
From Geohashing
Revision as of 03:14, 19 December 2020 by Quaternary (talk | contribs) (Successful)

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Useful Pages for Geohashing


Quaternary certifies that Cholmondeley family earned the Coffin Potato Achievement
by occupying a coffin at the (-43, 172) geohash from between 1866-1894 to 2020-10-02.
2020 10 02 -43 172 05.JPG
Quaternary earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging Malcolm and Alison to the (-43, 172) geohash on 2019-01-02.
2019 01 02 -43 172 01.JPG
Quaternary has visited an Easy Geohash
by reaching the (-43, 172) geohash on 2019-01-02 without really trying.
Electric car.png
Quaternary earned the Electric Vehicle Achievement
by travelling to and from the Geohash in an electric vehicle (-43, 172) geohash on 2019-01-02.
2014 08 14 -43 172 5 Eco power.JPG

Template:Virgin graticule

Quaternary earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging Will to the (-44, 170) geohash on 2018-09-09.
2018 09 09 -44 170 08.JPG
Electric car.png
Quaternary earned the Electric Vehicle Achievement
by travelling to and from the Geohash in an electric vehicle (-44, 170) geohash on 2018-09-09.
2014 08 14 -43 172 5 Eco power.JPG
Quaternary earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging Romeo to the (47, -122) geohash on 2018-08-18.
2018 08 18 47 -122 01.JPG
Quaternary earned the Globetrotter achievement
by visiting hashpoints on 3 continents.
Electric car.png
Quaternary earned the Electric Vehicle Achievement
by travelling to and from the Geohash in an electric vehicle (-43, 172) geohash on 2018-02-11.
2018 02 11 -43 172 01.JPG
Quaternary earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging David to the (-43, 172) geohash on 2018-02-11.
2018 02 11 -43 172 03.JPG
Quaternary earned the Velociraptor Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (-43, 172) geohash for 2018-01-27 with highly visible raptor claw marks.
2018 01 27 -43 172 02.JPG
Quaternary earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging David to the (-43, 172) geohash on 2018-01-27.
2018 01 27 -43 172 08.JPG
Electric car.png
Quaternary earned the Electric Vehicle Achievement
by travelling to and from the Geohash in an electric vehicle (-43, 172) geohash on 2018-01-27.
2018 01 27 -43 172 01.JPG

Template:Virgin graticule

Electric car.png
Quaternary earned the Electric Vehicle Achievement
by travelling to and from the Geohash in an electric vehicle (-41, 172) geohash on 2017-12-27.
2014 08 14 -43 172 5 Eco power.JPG
Quaternary earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging Andy to the (-43, 172) geohash on 2017-03-01.
2017 03 01 -43 172 05.JPG
Electric car.png
Quaternary earned the Electric Vehicle Achievement
by travelling to and from the Geohash in an electric vehicle (-43, 172) geohash on 2017-03-01.
2014 08 14 -43 172 5 Eco power.JPG
Electric car.png
Quaternary earned the Electric Vehicle Achievement
by travelling to and from the Geohash in an electric vehicle (-43, 172) geohash on 2017-02-03.
2014 08 14 -43 172 5 Eco power.JPG
Quaternary earned the GeoTrash Geohash Achievement
by cleaning up the (-43, 172) geohash on 2017-02-03.
2017 02 03 -43 172 02.JPG
Quaternary has visited an Easy Geohash
by reaching the (-43, 172) geohash on 2017-02-03 without really trying.
Electric car.png
Quaternary earned the Electric Vehicle Achievement
by travelling to and from the Geohash in an electric vehicle (-43, 172) geohash on 2017-01-05.
2014 08 14 -43 172 5 Eco power.JPG
Quaternary earned the Geo Jog Achievement
by going jogging for 5 km, using the Geohash as the starting point (-43, 172) geohash on 2017-01-05.
2017 01 05 -43 172 05.JPG
Quaternary earned the Déjà Vu Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (-43, 172) geohash on 2016-11-29, and previously on 2000-2005.
2016 11 29 -43 172 03.JPG
Electric car.png
Quaternary earned the Electric Vehicle Achievement
by travelling to and from the Geohash in an electric vehicle (-43, 172) geohash on 2016-11-29.
2014 08 14 -43 172 5 Eco power.JPG
Quaternary earned the Tron achievement
by reaching and returning from the (-43, 172) geohash without crossing their own tracks on 2016-11-02.
2016 11 02 -43 172 08.JPG
Quaternary earned the Hobbit Achievement
by bearing a ring and baring their feet to and from the (-43, 172) geohash on 2016-11-02.
2016 11 02 -43 172 04.JPG
Quaternary earned the Walk geohash Achievement
by reaching the (-43, 172) geohash on 2016-11-02 on foot, travelling a distance of 2.0 kilometres.
2016 11 02 -43 172 05.JPG
Quaternary earned the Couch Potato Geohash Honorable Mention
by living near the (-43, 172) geohash on 2016-11-02.
2016 11 02 -43 172 08.JPG
Quaternary earned the East geohash achievement
by reaching the (-37, 172) geohash on 2016-09-06.
2016 09 06 -37 176 07.JPG
Quaternary earned the Two to the N achievement
by attempting to reach 25 hashpoints on 2016-09-06 -37 176 and is promoted to Level 5 (Expeditions).

