Portland, Oregon/Archives

From Geohashing

This is maintained on a separate page so that the main Portland, Oregon page will hopefully look a little cleaner.



Geohashing Historical Society Note: 2/17/2008 - Sunday

It was from the Olden Times, back before the xkcd geohash wiki had gone live... but the February 17 meeting in the graticule should probably be celebrated all the same.  :)

2008 expeditions with report

8/16/2008 - Saturday

The location looks like it's in the alley between two houses out in Oregon City.

8/2/2008 - Saturday

((Local information taken from the e-mail list, so credit goes to Wil for this.))

The location is Here for those that want to Google Map it. As stated by Wil, it actually has a street view. Odd. Looks to be a field right off of I-5.

Locally, it is a mile away from Champoeg State Park and the nearest town is Woodburn.

Maravi will be there, and this will be his virgin Geohash. Yay!

Tim Ferrell is gonna make it. 1st timer.

Maggie: I will probably be there with a friend. It sort of depends on what ends up happening for the rest of the day.

7/26/2008 - Saturday

The point is out near Sandy. It's relatively near Eagle Fern Park; we may be able to park there and walk to the actual point, if anyone's up for a 3-4 mile hike.

In Sandy, there's a burger place called Calamity Janes that seems to have decent reviews. How about we find the point at 4pm and all go out for burgers afterwards?

Maggie will be there this week, and is up for a hike and burgers. Yes indeed.

Wil: Heh. I wrote the two paragraphs above, but forgot to mention that I will be there.

7/19/2008 - Saturday

Looks like another field in Woodburn! Woo!

Jhon will be thar!

Probably Wil, too.

2008 Planned expeditions with no report

10/25/2008 - Saturday

well, here comes another geohash, I'll try to be more proactive like Wil, this Saturday is a robotics competition at OMSIand was wondering if anyone on/in the Internets wishes to come? time is from 10:00am to 4:00pm. for more information please post here and I'll add more then. (and wil, I'm NOT biking this time, got a robot to carry.) admalledd 4:31, 23 2008 (UTC)

9/13/2008 - Saturday

Field trip! This week's point is in the NW corner of the graticule. This means that if we jump one graticule south, we'd be in the outskirts of Salem. I've never been to Salem, but I've met some geohashers from there and it would be cool to see them again. If I can find anyone to ride with me or anyone to meet me in Salem (or both,) I'll be at the 44,-122 graticule's meetup point tomorrow. Wil 18:39, 12 September 2008 (UTC) UPDATE: The meetup is in two hours. Only one other person said they'd be making it and they emailed a few minutes ago to cancel. Looks like I won't be headed down to Salem today. Wil 21:03, 13 September 2008 (UTC)

8/23/2008 - Saturday

Wil: The actual location is just north of Silverton. I've suggested an alternate location: OMSI in Portland. See you there? UPDATE: Some friends and I are probably going to head over early, around noon. One person I spoke to expressed some disbelief (and a slight hint of derision) that I was going to OMSI, saying that it was "for kids". Therefore, I figured a few extra hours at OMSI would be time well spent... Anyway, I'll be hanging around the entrance of the museum at the official meetup time (16:00,) but I may be inside as early as noon.

admalledd: I'll be coming to OMSI (was planing to go Monday but this works too.) definitely one more person (driver) possible some friends! I wonder how the ball machine is doing?

Maggie: I will be there! It's been a while.

admalledd:sorry I couldn't make it. last minute plans I did not know of.

2009 Expeditions with reports

12/23/2009 -- Wednesday - Local

No-Access residential area southeast of Vancouver Lake. Expedition Thwarted.

12/21/2009 -- Monday - Local

Gillihan Road, Sauvie Island (Speed racing!). Expedition Success.

12/10/2009 -- Thursday - Graticule Hopping

Dixon Mill Road, Gaston, Oregon. Expedition Thwarted.

12/06/2009 -- Sunday - Local

Sunset High School baseball diamond; Beaverton, Oregon. Expedition Success.

12/04/2009 - Friday - Local

Hwy 219 south of Hillsboro, Oregon. Expedition Success.

12/03/2009 - Thursday - Local

Near Sherwood, Oregon. Expedition Thwarted.

11/29/2009 - Sunday - Local

North of Hwy 26 near North Plains, Oregon. Expedition Thwarted.

