About Me
I'm another one of the many students at UBC.
I'm primarily going to be around the Vancouver graticule, but if the coordinates just don't work, then I'll likely try the Surrey and/or Victoria graticules (or possibly farther).
I'm current in Würzburg on a co-op term with thepiguy. While here I'll be geohashing in the general area, though I may consider going much farther, since I'm hoping to explore Europe a bit while I'm here! Also, since I'm working, I have more spare time than while I'm in classes, so you can expect to hear more from me again!
I love photography, particularly when the subject is the natural world. Some of my favourite pictures that I've taken while geohashing can be seen here.
Upcoming Expeditions
- Due to a broken wrist, I'm not able to bike too much right now, though I can do light riding again. At this point in time, I'll mainly be doing geohashes that I can walk to, or that are within walking distance from public transit.
- Expeditions: 34
- Successful: 33
- Failed: 1
- Saturday Meetups: 8
- Successful: 7
- Failed: 1
- Graticules Visited: 15
- Canada: 2
- Germany: 13
- Virgin Graticules: 2
- Canada: 1
- Germany: 1
- Geohashers met: 19
- Canada: 5
- Germany: 14
- Largest geohashing group: 12
- Longest consecutive geohash: 4
- Most geohashes in one day: 5
Expeditions (33 successful, 1 failed)
Bold for Saturday expeditions, underlined for virgin graticules.
2008-05-27 Vancouver My first geohash!
2008-05-31 Surrey My first "official" (Saturday) geohash.
2008-07-19 Vancouver Ended up biking to Nanaimo and back, but ran out of time to make the actual hashpoint.
2008-09-07 Vancouver A short bike ride away.
2008-09-21 Vancouver An epic water sunrise geohash!
2008-10-11 Vancouver A geohash close to the airport. With lots of candy. Yum.
2008-12-03 Vancouver An irresistibly close geohash while avoiding studying for exams.
2009-05-09 Bamberg My first geohash in Germany! In the middle of a field.
2009-05-10 Würzburg Another German geohash, full of insanity. Those were steep and slippery hills!
2009-05-21 Mannheim Geohashiversary 2009 in Heidelberg!
2009-05-23 Würzburg Mouse Over Day 2009 in a forest!
2009-05-25 Würzburg A close forest geohash on a beautiful evening.
2009-05-27 Würzburg Thepiguy and my hashiversaries! Unfortunately in the middle of a field, but we got to just over 100m before no trespassing! I'm counting it as a success since I could easily have reached it, but respected the farmer's crops. Officially, some would say it's a failure.
2009-05-28 Würzburg In a forest up a very steep bank (which Danatar found a way around, but Thepiguy and I just went straight up).
2009-05-29 Bamberg Not in a forest! In fact, it was on a small road by a golf course!
2009-05-30 Stuttgart In a forest beside a firing range.
2009-06-02 Bamberg In a beautiful field! However, I became a geohashualty on the way home...
2009-06-07 Kempten On the Eibsee, in a boat, with 8 other people, in a virgin graticule, ... (the list goes on)
2009-06-24 Würzburg By Rottenbauer, my first geohash without thepiguy!
2009-07-17 Würzburg A midnight hash in a field near Würzburg!
2007-07-22 Würzburg Another midnight hash in a field near Würzburg!
2009-07-25 Würzburg A 14km walk geohash to the "Flugplatz Würzburg-Schenkenturm" (a small airfield).
2009-08-28 Bamberg Right beside a highway on the way to the Big Berlin Meetup. Ultrahash part 1/4.
2009-08-28 Erfurt In a remote forest on the way to the Big Berlin Meetup. Ultrahash part 2/4.
2009-08-28 Halle (Saale) In the middle of a harvested field, just past sunset, on the way to the Big Berlin Meetup. Ultrahash part 3/4.
2009-08-28 Erfurt In a harvested field, at night, on the way to the Big Berlin Meetup. Found evidence of a previous geohasher (Ekorren). Ultrahash part 4/4.
