
From Geohashing
Revision as of 05:07, 21 August 2015 by imported>Tilley


Lol-asg.png 35 / m / 62,24
Bikegeohash.png Likes to get there by bike.
Tilley w/ daughter

My name is Matti and I'm from Finland. I'm 35 years old and I love outdooring in its various forms. I recently moved from Kuopio (62, 27) to Keuruu (62, 24).

I started geohashing in 2012 when I read it from the xkcd blag. Over the years I've had many fun adventures with geohashing.

Highlights from my geohashing career

(in chronological order) (thanks isopekka for the table template)

2012-11-07 61 26


2012-11-07 61 26 DSC1017 2000px.jpg Conquering Virgin geohash in extreme weather and darkness in Pertunmaa.


2012-12-28 62 27


2012-12-28 62 27 DSC1707 2000px.jpg Frozen Baby Achievement! Savolanniemi.

Youngest.PNG Frozen.png

2013-03-05 62 27


2013-03-05 62 27 DSC1997 2000px.jpg I skied 20 km to reach a geohash in Laivonsaari.

Skiing.PNG Frozen.png

2013-05-10 62 27


2013-05-10 62 27DSC 0766 1500px.jpg First co-op expedition with Pastori.


2013-06-09 62 27


2013-06-09 62 27 DSC2677 1500px.jpg Two hashes along a 100 km biking trip around lake Kallavesi.

Consecutivegeohash.jpg Bikegeohash.png

2013-11-30 global


2013-11-30 global DSC4565 1600px.jpg Frozen-Walking-on-water-Double-Bicycling-Globalhash! At Leväsenlampi.

Globalhash.png WOW.png Bikegeohash.png Frozen.png Multihash.png

2014-04-20 61 24


2014-04-20 61 24 DSC5241 1500px.jpg Formal attire achievement.

Formal attire.PNG

2014-08-24 62 27


2014-08-24 62 27 DSC6462 1500px.jpg A lot of fresh blueberries in the hashpoint.
2014-09-06 63 28


2014-09-06 63 28 DSC6637 1500px.jpg A 45 km mountain bike adventure in Valtimo.


2014-11-02 62 27


2014-11-02 62 27 DSC6876 1500px.jpg Mountain biking in snow!



In addition to my home graticule of 62, 24, I have connections to graticules that include Helsinki, Valtimo, so on vacations and such I could try to reach hashpoints in those graticules, too.


Over the years, I've tried to be somewhat "eco-friendly" hasher, doing most of my hashtrips by muscle-power and gone to car-hashes only when I can do them by making a small detour when going a longer distance anyway for some reason. Of course I'm nowhere near Ekorren's achievements in this matter ("over 100 expeditions without ever using individual motorized transport"), who is my hero when it comes to ecology of this sport. I don't know how it'll turn out now that I moved to Keuruu. Here it is quite obligatory to use car a lot more than when we lived in Kuopio. There are only gravel roads, except the main road which has 100 km/h speed limit and no shoulders, so unless the hash lands really close, biking is not a realistic option. So probably I'll have to do some epic winter-4WD-expeditions by car, if I want to continue hashing!

