- For the capital of the United States of America, see Washington, DC.
Note: This map is not guaranteed to be complete or accurate, or contain all successful hashes done in this graticule.
This is a map of all graticules containing parts of the U.S. state of Washington. Washington borders the U.S. states of Idaho and Oregon, as well as the Canadian province of British Columbia.
Not all graticules in Washington have been visited, there are still locked graticules, which are colored orange. If a graticule was visited, it is colored green, unless it has never been visited when the geohash was in Washington, in which case the graticule is colored blue.
The graticule gives the name of the first geohasher in that graticule and a link to the first successful expedition. If the first successful expedition was not in Washington, the first successful expedition in Washington and the name of that geohasher would also be given, unless there has not been a successful expedition in Washington yet.
Vancouver, CA-BC multiple[1] # in CA-BC
Surrey, CA-BC multiple[2] # in CA-BC
Chilliwack, CA-BC Robyn # in CA-BC
Princeton, CA-BC multiple[3] # in CA-BC
Kelowna, CA-BC Juventas # in CA-BC
Grand Forks, CA-BC Juventas # in CA-BC
Nelson, CA-BC
Lake Cowichan, CA-BC Wijnland # in CA-BC
Victoria, CA-BC Robyn #
Bellingham Thomcat #
North Cascades National Park Robyn #
Lake Chelan
Kettle Falls Thomcat #
Colville Thomcat #
Olympic National Park Michael5000 #
Seattle Marcy #
Snoqualmie Thomcat #
Wenatchee PBnJ #
Moses Lake Thomcat #
Davenport Thomcat #
Spokane Thomcat #
Ocean Shores Michael5000 #
Astoria, OR aperfectring # in OR Michael5000 # in WA
Mt. St. Helens New User #
Mt. Rainier OtherJack #
Yakima Thomcat #
Tri Cities Thomcat #
Walla Walla Thomcat #
Pullman Thomcat #
Lewiston Thomcat #
Portland, OR multiple[4] #
The Dalles, OR multiple[5] #
Goldendale Thomcat #
Hermiston, OR Thomcat #
Pendleton, OR Kydlt # in OR
Enterprise, OR multiple[6] # in OR
Grangeville, ID
Listing of multiple hashers