
From Geohashing
Revision as of 23:08, 23 April 2021 by Kripakko (talk | contribs)


I am a Finnish outdoors person, geocacher and orienteer. I heard about geohashing at about the same time I started geocaching in 2013, but only in April 2019 did I actually get around to creating an account.

Geocaching profile: Kripakko

Home graticule: Joensuu, Finland (62,29)

I have created a template for displaying links to National Land Survey of Finland's topographic map: Template:MapSiteLink. Anyone in Finland is free to use it too if they want to.

Successful expeditions

Failed expeditions


Kripakko earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (62, 30) geohash on 2019-04-14.
Kripakko earned the Snowman Geohash Achievement
by building a snowman at the (62, 30) geohash on 2019-04-14.
Kripakko earned the Public transport geohash achievement
by reaching the (62, 29) geohash on 2019-05-05 using public transit.
Kripakko earned the Speed racer achievement
by passing through the (62, 29) geohash on 2019-05-05 at 45 km/h.
Kripakko earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging his father to the (62, 29) geohash on 2019-05-11.
Kripakko earned the Sunrise Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (62, 29) geohash on 2019-06-04 to smile at the first rays of sun to cross the horizon.
Kripakko earned the Bicycle geohash achievement
by cycling 101.2 km to and from the (63, 29) geohash on 2019-06-07.
Kripakko earned the Last man standing achievement
by being the the only hasher world-wide to go on a geohashing expedition on 2019-06-07.
Kripakko earned the Frozen Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (62, 29) geohash on 2020-02-26 while the temperature was below the freezing point of water.
Kripakko earned the Water geohash achievement
by reaching the (62, 29) geohash on 2020-03-22 by bicycle.
Kripakko earned the Walking on water geohash achievement
by reaching the (62, 29) water geohash on 2020-03-22 on foot. Yes, on foot.
Kripakko earned the Geohash by proxy achievement
by reaching the (62, 29) geohash on 2020-05-02 using a GPS-carrying snow pusher.
Kripakko earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging his friend to the (62, 29) geohash on 2020-05-02.
Kripakko earned the Couch Potato Geohash Honorable Mention
by living near the (62, 29) geohash on 2020-05-02.
Kripakko earned the Multihash Achievement
by reaching the 2020-05-10 61 29 and 2020-05-10 62 29 geohashes on 2020-05-10.
Kripakko earned the Tron achievement
by reaching and returning from the (62, 29) geohash without crossing his own tracks on 2020-05-15.
Kripakko earned the Velociraptor Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (61, 30) geohash for 2020-05-26 with highly visible raptor claw marks.

Template:Virgin graticule

Kripakko earned the Drowned Rat Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (62, 29) geohash on 2020-06-04 despite being thoroughly wet from cycling in rain and traversing dense and damp vegetation.
Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash 5.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Kripakko achieved level 5 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in Joensuu, Finland and 5 of the surrounding graticules.
Kripakko earned the Hash collision honorable mention
by discovering the geocache GC8MGM1 655 metres from the (62, 29) geohash on 2021-02-06.

Consolation prizes and such

Kripakko earned the No trespassing consolation prize
by almost (four metres!) reaching the (62, 29) geohash on 2019-05-04.
Is it true that Kripakko earned the Tron achievement?
In principle, yes.
But he failed to reach the hashpoint (2019-05-04 62 29).