Full list of expeditions

  • 44. 2015-07-15 63 28 Reached successfully this geohash in Rumo, Valtimo, w/ Pastori and co.
  • 43. 2015-07-11 63 28 Reached successfully this geohash in Halmejärvi, Valtimo, w/ Pastori and co.
  • 42. 2015-03-02 63 28 Reached successfully this snow-trudging geohash in Maanselkä, Sotkamo.
  • 41. 2014-11-28 62 27 Failed to reach this honorable mention couch potato geohash w/ Pastori and co. because it was somebody else's couch potato.
  • 40. 2014-11-02 62 27 Reached successfully this snow biking geohash in Neulamäki, Kuopio.
  • 39. 2014-09-19 62 27 Reached successfully this biking geohash in Savilahti, Kuopio.
  • 38. 2014-09-07 63 28 Reached successfully this geohash in Halmejärvi, Valtimo, with Pastori and The Wife.
  • 37. 2014-09-06 63 28 Reached successfully this gravel-road biking geohash in Honkamäki, Rapuli, Valtimo.
  • 36. 2014-09-01 63 27 Reached successfully this biking geohash in Kasurila, Siilinjärvi w/ daughter.
  • 35. 2014-08-24 62 27 Reached successfully this geohash in Suonenjoki w/ wife and daughter.
  • 34. 2014-05-12 63 28 Reached successfully this biking geohash in Koppelo, Valtimo, with Pastori and The Wife.
  • 33. 2014-04-20 61 24 Reached successfully this formal attire geohash in Juupajoki w/ daughter.
  • 32. 2014-04-05 60 24 Puppet-mastered a successful expedition in Espoo.
  • 31. 2014-03-28 62 27 Reached successfully this biking geohash in Antikkala, Kuopio.
  • 30. 2014-03-04 67 24 Reached successfully this skiing geohash in Luosu, Kolari w/ wife.
  • 29. 2013-12-11 62 27 Reached successfully this skiing geohash in Rauhalahti, Kuopio.
  • 28. 2013-11-30 global GLOBALHASH! Right here in Kuopio! Amazing! And I got it!
  • 27. 2013-11-30 62 27 Reached successfully this biking geohash in Pieni Neulamäki, Kuopio.
  • 26. 2013-10-01 62 27 Reached successfully this biking geohash in Pellesmäki, Kuopio.
  • 25. 2013-08-08 63 29 Reached successfully this geohash in Sivakka, Valtimo, with a party of 6, among others Pastori.
  • 24. 2013-08-02 63 28 Reached successfully this mountain biking geohash in Valtimo.
  • 23. 2013-07-29 63 28 Reached successfully this geohash in Ruohomäki, Rautavaara.
  • 22. 2013-07-26 62 24 Reached successfully this biking geohash in Multia, conquering at last the Keuruu graticule!
  • 21. 2013-06-25 62 25 Birthday geohash! Successfully reached in Kangashäkki, Uurainen.
  • 20. 2013-06-20 62 25 Reached successfully this biking/walking geohash in Petäjävesi.
  • 19. 2013-06-20 62 26 Reached successfully this geohash in Pönttövuori, Jyväskylä.
  • 18. 2013-06-10 62 27 Reached successfully this biking geohash in Puutosmäki, Kuopio.
  • 17. 2013-06-09 62 27 Reached successfully this biking geohash in Männistö, Kuopio, starting a two-day trip.
  • 16. 2013-06-02 63 28 Reached successfully this geohash in Tornio, Valtimo, along with Pastori et co.
  • 15. 2013-05-10 62 27 Reached successfully this biking geohash in Puroniitty, Haminalahti, Kuopio, with a party of five, among others Pastori.
  • 14. 2013-04-29 62 27 First failure! No trespassing.
  • 13. 2013-04-11 62 27 Reached successfully this biking geohash in Kuhastenniemi, Kuopio.
  • 12. 2013-03-24 62 27 Reached successfully this biking geohash in Poukama, Kuopio.
  • 11. 2013-03-05 62 27 Reached successfully this skiing geohash in Laivonsaari, Kuopio!
  • 10. 2013-03-01 62 26 Reached successfully this hashpoint in Konnevesi.
  • 9. 2012-12-28 62 27 Reached successfully this hashpoint in Kuopio with a group of 5, including Tilley's baby daughter scoring her first hashpoint, frozen of course.
  • 8. 2012-12-20 62 26 Reached successfully this double frozen virgin geohash in Rautalampi.
  • 7. 2012-12-20 62 25 Reached successfully this colder-than-freezer geohash (-19°C) near Saarijärvi, in Jyväskylä graticule.
  • 6. 2012-12-17 60 24 Agitated my brother to reach this geohash in Espoo while I was being the Puppet Master
  • 5. 2012-11-07 61 26 Reached successfully this geohash in snow-covered forest in Pertunmaa, achieving Virgin Graticule for Heinola, Finland.
  • 4. 2012-10-28 62 27 Reached successfully by bike and with Mrs. Tilley this Frozen geohash south of Kuopio, in a forest.
  • 3. 2012-10-11 60 24 Agitated my brother to reach this geohash in Espoo while I was being the Puppet Master.
  • 2. 2012-10-07 62 27 Reached my second geohash, this time dragging Mrs. Tilley along. Kuopio, Finland.
  • 1. 2012-10-04 62 27 Reached my first geohash by bike in the woods near the house Airaksela, also achieving Virgin Graticule in Kuopio, Finland.

