
From Geohashing
Revision as of 16:18, 4 July 2010 by (talk) (preemptively adding the train hash!)
Robyn and T-Rex.png

I'm Robyn. I hash on foot, by bicycle and by transit, usually bringing my Hashscot T-Rex with me. I try to avoid going by car, because burning fuel for pointless expeditions is dumb, but exercising for pointless expeditions is the win. I am deeply addicted to geohashing, however, so what began as sometimes stopping off at a geohash in a car while on my way elsewhere, has escalated to sometimes answering the call of distant geohashes too juicy for me to resist, but too far for me to bike before midnight.

When I'm at home in Vancouver, I'll usually try for the nearest hash in Vancouver, in Surrey or across the border to Bellingham. I get over to Victoria from time to time, too. I have good maps locally. I also travel all over North America for work, so you'll see me at strange graticules elsewhere. I might just surprise you some day.

I am also known on the internets as Qov. I'm recognizable as another Internet personality as well, but I can trust you not to blab, right?

Now and Near Future

  • Who knows!


  • Eager to get a globalhash using human powered vehicles only
  • Build a cool human powered vehicle to get to geohash in.
  • Minesweep home graticule
  • Meet at least one geohasher with a name starting with each letter of the alphabet. I currently lack B,C,I,N,O,U,V & Z.
  • Boat across the Squamish River and reach a geohash in the Tantalus Range.
  • Examine early Date pages and create expedition pages for the people who reported their expeditions only on the Main Page.
  • Create a Virgin Graticule map/list of Pioneers.

Geohashing Equipment

  • Успех (pronounced Oosp-yekh a.k.a. "Speckles") my 1991 Kuwahara TO2 Supertour 18-speed bicycle
  • A string (up to two and no reason to believe it will stop here) of bicycles purchased and then abandoned in other graticules.
  • Amazingly Enough, my inflatable kayak
  • T-Rex, my dinosaur hashscot
  • Yellow Garmin etrex Venture HC GPS
  • Canon Power Shot SD10 digital camera
  • Gorilla mini camera tripod
  • Brunton orienteering compass

Wanted Equipment

  • New bicycle tights
  • Waterproof camera
  • Camelback waterbag



  • Hashes Attempted: 111 in >35 different graticules
  • Hashes Achieved: 70 in >29 different graticules (+2 more without proof)
  • Retrohashes: 2
  • Centurion-eligible Saturday Meetups: 12 in 6 different graticules
  • Geohashers met: 28 in 6 different graticules
  • Continents geohashed: 1
  • Globalhashes: 1

Things that have thwarted me

Needs updating.

  • Private property : 11
  • Being chicken: 1
  • Body of water: 1
  • Transportation failure: 3
  • Mis-setting the GPS: 1
  • Time constraints: 4
  • Terrain/weather too nasty to continue safely: 7
  • Inability to use a camera: 1
  • Went to an alternate instead:3

Never turn down a chance to geohash.

Recent Geohashes Attempted

Most recent are listed first. Single horizontal lines every ten missions, and double lines every fifty, to facilitate counting. Bold numbers are the success count and bold words indicate an award or consolation prize taken for that attempt. Older geohash expeditions are sumarized and linked on their own page.

I've decided to count a geohash "successful" if I:

(a) get to within the accuracy figure of the coordinates as shown by my GPS,
(b) have the GPS show a distance remaining of zero,
(c) get to where it is obvious I could reach the geohash, but refrain from trampling crops,
(d) for airhashes, take a readable photo within 10 seconds of each latitude and longitude, or

I've never invoked option (c); such hashes are usually Not Reached - No public access.

See Robyn/All_Geohashes for links to my previous one hundred geohashing expeditions.

Geohashers Met

Alphabetical by username. Date is first meeting at a geohash.


These are the ten ribbons I have earned or updated recently. I have moved all the older ribbons to their own page.

Robyn earned the Train wreck consolation prize
by failing to reach the (49, -123) geohash on 2010-05-22 using an inflatable boats that wouldn't stay that way.
2010-05-22 49 -123.flotilla.jpg
Robyn earned the 2010 Mouse Over Day achievement
by bringing her kayak to the beach in the (49, -123) graticule on the Saturday following May 21st 2010.
Robyn earned the 2010 Geohashing Day achievement
by hiking uphill in the dark with cake in the (49, -122) graticule on May 21st 2010.
2010-05-21 49 -122.cake.jpg
Robyn earned the Globalhash achievement
by reaching the globalhash for 2010-03-28.
Robyn earned the Jam Tomorrow Consolation Prize
by visiting a hashpoint the day before and the day after, but not the day of. (35, -77) geohash on 2009-11-17.
2009-11-17 35 -77.jpg
Robyn earned the MacGyver Honourable Mention
by constructing a raft out of driftwood, rope, duct tape and old bicycle tires and paddling to within 111 m of (49, -123) geohash on 2009-07-11.
2009-07-11 49 -123.launch.jpg
Wade & Robyn earned the Wedding anniversary geohash achievement
by reaching the (49, -123) geohash for 1994-07-08 on 2009-07-08.
2009-07-08 49
Robyn earned the Walk geohash Achievement
by reaching the (49, -122) geohash on 2009-07-07 on foot, travelling a distance of 42.6 km.

Progress Towards Multihash Achievements

Wiki Stuff

Things you can blame me for on the wiki.

  • Maintaining consistency and organization of the Achievements page, monitoring proposed achievements to ensure achievements are suitable, and well formatted.
  • I obsess about every page belonging to its proper categories, and every category belonging to a category, all the way up to the root.
  • I came to this wiki knowing nothing about wiki, so I sympathize with others and am working on the Help page, and the initial experience for new users.
  • Experimenting with the Current events page to make it more relevant.
  • Maintaining Template:New on the wiki for Main Page announcements.
  • In progress: Geohash on Private Property.
  • Started pages Transportation to the Geohash and Games We Play. Keeping an eye out for additions.
  • Making expedition pages and User pages for Ninja geohashers.
  • Conducted project tracking Vancouver geohashes for a month to quantify accessibility issues in Vancouver graticule.
  • Working on a way of displaying/recording Virgin Graticule conquests.
  • Generally trying to do things that make the wiki better.
  • Oh, and I boss everyone around, too.
Lol-asg.png 57 / f / 49,-123