Geohashing是一个自2008年开始的随机冒险活动。你会探索随机的位置,遇到其他探险者,挑战未知环境,然后回来记录你的探险。 Geohashing is a game of spontaneous adventure generation played around the world since 2008. You will explore random locations, meet fellow geohashers, brave the elements, unlock achievements, and then come back here to document your expedition.
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“ | As I was heading back to the truck, I encountered every urban geohasher's worst nightmare: an aggressive, charging, off-leash dog. Fortunately, it was only about the size of a large burrito.
” | |
find some more great geohashing quotations here. |
- Create or log in to an account (returning after a break? all accounts created before 2020-02-02 were deleted; you'll need to sign up again)
- Use a coordinate calculator to give you a pair of GPS coordinates
- Go there (or as close as you can safely/legally get)
- Write about your expedition!
Need more? Keep reading for full instructions, FAQs, history, other people's expeditions...
How does Geohashing work?
Every day, effectively random locations are generated by an algorithm that derives randomness from stock market data. A set of coordinates is generated for every 1°×1° latitude/longitude zone in the world, or graticule. The coordinates might be in a field, a forest, a city, up a mountain, or out at sea! Everyone in a quadrant of the globe gets the same set of coordinates relative to their graticule.
The generated coordinates are used as destinations for adventures, à la Geocaching, or for local meetups. After the fun, please document your expedition: The rest of us would love to read your story, see your photos, and cheer your success (or commiserate with your failure)! Join the other 'spot spotters', be out standing in your field and use this wiki to document the daily coordinates (geohashes) you’ve been to or tried to reach.
The daily coordinates are repeated for each degree all round the planet, but there is also a single globalhash, rare, valued and much harder to reach.
Learn more
How to geohash:
- Beginner's guide - start here
- Guidelines to follow
- Frequently asked questions
- Map applications that may help you get there
- Geohashing guides on various topics
Other people's expeditions:
- geohashing.win - browse all expeditions on a map
- Hall of Amazingness
- Maps and statistics
Get involved
- Find a geohash using a coordinate calculator
- Find others in your local area
- Chat on Discord or IRC #geohashing chat on slashnet (web interface)
- Create your user page and become a part of the community!
news archive • Edit What's new on the wiki?
- The most active graticule for 2025-02 was 52,7.
- The Sightseeing achievement has been added.
- The Vexillologist achievement has been added.
More pages needing discussion • Discussion archive • Edit Now discussing - please join in:
- Make sure to check out and give your thoughts on the Proposed achievements!
- For more general discussions, find us here:
- IRC: #geohashing on irc.slashnet.org
- Discord: discord.gg/BvRfGat
Official xkcd meetups

Based on the title text from the comic that established geohashing, the "official" meetup day was interpreted as being Saturday; that is, the day one would have the best chance of meeting others -- see also Mouseover Day. Additionally it was decided through convention that a good meeting time would be 16:00 local time (4:00 P.M.)¹
However, neither of these are hard rules, and they were formulated at a very different early stage in the sport's history. Nowadays and for quite awhile actually, any date or time can be good (or bad, depending on how many other hashers are near you) for meeting up, especially if prearranged. Note that this only applies to that day’s normal local geohash or globalhash coordinates, if you try to go to an alternate location without telling anyone else, it's highly unlikely you'd meet up with a hasher there (obviously).
¹Or earlier if that would be too close to sunset during the winter, or other quirks of temporal tradition; see your local graticule page for consensus there.
Recent and Upcoming Coordinates
The coordinates for the next Saturday meetups, scheduled for 15 March 2025, will be based on the Dow’s opening price published at 09:30 EDT (13:30 UTC) on Friday 14 March. See timeanddate.com to convert this time to your local time zone.
- Coordinates: Fri 14 Mar* | Thu 13 Mar | Wed 12 Mar | Tue 11 Mar | Mon 10 Mar | Sun 9 Mar | Sat 8 Mar | Fri 7 Mar
* Only known for regions east of 30W longitude. Coordinates for regions to the west announced 13:30 UTC, 14 March. - View expedition archives for: March 2025 | February 2025 | January 2025 | More...
Gallery of Recent Expeditions
The gallery for each day is added to this page automatically, but pictures are selected to the gallery by us. Any geohasher is welcome to add a picture from that day. Just add your image name in the list at the “add yours” link. If the gallery hasn't been started yet, copy the format from the previous day, or read the how-to. Please also write an account of your expedition, even if only a short one, so that people can click the link on your picture and find out more.
Click here to learn how to add your own expedition pictures.
If your newly added expedition does not show, click here to refresh the cache
Click here to see an automatic list of all recent expeditions, whether pictures were posted or not.
Recent Expeditions | |||||||||
Recent non-expeditions
This section documents hash expeditions that geohashers wish they could make, but have not been able to for the reasons stated.