11/28/2009 - Thanksgiving Saturday - Local

On Logging Roads north of the East Fork Lewis River in Southwest Washington. Expedition Success.

11/13/2009 - Friday - Local

Eastern Vancouver. Expedition Success.

11/11/2009 - Wednesday - Graticule Hopping

Forest Grove. Expedition Thwarted.

11/08/2009 - Sunday - Local

Near Vancouver Lake. Expedition Success.

11/07/2009 - Saturday - Graticule Hopping

Astoria! Expedition Success.

11/01/2009 - Sunday - Graticule Hopping

Scaponia Recreation Area, near Scapoose, Oregon. Expedition Success.

10/18/2009 - Sunday - Local

Oxbow Regional Park, Troutdale. Expedition Success.

10/10/2009 - Saturday - Graticule Hopping

Hagg Lake. Expedition Thwarted.

10/09/2009 - Friday - Local

Residential neighborhood, Troutdale. In someone's living room. Expedition Thwarted.

09/29/2009 - Tuesday - Graticule Hopping

Hagg Lake. Expedition Thwarted.

08/31/2009 - Monday - Local

Hillsboro Airport. Expedition Success.

08/29/2009 - Saturday - Local

North Plains. Expedition Thwarted.

08/28/2009 - Friday - Local

Beaverton near Cedar Hills Blvd. Expedition Success.

08/24/2009 - Monday - Local

Beaverton in Elmonica repair yard. Expedition Thwarted.

08/10/2009 - Monday - Graticule Hopping

North Plains. Expedition Success.

08/09/2009 - Sun - Graticule Hopping

South of Hillsboro. Expedition Thwarted.

07/29/2009 - Wed - Graticule Hopping

South of Banks, Near Hwy 47. Expedition Success.

07/19/2009 - Sunday - Graticule Hopping

South of Gaston, Near Hwy 47. Expedition Thwarted.

07/13/2009 - Wed - Local

Southern Hillsboro, Near Century High School. Expedition Success.

07/11/2009 - Wed - Graticule Hopping

South of Hillsboro, Near McCormick Road. Expedition Thwarted.

07/10/2009 - Wed - Graticule Hopping

South of Hillsboro, Near McCormick Road. Expedition Thwarted.

07/08/2009 - Wed - Graticule Hopping

North of Hillsboro, Near Pumpkin Ridge in North Plains. Expedition Thwarted.

07/05/2009 - Sunday - Graticule Hopping

North of Hillsboro, Near Pumpkin Ridge in North Plains. Expedition success.

06/21/2009 - Sunday - Graticule Hopping

South of Hillsboro, in the back of a nursery. Expedition success.

06/10/2009 - Wednesday - Local

Near the intersection of Shute Road and Evergreen. Expedition success. 3riador's first successful hash.

06/08/2009 - Monday - Graticule Hopping

South of Hillsboro, near Bald Peak Road. Expedition thwarted.

06/07/2009 - Sunday - Local

Between Burkhalter Road and Farmington Road, south of Hillsboro. Disorganized expedition thwarted.

06/05/2009 - Friday - Graticule Hopping

Just off of US-101 between Seaside and Cannon Beach. Expedition successful.

06/04/2009 - Thursday - Local

Down a logging road near St. Helens (town). Expedition thwarted.

05/28/2009 - Thursday - Graticule Hopping

Oat field west of North Plains, Oregon - Expedition thwarted.

05/23/2009 - Saturday - Graticule Hopping

Mouseover Day! Planning completed and retro-mission to the west executed!

05/19/2009 - Tuesday

North of 26, near 185th - Expedition thwarted.

05/16/2009 - Saturday

In Tualatin, in the parking lot of a business complex: Expedition and Meetup successful.

03/04/2009 - Wednesday

In Beaverton, on a side street - Expedition successful.

01/19/2009 - Monday

Rural Washington County. No GPS, and darkness. Jim drives there with his Google Maps printout and finds the house, but gives up on finding the hashpoint. A fowl outcome.

2009 possible expeditions with no real report

04/04/2009 - Saturday

Back of some guy's field near Newberg. Guess I'll see how in-shape I am for biking. Elegant Forkbomb 05:34, 4 April 2009 (UTC)

01/17/2009 - Saturday

A forest out by Sandy. I'm going with a friend and will report back. 3riador 16:51, 17 January 2009 (UTC)

2010 Expeditions with reports

12/31/2010 Saturday - Local

APR and Jim visit a hashpoint at an apartment complex. Expedition Success!

