Difference between revisions of "User:Pastori"

From Geohashing
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== Expeditions==
== Expeditions==
*48. [[2013-10-19 40 0]] Failed to reach this hashpoint in L'Ampolla, Spain.
*47. [[2013-10-08 39 -8]] Successfully reached this hashpoint in Rio Maior, Portugal.
*47. [[2013-10-08 39 -8]] Successfully reached this hashpoint in Rio Maior, Portugal.
*46. [[2013-10-06 43 -4]] Failed to reach this hashpoint in Cabezón de la Sal, Spain.
*46. [[2013-10-06 43 -4]] Failed to reach this hashpoint in Cabezón de la Sal, Spain.
Line 258: Line 259:
     | name = [[User:Pastori|Pastori]]
     | name = [[User:Pastori|Pastori]]
     | image = 2013-05-01_63_29DSC_0581_1500px.jpg  
     | image = 2013-05-01_63_29DSC_0581_1500px.jpg  
=== Consolation prizes ===
{{Blinded by Science
| latitude = 40
| longitude = 0
| date = 2013-10-19
| reason = because he entered different coordinates to two different GPS devices
| name = [[User:Pastori|Pastori]]
| image = 2013-10-19_40_0_europa_9 022_1500px.jpg

Revision as of 14:30, 20 October 2013


Lol-asg.png 63 / m / 63,28

This user is a retired pastor from Valtimo, Finland. He bought his first smartphone with GPS in March 2013, and his son immediately introduced him to the concept of geohashing. As he is an adventurous and wilderness-loving person, the idea of visiting random coordinates appealed to him. A couple of nearby coordinates still slipped by because of lack of proper software in the phone, but when his son visited him for Easter, Geohash Droid was immediately installed. Then it was only a matter of time before the first adventure could begin...

(Note: His son has written these descriptions and will write the actual reports according to his narrative, as he has not enough confidence in his own skills writing English texts.)


He lives in a very sparsely populated graticule, bearing the name of Nilsiä. His home is in the municipality of Valtimo, which is in the eastern side of a chain of forested hills acting as a water divider. This makes Valtimo to draw many weather patterns from the continental climate of Russia, which makes it a very cold place; according to the national classification, the city of Rovaniemi in the Arctic Circle (The home of Santa Claus) enjoys similar climate as this region. Coldest days of winter regularly see the thermometer dropping to almost -40°C, and even in March there can be -25°C in the nighttime.


To visit hashpoints whenever they are close enough! And in vacations or when traveling also whenever they are not so close. .)

Update May 2013: Pastori now has a master plan to visit all the graticules in Finland! Here is a map to track the progress.


  • 48. 2013-10-19 40 0 Failed to reach this hashpoint in L'Ampolla, Spain.
  • 47. 2013-10-08 39 -8 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Rio Maior, Portugal.
  • 46. 2013-10-06 43 -4 Failed to reach this hashpoint in Cabezón de la Sal, Spain.
  • 45. 2013-10-05 41 -0 Successfully reached this hashpoint near La Almolda, Spain.
  • 44. 2013-09-28 44 1 Successfully reached this hashpoint near Saint-Martin-de-Vers, France.
  • 43. 2013-09-26 49 6 Failed to reach this hashpoint in Luxembourg.
  • 42. 2013-09-25 55 12 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Gammel Kalvehave, Denmark.

European tour begins!

