About Me
A German currently living and working in Linz, Austria. Mostly feet, bicycle and train-powered. Usually too busy to reach many hashes, but trying to catch at least those that are close by.
As a long time xkcd reader, I always wanted to start geohashing, which I finally did in 2012. Since then, I try to monitor the graticules close to my (current) location and go on a trip in case it fits in my schedule and mobility. Unfortunately, it turns out that I'm not as active as I want to be. In case you plan going on a trip in a graticule close to mine, please drop me a note and I'd be happy to join.
More to follow, eventually.
You can find an automatically generated list of my expeditions on a separate page. Additionally, all my trips are can be navigated through (prev|next) links next to my participation entry on the expedition page. I also maintain a dedicated map on Google Maps.
I used to live in Düsseldorf, Germany, from where I started a couple of expeditions in the (51,6) graticule:
I used to live in Oldenburg, Germany, from where I started a couple of expeditions in the (53,8) graticule:
Other graticules
2022-04-23 (Yspertal (Waldviertel), Austria)
2022-04-16 (South Kona, Hawai‘i) — (West geohash achievement)
2020-01-28 (Otjiwarongo, Namibia)
2019-01-19 (Lima, Peru)
1977-10-19 (Volkmanndorf (Wang), Germany) — (Origin geohash, visited on 2018-07-28)
2018-05-21 (Stadt Blankenberg, Germany) — (Geohashing Day)
2016-08-08 (Recklinghausen, Germany)
2016-08-08 (Lohne, Germany)
2016-07-16 (Lexmond, NL)
2016-07-15 (Tilburg, NL)
2016-05-21 (Caimito, Cuba) — (Geohashing Day)
2015-09-20 (Livorno, Italy)
2015-05-14 (Bonn, Germany)
2013-08-10 (Bielefeld, Germany)
2013-07-25 (Hannover, Germany)
Long-term goals