12/30/2010 Friday - Local

Mother Nature turns Jim back as he heads into the mountains. Expedition Thwarted!

12/30/2010 Friday - Graticule Hopping

Jim finds a hashpoint in a pond. Expedition Thwarted!

12/29/2010 Wednesday - Local

A visitor sweeps into our graticule. Expedition Success!

12/20/2010 - Monday - Major Graticule Hopping!

Jim and Sara visit a hashpoint close to where Jim is visiting. Expedition Success!

12/18/2010 - Saturday - Major Graticule Hopping!

Jim and Phyzome visit a hashpoint in a Massachusetts golf course. Expedition Success!

12/18/2010 Saturday - Local

APR drives to a hashpoint on the edge of Aloha. Expedition Success!

12/13/2010 - Monday - Major Graticule Hopping!

Jim flies 3200 miles to visit a hashpoint in a parking lot. Expedition Success!

12/12/2010 - Sunday - Local

Michael5000 and APR explore an empty lot in Milwaukie, Oregon. Expedition Success!

12/8/2010 - Wednesday - Local

Jim fails to access farmland near Sherwood, Oregon. Expedition Thwarted!

12/7/2010 - Tuesday - Local

Jim and APR battle traffic to reach a point in the canyon between the Oregon Zoo and Sylvan. Expedition Success!

12/6/2010 - Monday - Local

Michael5000 takes a lunch break in Happy Valley, off of Sunnyside Road. Jim follows. Expedition Success!

12/5/2010 - Sunday - Local

APR and Jim convince a homeowner to allow them to the hashpoint on their trampoline. Expedition Success!

12/01/2010 - Wednesday - Local

APR drives to a point in the hilly eastern part of Clackamas County south of Gresham. Expedition Success!

11/29/2010 - Monday - Local

Jim heads off to a parking lot in Oregon City. Expedition Success!

11/26/2010 - Friday - Graticule hopping

APR and Jim wave at a hashpoint 70 ft up a 45 degree slope. Expedition Thwarted!

11/25/2010 - Thursday - Graticule Hopping

Jim finds a hashpoint on a farm driveway. Expedition Success!

11/14/2010 - Sunday - Graticule Hopping

Jim finds a gate closed leading to the hashpoint. Expedition Thwarted!

11/11/2010 - Thursday - Local

Michael5000 circumnavigates LaCamas Lake. Expedition Success!

11/6/2010 - Saturday - Graticule Hopping

Jim gives up on a hashpoint in a field. Expedition Thwarted!

11/3/2010 - Wednesday - Graticule Hopping

Jim finds another inaccessible hashpoint. Expedition Thwarted!

10/31/2010 - Sunday - Local

A bunch of folks make it to SE40th and Woodstock. Expedition Success!

10/20/2010 - Wednesday - Local

Portland, Oregon - On farmland south of Hillsboro - Thwarted - No public access

10/17/2010 - Sunday - Local

Portland, Oregon - Close to Cornelius Pass Road - Thwarted - No public access

10/16/2010 - Saturday - Local

Portland, Oregon - Wildlife reserve on Sauvie Island - Thwarted - No public access

10/16/2010 -- Saturday - Graticule hopping

redaragorn finds his way to the McMinnville hash out near the coast town of Nehalem. Expedition Success.

10/15/2010 - Friday - Local

Portland, Oregon - Residential area of Gresham - Succeeded -

10/11/2010 -- Monday - Graticule hopping

redaragorn attempts to add another graticule. Expedition Thwarted.

10/10/2010 - Sunday - Local

Jim's second venture over Cornelius Pass is thwarted.

10/9/2010 - Saturday - Local

redaragorn pays a visit to the Portland graticule. Expedition Success.

10/7/2010 - Thursday - Local

Jim, and the 5000s, see a house in Northeast. Expedition Success.

9/24/2010 - Friday - Local

Michael5000 rides to Sellwood. Expedition Success.

9/19/2010 -- Sunday - Local

Jim finds a hashpoint on the Nike playing fields. Expedition Success.

9/14/2010 -- Tuesday - Local

Jim didn't make it onto Ag land south of Hillsboro. Expedition Thwarted.

9/4/2010 -- Monday - Graticule Hopping

Jim doesn't plunge off an embankment in Salem. Expedition Thwarted.

