
From Geohashing
Revision as of 02:10, 25 June 2010 by imported>Greenslime (Hash Dreams)
Lol-asg.png 42 / f / -36,174


Im fairly new to this game, since the start of 2010 in fact. I stumbled across the phenomenon while trawling through old xkcd cartoons, and the concept appealed to my adventure seeking inner geekness. Im keeping my eye out for the local, easily accessible hashes, and maybe go further afield on the weekends - usually dragging my partner JimmyNZ along, as that particular model comes with a GPS as well as petrol money. =)

Every morning I religiously check the geohash coordinates; the more time that passes, the more frustrated I become at Aucklands slender shape as a huge proportion of the hashes either end up in the surrounding ocean or in the surprisingly large quantity of bush that still remains in the area. If not, then the hash either lands a mile away from my current location, or in peoples farms/lifestyle plots. Oh well, looks like this has become a long weekend hobby, still, ill keep looking and waiting, like us all, in anticipation of the perfect geohash!


I live in the Auckland, New Zealand graticule and have visited and claimed a couple of hashes in the South Waikato, New Zealand and Hamilton, New Zealand graticules while passing through.

Hashes Achieved

Arrow2.png Wishes the geohashes would stop landing in the water around Auckland :(

Arrow2.png 2010-06-24 - Shakespear Regional Park, Whangaparoa Peninsula, Auckland

Arrow2.png 2010-06-04 - Morrinsville-Tahuna Road, Morrinsville, Hamilton

Arrow2.png 2010-02-01 - Farm Paddock, Near Arataki, South Waikato

Arrow2.png 2010-01-29 - Deforested Area, Near Lake Whakamaru, South Waikato

Arrow2.png 2010-01-24 - Farm Paddock, Taupaki, West Auckland

Hashes Failed

Arrow4.png 2010-06-07 - Forestry Area, Omanawa Road, Omanawa Falls, Tauranga

Hash Awards

Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash 2.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Greenslime achieved level 2 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in Hamilton, New Zealand and 2 of the surrounding graticules.

Greenslime earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (-36, 174) geohash on 2010-01-24.
2010 01 24 -36 174 view from the hashs.jpg
Greenslime earned the Tale of Two Hashes achievement
by meeting the challenge by Hessophanes, Hiro, JUB and relet to geohash in New Zealand going to the (-36, 174) geohash on 2010-01-24.
2010 01 24 -36 174 view from the hashs.jpg
Greenslime earned the East geohash achievement
by reaching the (-38, 175) geohash on 2010-01-29.
2010 01 29 -38 175 Future easterly hashes await in this direction.jpg

Template:Virgin graticule

Greenslime earned the GeoTrash Geohash Achievement
by cleaning up the (-38, 175) geohash on 2010-01-29.
2010 01 29 -38 175 geotrash and rainbow.jpg
Greenslime earned the No trespassing consolation prize
by almost reaching the (-37, 176) geohash on 2010-06-07.
File 2010-06-07 -37 176 No Trespassing.jpg.JPG
Greenslime earned the Speed racer achievement
by passing through the (-37, 175) geohash on 2010-06-04 at 100 km/h.
File 2010-06-04 -37 175 speeding.jpg.JPG
Greenslime earned the No Batteries Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (-36, 174) geohash on 2010-06-24.
2010-06-24 -36 174 That direction.jpg

Hash Dreams