
From Geohashing

Only the first occurrences are listed here.

Location Based

This user earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (55, -3) geohash on 2023-08-17.
This user earned the Tale of Two Hashes achievement
by meeting the challenge by George to geohash in Alexandria going to the (56, -4) geohash on 2023-10-20.
This user earned the Air geohash achievement
by reaching the (53, 0) geohash on 2024-01-11 by Boeing 737-800, attaining the rank of Passenger.
This user has visited an Easy Geohash
by reaching the (53, 0) geohash on 2024-01-11 without really trying.
This user earned the Hash collision achievement
by discovering the geocache GC4DKTQ near the (55, -4) geohash on 2024-05-01.

Activity Based

This user earned the Public transport geohash achievement
by reaching the (55, -3) geohash on 2023-08-17 using public transit.
This user earned the OpenStreetMap achievement
by contributing to OpenStreetMap based on their expedition to the (55, -3) geohash on 2023-08-17.
This user earned the Puppet Master Geohash achievement
by manipulating someone to reach the (41, -87) geohash on 2023-08-20.
This user earned the Walk geohash Achievement
by reaching the (55, -4) geohash on 2023-09-27 on foot.
This user earned the Juggernaut achievement
by reaching a geohash in a straight line (with a deviation of barely 1:22) on 2023-09-27.
This user earned the GeoTrash Geohash Achievement
by cleaning up the (55, -4) geohash on 2023-10-26.
This user earned the Speed racer achievement
by passing through the (53, 0) geohash on 2024-01-11 at 800km/h.
This user earned the Border geohash achievement
by crossing the Scotland-England border on 2024-01-11 to reach the (53, 0) geohash.
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This user earned the One with Nature Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (56, -4) geohash on 2024-01-28.
This user earned the Picnic achievement
by eating chocolate and drinking Pepsi at the (56, -3) geohash on 2024-02-20.
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This user earned the Large Climb achievement
by climbing 278m primarily by foot during their (56, -4) geohash expedition on 2024-03-30.
This user earned the Tron achievement
by reaching and returning from the (55, -4) geohash without crossing their own tracks on 2024-05-01.
This user earned the Speedrun achievement
by completing their entire expedition to and from the 2024-07-21 geohash in 39 minutes.
KerrMcF earned the Roman roaming achievement
by visiting a Roman historical site on their way to the (55, -3) geohash on 2024-08-04.
KerrMcF earned the Sightseeing achievement
by recreating a photograph from the Wikipedia page for Rough Castle Fort, which is near the (55, -3) geohash on 2024-08-04.

Challenge Based

This user earned the Drowned Rat Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (55, -4) geohash on 2023-09-27 despite being thoroughly wet from heavy rain.
This user earned the Consecutive geohash achievement
by reaching 2 hash points on 2 consecutive days starting on 2024-02-20.
This user earned the Consecutive geohash achievement
by reaching 2 hash points on 2 consecutive days starting on 2024-08-04.

Two to the N - Attempted

This user earned the Two to the N achievement
by attempting to reach 21 hashpoints on 2023-09-12 56 -4 and is promoted to Level 1 (Expeditions).
This user earned the Two to the N achievement
by attempting to reach 22 hashpoints on 2023-10-20 56 -4 and is promoted to Level 2 (Expeditions).
This user earned the Two to the N achievement
by attempting to reach 23 hashpoints on 2024-02-02 55 -4 and is promoted to Level 3 (Expeditions).
This user earned the Two to the N achievement
by attempting to reach 24 hashpoints on 2024-03-23 55 -4 and is promoted to Level 4 (Expeditions).

Two to the N - Reached

This user earned the Two to the N achievement
by reaching 21 hashpoints on 2023-09-27 55 -4 and is promoted to Level 1 (Coordinates reached).
This user earned the Two to the N achievement
by reaching 22 hashpoints on 2023-10-26 55 -4 and is promoted to Level 2 (Coordinates reached).
This user earned the Two to the N achievement
by reaching 23 hashpoints on 2024-02-20 56 -3 and is promoted to Level 3 (Coordinates reached).
This user earned the Two to the N achievement
by reaching 24 hashpoints on 2024-07-06 55 -4 and is promoted to Level 4 (Coordinates reached).

Two to the N - Retro

This user earned the Two to the N achievement
by reaching 21 retro hashpoints including the one for 1987-12-15 54 -2 and is promoted to Level 1 (Retro coordinates reached).
This user earned the Two to the N achievement
by reaching 22 retro hashpoints including the one for 1985-04-28 55 -3 and is promoted to Level 2 (Retro coordinates reached).

xkcd centurion

This user earned the xkcd Nullaturion achievement
by attending 1 Saturday meetup.

Interaction Based

This user earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging Daniel to the (56, -4) geohash on 2023-10-20.
This user earned the Police Geohash Achievement
by finding a police van next to the point while attempting the (55, -4) geohash on 2024-03-19.
This user earned the Hashcat achievement
by finding a cat and stopping to pat it near the (55, -4) geohash on 2024-07-21.
This user earned the Meet-up achievement
by meeting Gaelan at the (55, -3) geohash on 2024-08-05.