  • 41. 2013-09-02 63 28 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Kalliojärvi, Valtimo.
  • 40. 2013-09-01 64 28 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Sotkamo, expanding his visited graticules -list once again.
  • 39. 2013-08-26 63 29 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Korkeanalussuo, Sotkamo.
  • 38. 2013-08-26 63 28 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Talvivaara, Sotkamo.
  • 37. 2013-08-25 63 23 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Riihineva, Kauhava, conquering a new virgin graticule (Kokkola)!
  • 36. 2013-08-08 63 29 Successfully reached this hashpoint along with Tilley &co and Päivi.
  • 35. 2013-07-23 60 28 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Lappeenranta, scoring a difficult new graticule bearing the name of Vyborg, Russia!
  • 34. 2013-07-18 64 29 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Rytylinvaara, Kuhmo, conquering a new Virgin Graticule!
  • 33. 2013-07-13 63 28 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Pajukoski, Valtimo, achieving Birthday Geohash for the Wife!
  • 32. 2013-07-12 63 28 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Tappojoki, Valtimo, along with Pekka&Mira.
  • 31. 2013-07-08 62 21 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Närpiö, scoring yet another graticule.
  • 30. 2013-07-04 61 23 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Pihlajalahti, continuing his expansion of graticules.
  • 29. 2013-07-04 61 24 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Jämsä, conquering a new graticule.
  • 28. 2013-06-28 63 28 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Halmejärvi, Valtimo.
  • 27. 2013-06-26 63 27 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Kinahmi, Kuopio.
  • 26. 2013-06-11 63 28 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Puukari, Valtimo with bikes.
  • 25. 2013-06-02 63 28 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Rasimäki, Valtimo along with Tilley et co.
  • 24. 2013-05-26 64 27 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Pöppölä, Sotkamo (Kajaani graticule).
  • 23. 2013-05-26 64 26 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Kajaani (Vaala graticule).
  • 22. 2013-05-26 63 22 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Kauhava (Pietarsaari graticule).
  • 21. 2013-05-25 62 22 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Ilmajoki (Seinäjoki graticule).
  • 20. 2013-05-24 62 23 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Seinäjoki (Lapua graticule.
  • 19. 2013-05-23 62 23 Failed to reach this hashpoint in Timanttimaa, Alavus (Lapua graticule) because of thicket and sore knee.
  • 18. 2013-05-23 62 24 Failed to reach this hashpoint in Rämälä, Ähtäri (Keuruu graticule) because of thicket and sore knee.
  • 17. 2013-05-23 62 27 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Suonenjoki.
  • 16. 2013-05-21 63 29 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Saramo, Nurmes, celebrating the Geohashing Day 21.5.
  • 15. 2013-05-18 63 28 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Rumo, Valtimo, in a formal attire.
  • 14. 2013-05-10 62 27 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Kuopio along with Tilley & co!
  • 13. 2013-05-08 62 27 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Leppävirta, achieving minesweeper level 3.
  • 12. 2013-05-08 60 24 Failed to reach this hashpoint in Vantaa due to crops on a field.
  • 11. 2013-05-06 61 25 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Nastola.
  • 10. 2013-05-01 63 28 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Rautavaara, making it a triple achievement day!
  • 9. 2013-05-01 63 27 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Iisalmi, second hash today!
  • 8. 2013-05-01 63 29 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Salmenkylä, Nurmes, achieving Virgin Graticule award.
  • 7. 2013-04-29 63 28 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Puukari, Valtimo by cycling 14 km.
  • 6. 2013-04-16 63 28 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Koppelo, Valtimo walking with snow shoes 2,5 km.
  • 5. 2013-04-13 63 28 Successfully reached this hashpoint in Rasimäki, Valtimo with snow shoes.
  • 4. 2013-04-11 63 28 Successfully reached this geohash in Vasaravaara, Valtimo with skis.
  • 3. 2013-04-07 63 28 Failed to reach this geohash in Rautavaara because of too long unploughed stretch of road to make his way through in a formal attire.
  • 2. 2013-04-07 63 29 Failed to reach this geohash in Nurmes because of too many dogs in the vicinity of geohash.
  • 1. 2013-03-28 63 28 Reached his first geohash in a snowy field in Karhunpää, also achieving Virgin Graticule for Nilsiä, Finland.


Location Achievements

Pastori earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (63, 28) geohash on 2013-03-28.
2013-03-28 63 28 DSC 0241 cropped.jpg

Activities & Attire Achievements

Pastori and The Wife earned the Bicycle geohash achievement
by cycling 22 km to and from the (62, 27) geohash on 2013-05-10.
2013-05-10 62 27DSC 0742 1500px.jpg
Formal attire.PNG
Pastori and The Wife earned the Formal attire achievement
by looking good at the (63, 28) geohash on 2013-05-18.
2013-05-08 63 28DSC 0826 1500px.jpg

Challenge Achievements

Single Geohash Achievements

Pastori earned the Frozen Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (63, 28) geohash on 2013-03-28 while the temperature was -12°C.
2013-03-28 63 28 temperature data valtimo.JPG

Multiple Geohash Achievements

Pastori and The Wife earned the Consecutive geohash achievement
by reaching hash points on 3 consecutive days starting on 2013-05-24.
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash 6.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Pastori achieved level 6 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in Nilsiä, Finland and 6 of the surrounding graticules.
Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash 5.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Pastori achieved level 5 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in Seinäjoki, Finland and 5 of the surrounding graticules.
Pastori and The Wife earned the Multihash Achievement
by reaching 3 hash points on 2013-05-01. It's a Triple Hash.
2013-05-01 63 28DSC 0624 1500px.jpg
Pastori and The Wife earned the Multihash Achievement
by reaching 3 hash points on 2013-05-26. It's a Triple Hash.
2013-05-26 64 27DSC 1149 1500px.jpg
Pastori and The Wife earned the Multihash Achievement
by reaching 2 hash points on 2013-07-04. It's a Double Hash.
2013-07-04 61 23 DSC 1646 1500px.jpg
Pastori and The Wife earned the Multihash Achievement
by reaching 2 hash points on 2013-08-26. It's a Double Hash.
2013-08-26 63 28 DSC 0044 1500px.jpg

Interaction achievements

Pastori earned the Ambassador achievement
by obtaining permission from local farmer to access the (63, 28) geohash on 2013-06-02.
2013-06-02 63 28 DSC 1285 1500px.jpg

Timing Achievements

Daily Events

Pastori earned the Last man standing achievement
by being the the only hasher world-wide to go on a geohashing expedition on 2013-06-26.
2013-06-26 63 27 P1010015 1500px.jpg

Annual Events

The Wife earned the Birthday Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (63, 28) geohash on her birthday, 2013-07-13.
2013-07-13 63 28 DSC 1848 1500px.jpg
Pastori and The Wife earned the 2013 Geohashing Day achievement
by having a picnic, fishing and wandering in the wilderness in the (63, 29) graticule on May 21st 2013.

"I'm Better than You" Achievements

Template:Virgin graticule

Template:Virgin graticule

Template:Virgin graticule

Template:Virgin graticule

Template:Virgin graticule

Template:Virgin graticule

Template:Virgin graticule

Template:Virgin graticule

Template:Virgin graticule

Template:Virgin graticule

Template:Virgin graticule

Consolation prizes

Pastori earned the Blinded by Science Consolation Prize
by failing to reach the (40, 0) geohash on 2013-10-19 because he entered different coordinates to two different GPS devices.
2013-10-19 40 0 europa 9 022 1500px.jpg