
From Geohashing
Revision as of 22:00, 30 August 2009 by imported>Sermoa (link to cubicle geohash achievement.)
Lol-asg.png 44 / f / 51,-1

I live in Winchester. I am most likely to be found geohashing in the Southampton, Swindon, Weymouth or London West graticules.

About me

me and my google pin
  • Real name: aimee.
  • I like to spell my name in lower case.
  • I use linux and mac osx and i will very likely use google chrome OS whenever it is available. windows can die.
  • I've been typing on dvorak keyboard layout since around 2005.
  • I'm a web programmer by profession and hobby.
  • I am currently writing an application called Active Geohasher which will allow you to subscribe to graticules and be notified of their locations by daily email.
  • I made my own google pin which i take to most geohashes.
  • I love geohashing because it encourages me to visit places that i would not otherwise get to see. the fact that it's entirely random does not seem to matter to me!
  • I have grown to love mediawiki through using this wiki!
  • contact details
  • follow me on twitter
  • Talk to me! click here to start a new topic on my talk page

xkcd love

Macronencer asked me when i first got into xkcd and i didn't know. I honestly couldn't remember. I know i was already reading Sinfest and i have a feeling that one led to the other ...

Fortunately the xkcd urls are easy enough to do a quick binary search, and now i think i have an answer. Xkcd first caught my attention with Online Communities and i think i started reading regularly from Compiling onwards. So i guess around about mid-2007.


Monica is my hashscot. Monica is short for mononucleosis, also known as the kissing disease. This makes sense when you know that monica is a giant microbe of the kissing disease!

Successful hashes

Sermoa's xkcd geohashes on google maps

Score card

-2 -1 -0
52 x x x
51 x 1 x
50 1 4 x


Location Achievements

Sermoa earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (50, -1) geohash on 2009-05-30.
Sermoa earned the cubicle geohash achievement
by working at the (51, -1) geohash on 2009-08-30.
2009-08-30 51 -1 3323.JPG

Getting There Achievements

Sermoa earned the Public transport geohash achievement
by reaching the (50, -1) geohash on 2009-05-30 via train and ferry.
2009-05-30 50 -1 ferry.jpg
Sermoa earned the Public transport geohash achievement
by reaching the (50, -2) geohash on 2009-08-08 via train and bus.
2009-08-08 50 -2 3111.JPG
Sermoa and David earned the Public transport geohash achievement
by reaching the (50, -1) geohash on 2009-08-15 via a train, a ferry and three buses.
2009-08-15 50 -1 3265.JPG
Sermoa earned the Walk geohash Achievement
by reaching the (51, -1) geohash on 2009-08-30 on foot, travelling a distance of 1.46 miles.

Geohash Fun & Games

Sermoa earned the No Batteries Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (50, -1) geohash on 2009-06-28.
2009-06-28 50 -1 location.jpg
Sermoa earned the Circus Geohash Achievement
by juggling at the (50, -1) geohash on 2009-06-28.
2009-06-28 50 -1 sermoa juggling 2.png
Sermoa earned the Circus Geohash Achievement
by performing handstands and cartwheels at the (50, -1) geohash on 2009-08-15.
2009-08-15 50 -1 Macronencer 40.jpg
Sermoa earned the Hashcard achievement
by sending a postcard of the hashpoint area to friends and family on the (50, -1) expedition on 2009-08-15.
2009-08-15 50 -1 3264.JPG
Sermoa, Macronencer and DavidMiller earned the Picnic achievement
by eating brioche at the (50, -1) geohash on 2009-08-15.

Human Interaction Achievements

Sermoa earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging Laura to the (50, -1) geohash on 2009-06-28.
2009-06-28 50 -1 laura drag along.jpg
Sermoa earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging DavidMiller to the (50, -1) geohash on 2009-08-15.
Sermoa earned the Meet-up achievement
by meeting Macronencer at the (50, -1) geohash on 2009-06-28.
2009-06-28 50 -1 sermoa and macronencer.jpg

Timing Achievements

Sermoa earned the Déjà Vu Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (51, -1) geohash on 2009-08-30, and previously on 2009-04-29.

Gratuitous Achievements

Sermoa earned the Musician Achievement
by playing xaphoon at the (50, -1) geohash on 2009-06-28.
2009-06-28 50 -1 sermoa playing xaphoon.jpg
Sermoa earned the Rubik's Achievement
by solving a Rubik's cube at the (50, -1) geohash on 2009-06-28.
2009-06-28 50 -1 sermoa solved rubiks cube.jpg
Sermoa earned the Hashdog Ribbon
by playing ball with a dog at the (50, -1) geohash on 2009-06-28.
2009-06-28 50 -1 hashdog.jpg
Playing card.jpg
Sermoa, Macronencer and DavidMiller earned the Card Game achievement
by playing cards at the (50, -1) geohash on 2009-08-15.
2009-08-15 50 -1 3256.JPG
Sermoa, Macronencer, Mapaholic and DavidMiller earned the Party geohash
by throwing a mad-keen party at the Cubicle achievement (51, -1) geohash on 2009-08-30.

Multiple geohash challenges

Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash 2.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Sermoa achieved level 2 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in Swindon, United Kingdom and 2 of the surrounding graticules.
Sermoa earned the xkcd Nullaturion achievement
by attending 2 Saturday meetups.
2009-08-15 50 -1 Macronencer 43.jpg