2009-08-29 Berlin The Big Berlin Meetup! Twelve people from around Germany meet in a forest.
2009-08-30 Dresden In a harvested field with a beautiful view on the way back from the Big Berlin Meetup. Monsterhash part 1/5.
2009-08-30 Leipzig In a forest near former railway tracks on the way back from the Big Berlin Meetup. Monsterhash part 2/5.
2009-08-30 Chemnitz In a harvested field, overlooking a picturesque lake, in the Czech Republic, on the way back from the Big Berlin Meetup. Monsterhash part 3/5.
2009-08-30 Erfurt In private property in the small town of Buchau, on the way back from the Big Berlin Meetup. Ambasador geohash! Monsterhash part 4/5.
2009-08-30 Gotha In a hillside meadow on the way back from the Big Berlin Meetup. Monsterhash part 5/5.
2009-09-03 Bamberg On the edge of a road in Winterhausen. My first bike geohash (and first time riding a bike) since the geohashualty!
2009-09-06 Würzburg Just into a field near Zellingen. Another bike geohash.
Graticules Visited (15)
Chronologically listed (bold are home graticules, underlined for virgin):
- (49,-123) Vancouver, BC, Canada: 2008-05-27
- (49,-122) Surrey, BC, Canada: 2008-05-31
- (49,10) Bamberg, Germany: 2009-05-09
- (49,9) Würzburg, Germany: 2009-05-10
- (49,8) Mannheim, Germany: 2009-05-21
- (48,9) Stuttgart, Germany: 2009-05-30
- (47,10) Kempten, Germany: 2009-06-07
- (50,11) Erfurt, Germany: 2009-08-28
- (51,11) Halle (Saale), Germany: 2009-08-28
- (52,12) Brandenburg, Germany: 2009-08-28
- (52,13) Berlin, Germany: 2009-08-29
- (51,13) Dresden, Germany: 2009-08-30
- (51,12) Leipzig, Germany: 2009-08-30
- (50,12) Chemnitz, Germany: 2009-08-30
- (50,10) Gotha, Germany: 2009-08-30
I've visited enough graticules in Germany that I figured I'd make country and region maps. Click here to see them!
Geohashers I've Met
Chronologically listed:
- Thepiguy: We went geohashing together on our first expedition, 2008-05-27.
- Unknown Guy: He stopped by, in his car, for all of ten seconds. Didn't give us a name before driving off. He was running off to work, on 2008-05-31.
- Warren: Rode his motorbike from Bellingham to meet on 2008-05-31.
- Robyn: Met her before dawn on 2008-09-21, in time to inflate rafts.
- MylSh: Dragged him along to the 2008-12-03 geohash. He's gone on a few others since then.
- Danatar: Met him in the middle of a field during my first geohash in Germany, 2009-05-09.
- Eibsee Expedition (2009-06-07):
- Zb: Saw me looking lost in the München Hbf and led me to a good place to get pastries. Then we waited for the others to arrive.
- Dawidi: Recognized him next in the München Hbf, thanks to his awesome geohashing shirt.
- Hans: Arrived with Dawidi, and he was the next I saw at the München Hbf.
- Tomcat: Also arrived with Dawidi and also met him at the München Hbf.
- Ekorren: Next to arrive at the München Hbf, with Danatar and Thepiguy. He led us to a couple geocaches too!
- Baerenfell: The last person I met at the München Hbf.
- Big Berlin Meetup (2009-08-29):
- Jerrome: The first new person I met at the Berlin Hbf.
- Relet: The second new person I saw at the Berlin Hbf.
- Lyx: The third new person I saw at the Berlin Hbf.
- Davidc: The fourth new person I met at the Berlin Hbf.
- Pari: The fifth new person I met.
- JUB: The sixth new person I met.
- Hessophanes: The seventh and final person I met.
I know several other UBC geohashers, but I've not been on a geohash with them, so their names are not on the above list.
The ribbons were taking up a lot of space, so I've moved them to their own page. Click here for my ribbons!