednesday continues, with three Wednesday Expeditions all having failed.

16. 2010-04-21 45 -122 At the edge of a quarry site north of Estacada.

Expedition Thwarted -- Technical Issues.

  • First Expedition with GPS technology.
  • First Expedition to fail due to GPS technology.
  • Failed to stage first successful Wednesday Expedition.
  • April 2010 is now 3rd most active hashing month to date.
Michael5000 earned the Blinded by Science Consolation Prize
by failing to reach the (45, -122) geohash on 2010-04-21 due to problems with the coordinate format on a GPS unit.
2010-04-21 45 -122 map.JPG

15a. 2010-04-14 44 -123 Northeast of Monmouth (by proxy)

Expedition Succeeded

  • First successful attempt (out of four) to conduct a Expedition by proxy.
  • Second Expedition for Niece #1
  • First successful Expedition for Niece #1
Michael5000 earned the Puppet Master Geohash achievement
by manipulating someone to reach the (44, -123) geohash on 2010-04-14.
2010-04-14 44 -123 Niece-1.jpg

15. 2010-04-11 45 -122 South of Oregon City, with Mrs.5000 and Rebel.

Expedition Succeeded.

  • First Expedition to require wading.
  • First Expedition for Rebel.
  • First Expedition joined by a randomly encountered friend.

14. 2010-04-01 45 -122 Powell Butte Nature Park.

Expedition Succeeded.

  • First Expedition to require scaling a volcano.
  • First Expedition in nearly two months.

13. 2010-02-04 45 -122 Across the street from the back of a Safeway in Milwaukie, with Mrs.5000.

Expedition Succeeded.

  • First Clackamas County Expedition.
  • First Expedition on a Thursday!

12. 2010-01-11 45 -122 On a residential street in Northeast Portland, with Mrs.5000.

Expedition Succeeded.

  • Closest Expedition to home.
  • Geohashing Synergy: Took Mrs.5000 out to dinner.
  • Replaces Expedition 6 as Easiest Expedition Ever.

11. 2010-01-09 45 -122 On a dead-end road near Tualatin.

Expedition Succeeded.

  • First 2010 Expedition.
  • First Washington County Expedition.
  • Attempt at Tron Achievement disqualified on technicality.
  • Geohashing Synergy: Inspired visit to parents.

Virgin Graticules

Pioneering a new graticule is my proudest Geohashing achievement.


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Noble Attempts

9. 2009-12-25 43 -124 North of Myrtle Point, Oregon with Mrs.5000.

Expedition Failed -- Private Land, Impassable Gully.
  • First documented Expedition (for anyone) in the Coos Bay graticule.

Red Ribbons

...because the pioneer's achievement is validated only by those that come afterwards, ne c'est pas?

Geohashing Scout Badges

Michael5000 earned the Speed racer achievement
by passing through the (45, -122) geohash on 2009-12-21 at a high rate of acceleration.
michael5000 earned the No Batteries Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (44, -123) geohash on 2009-10-31.
  • Until I got my GPS unit in Summer 2010, all of my Expeditions were no-batteries.
michael5000 earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (44, -123) geohash on 2009-10-31.
  • ...and most subsequent Expeditions, of course.


michael5000 earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging Mrs.5000 to the (44, -123) geohash on 2009-10-31.


Michael5000 and Mrs.5000 earned the My kingdom for a boat consolation prize
by being prevented from reaching the (43, -124) geohash on 2009-12-25 by an impassable and unforeseen little gully.

Michael5000 earned the No trespassing consolation prize
by almost reaching the (45, -122) geohash on 2009-12-23.
  • This one I have encountered many a time since.