Timing Based

This user earned the Revival Achievement
by being the first person in almost 13 years to successfully geohash in the 55,-4 graticule at the (55, -4) geohash on 2023-09-27.
This user earned the Valentine's Achievement
by geohashing on Valentine's Day at the (55, -4) geohash on 2024-02-14.
This user earned the Last man standing achievement
by being the the only hasher world-wide to go on a geohashing expedition on 2024-02-21.
This user earned the Holiday achievement
by wearing green on/during St. Patrick's Day at the (55, -4) geohash on 2024-03-17.
This user earned the Déjà Vu Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (56, -4) geohash on 2024-03-22, and previously on 2023-10-20.
This user earned the 2024 Mouse Over Day achievement
by celebrating in the (54, -2) graticule on the Saturday following May 21st 2024.

Minesweepers, N-in-a-Rows, and Regionals

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This user achieved level 3 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in Glasgow, United Kingdom and 3 of the surrounding graticules.
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This user achieved level 3 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in Helensburgh, United Kingdom and 3 of the surrounding graticules.
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Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
This user achieved level 3 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in Perth, United Kingdom and 3 of the surrounding graticules.
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Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
This user achieved level 3 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in Edinburgh, United Kingdom and 3 of the surrounding graticules.
This user earned the 2-in-a-row achievement
by achieving a connection of 2 graticules in a row (55,-3 to 55,-4) after reaching the (55, -4) geohash on 2023-09-27.
This user earned the Regional geohashing achievement
by reaching a hash point in all 1 graticules belonging to Inverclyde (council).
This user earned the Regional geohashing achievement
by reaching a hash point in all 2 graticules belonging to West Dunbartonshire (council).
This user earned the Regional geohashing achievement
by reaching a hash point in all 1 graticules belonging to Renfrewshire (council).

Honourable Mentions

This user earned the Hash collision honorable mention
by discovering the geocache GC2X5DM 342m from the (55, -3) geohash on 2023-08-17.
This user earned the XKCD-100 Honorable Mention Achievement
by voyaging approx. 440km to reach the (53, 0) geohash on 2024-01-11. Alas it was not a Saturday.

Consolation Prizes

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This user earned the Done with Nature consolation prize
by failing to reach the (56, -4) geohash on 2023-09-12.
This user earned the Cliffs of Despair consolation prize
by being prevented from reaching the (56, -4) geohash on 2023-09-12 by terrain that was too steep to be traversed.
This user earned the Prize poultry Consolation Prize
by chickening out on the (56, -4) geohash on 2023-09-12.
This user earned the There might be alligators! consolation prize
by being prevented from reaching the (55, -4) geohash on 2024-02-02 by an impassable and unforeseen marsh (and probably lurking alligators).
This user earned the White Rabbit consolation prize
by failing to reach the (55, -4) geohash on 2024-07-21 because of time constraints.

Combo Achievements

DWN Ribbon.jpgBrakes.pngDucklings.png
This user earned the Done with Cliffs of Poultry Consolation Prize
by chickening out due to nature's cliffs at the (56, -4) geohash on 2023-09-12.
This user earned the Drowned Juggernaut Achievement
by reaching the geohash in a straight line despite being thoroughly wet at the (55, -4) geohash on 2023-09-27.
This user earned the Public Transport Air Speed Racer Border Cross Achievement
by reaching the maximum legal speed in the air on a Boeing 737-800 after crossing a border at the (53, 0) geohash on 2024-01-11.
DWN Ribbon.jpgAlligator.png
This user earned the Done with Alligators! Consolation Prize
by encountering nature's marsh/bog/swamp/other term at the (55, -4) geohash on 2024-02-02.

Personal Bests

Based on the "I'm Better Than You" achievements, but on a personal level. These ribbons are made with gratuitous ribbons to keep the actual achievements accurate and will only be found on this page. They are not meant to undermine the actual achievements but are simply a way to keep track of my stats.

KerrMcF earned the (Personal) Highest Achievement
by reaching an altitude of 293 m at the (56, -4) geohash on 2024-02-21.
KerrMcF earned the (Personal) Lowest Achievement
by reaching an altitude of 12 m at the (55, -4) geohash on 2024-05-01.
KerrMcF earned the (Personal) Northernmost Achievement
by reaching a latitude of 56.27397 at the (56, -4) geohash on 2024-01-28.
KerrMcF earned the (Personal) Southernmost Achievement
by reaching a latitude of 53.45372 at the (53, 0) geohash on 2024-01-11.
KerrMcF earned the (Personal) Westernmost Achievement
by reaching a longitude of -4.81305 at the (55, -4) geohash on 2024-03-10.
KerrMcF earned the (Personal) Easternmost Achievement
by reaching a longitude of 0.91922 at the (53, 0) geohash on 2024-01-11.
KerrMcF earned the (Personal) Furthest Travelled Achievement
by travelling approximately 440 km to the (53, 0) geohash on 2024-01-11.
KerrMcF earned the (Personal) Best Month Achievement
by going on 6 expeditions in March 2024, starting with the (55, -4) geohash on 2024-03-10.

For the furthest distance travelled by X mode of transport in a single expedition (there and back), check User:KerrMcF/Distances.