Template:Virgin graticule

Quaternary earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging Hugh and Heather to the (-37, 176) geohash on 2016-09-06.
2016 09 06 -37 176 12.JPG

Template:Virgin graticule

Electric car.png
Quaternary earned the Electric Vehicle Achievement
by travelling to and from the Geohash in an electric vehicle (-43, 172) geohash on 2014-09-16.
2014 08 14 -43 172 5 Eco power.JPG
Quaternary earned the Last man standing achievement
by being the the only hasher world-wide to go on a geohashing expedition on 2014-08-14.
2014 08 14 -43 172 2 Arrived.JPG
Electric car.png
Quaternary earned the Electric Vehicle Achievement
by travelling to and from the Geohash in an electric vehicle (-43, 172) geohash on 2014-08-14.
2014 08 14 -43 172 5 Eco power.JPG
Quaternary earned the No trespassing consolation prize
by almost (close but no cigar) reaching the (37, -89) geohash on 2014-07-18.
2014 07 18 37 -89 03 Locked gate to the North.JPG

Template:Virgin graticule

Quaternary earned the Ambassador achievement
by obtaining permission from John to access the (-43, 173) geohash on 2014-05-19.
Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash 2.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Quaternary achieved level 2 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in Christchurch,_New_Zealand and 2 of the surrounding graticules.

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Quaternary earned the Globetrotter achievement
by visiting hashpoints on 2 continents.
Quaternary earned the Public transport geohash achievement
by reaching the (37, 126) geohash on 2014-05-04 via Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit:.
Quaternary has visited an Easy Geohash
by reaching the (37, 126) geohash on 2014-05-04 without really trying.
Quaternary earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging Samuel to the (-43, 172) geohash on 2014-03-29.
2014 03 29 -43 172 05 Karate Kid 2.JPG
Quaternary earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging Rob to the (-43, 172) geohash on 2014-03-15.
2014 03 15 -43 172 The Location.JPG
Quaternary earned the GeoTrash Geohash Achievement
by cleaning up the (-43, 172) geohash on 2014-03-15.
2014 03 15 -43 172 Looking West.JPG
Quaternary earned the GeoTrash Geohash Achievement
by cleaning up the (-43, 172) geohash on 2014-02-28.
2014 02 28 -43 172 Geotrashing.JPG
Quaternary earned the Bicycle geohash achievement
by cycling 7.2 km to and from the (-43, 172) geohash on 2014-02-23.
2014 02 23 -43 172 The Location.JPG
Quaternary earned the GeoTrash Geohash Achievement
by cleaning up the (-43, 172) geohash on 2013-09-21.

Template:Virgin graticule