Achievements (In some categories best or first only)

Location Achievements

Tilley earned the Walking on water geohash achievement
by reaching the (, global) water geohash on 2013-11-30 on foot. Yes, on foot.
Tilley earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (62, 27) geohash on 2012-10-04.
2012-10-04 Tilley 3.JPG

Activities & Attire Achievements

Formal attire.PNG
Tilley and Tilley's daughter earned the Formal attire achievement
by looking good at the (61, 24) geohash on 2014-04-20.
2014-04-20 61 24 DSC5241 1500px.jpg
Tilley earned the Bicycle geohash achievement
by cycling 60 km to and from the (62, 27) geohash on 2013-06-10.
2013-06-10 62 27 DSC2736 1500px.jpg
Tilley earned the Puppet Master Geohash achievement
by manipulating his brother to reach the (60, 24) geohash on 2012-10-11.
2012-10-11 60 24 Tilleys puppet.JPG
Tilley earned the Puppet Master Geohash achievement
by manipulating his brother to reach the (60, 24) geohash on 2012-12-17.
2012-12-17 60 24 me hashcot.jpg

Challenge Achievements

Single Geohash Achievements

Tilley earned the Globalhash achievement
by reaching the globalhash for 2013-11-30.
2013-11-30 global DSC4565 1600px.jpg
Tilley earned the Frozen Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (62, 25) geohash on 2012-12-20 while the temperature was -19°C.
2012-12-20 62 25 DSC1453 2000px 2000px.jpg

Multiple Geohash Achievements

Tilley earned the Consecutive geohash achievement
by reaching 2 consecutive hash points starting on 2013-06-09.
Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash 4.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Tilley achieved level 4 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in Kuopio, Finland and 4 of the surrounding graticules.
Tilley earned the Multihash Achievement
by reaching the 2013-11-30 62 27 and 2013-11-30 global geohashes on 2013-11-30.
2013-11-30 global DSC4565 1600px.jpg
Tilley earned the Multihash Achievement
by reaching the 2013-06-20 62 26 and 2013-06-20 62 25 geohashes on 2013-06-20.
2013-06-20 62 25 DSC2832 1500px.jpg
Tilley earned the Multihash Achievement
by reaching the 2012-12-20 62 25 and 2012-12-20 62 26 geohashes on 2012-12-20.
2012-12-20 62 26 DSC1471 2000px 2000px.jpg

Interaction achievements

Tilley earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging Mrs. T to the (62, 27) geohash on 2012-10-07.
2012-10-07 62 27 DSC0880.jpg

Timing Achievements

Annual Events

Tilley earned the Birthday Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (62, 25) geohash on his 33th birthday, 2013-06-25.
2013-06-25 62 25 DSC2933 1500px.jpg

"I'm Better than You" Achievements

Template:Virgin graticule Template:Virgin graticule Template:Virgin graticule Template:Virgin graticule

"There Should Be a Ribbon for This" Category

Tilley earned the cross-country skiing achievement
by skiing 20 km to and from (62, 27) geohash on 2013-03-05.
2013-03-05 62 27 DSC1997 2000px.jpg
Tilley earned the Democracy Geohash Achievement
by going voting on the way back from the (62, 27) geohash on 2012-10-28.