8/28/2010 -- Saturday - Graticule Hopping

Michael5000 stumbles down a steep slope to a hashpoint. Expedition Success.

8/17/2010 -- Tuesday - Local

Jim looks out over the Columbia at a waterlocked hashpoint. Expedition Thwarted.

8/5/2010 -- Thursday - Local

Michael5000 (and Jim, sort of) has looked at a freeway overpass from both sides now. 3triador sped through. Expedition Success.

7/31/2010 -- Saturday - Graticule Hopping!

APR and Jim skitter down the slope adjacent to Hwy 47. Expedition Success.

7/30/2010 -- Friday - Local

Various Geohashers converge on Lakeridge High School. Expedition Success.

7/29/2010 -- Thursday - Local

Jim is the year's second victim of Kingsley Bundy Park. Expedition Thwarted.

7/27/2010 -- Tuesday - very Local

Jim wanders off another roadway. Expedition Success.

7/25/2010 -- Sunday - Local

The 5000s visit a graveyard and Jim follows. Expedition Success.

7/18/2010 -- Sunday - Local

Jim and Michael5000 fight raptors in Camas. Expedition Thwarted.

7/17/2010 -- Saturday - Local

Jim and the 5000s wander off the roadway. Expedition Success.

7/10/2010 -- Saturday - Loco

Jim heads to visit a hashpoint in the Columbia - No Access and Mother Nature say expedition Thwarted.

7/9/2010 -- Friday - Graticule Hopping

Jim and APR visit the parking lot of a farm near Hillsboro. Expedition Success.

7/5/2010 -- Monday - Local

Jim visits the driveway of a home near Garden Home. Expedition Success..

7/4/2010 -- Sunday - Graticule Hopping

Jim has no access to a hashpoint in a pond near Carlton, Oregon. Expedition Thwarted.

6/27/2010 -- Sunday - Local

Time constraints prevent Jim from getting close to reaching a hashpoint in the Mt. Hood National Forest. Expedition Thwarted.

6/23/2010 -- Wednesday - Graticule Hopping

Jim does a Multi-Hash by speeding through a hashpoint on Hwy 6! Expedition Success.

6/23/2010 -- Wednesday - Local

Jim starts a Multihash by visiting a point in the backyard of a home in Garden Home. Expedition Success.

6/18/2010 -- Friday - Graticule Hopping

Jim has no access to a hashpoint near Hwy 26. Expedition Thwarted.

6/16/2010 -- Wednesday - Local

Jim has no access to a hashpoint near Sherwood, Oregon. Expedition Thwarted.

6/15/2010 -- Tuesday - Graticule Hopping

Jim doesn't find access to a hashpoint near the back edge of a property near Gaston, Oregon Expedition Thwarted.

6/13/2010 -- Sunday - Graticule Hopping

Jim doesn't have access to an apparent logging road near Manning, Oregon.

6/11/2010 -- Sunday - Local

Time constraints prevent Jim from getting close to a hashpoint near Sherwood, Oregon. Expedition Thwarted.

6/5/2010 -- Saturday - Graticule Hopping

Jim doesn't have access to farmland near Gaston, Oregon. Expedition Thwarted.

5/30/2010 -- Sunday - Local

Michael5000 uses truck, bike, and boots to locate a forest hash northeast of Vancouver. Expedition Success.

5/23/2010 -- Sunday - Local

Michael5000 stumbles around for a while by the Clackamas River. Expedition Thwarted.

5/22/2010 -- Saturday - Mouseover Day - Local

Michael5000 fails to check the plans, but manages to find the hashpoint. Jim's plans go akilter, but he finds the hashpoint. Estel found the hashpoint and left a marker.

5/11/2010 -- Tuesday - Graticule Hopping

Jim finds a hashpoint next to a logging road near Hwy 26. Expedition Success.

5/6/2010 -- Thursday - Graticule Hopping

Jim finds a field near Hwy 26. Expedition Thwarted.

5/5/2010 -- Wednesday - Local

Michael5000 gets thwarted by overprotective citizen. Expedition Thwarted.

5/2/2010 -- Monday - Graticule Hopping

Jim finds a Vineyard south near Bald Peak. Expedition Thwarted.

5/5/2010 -- Wednesday - Local

Michael5000 and Sarah encounter a ghost street and hostile natives in search of the elusive Kingsley D. Bundy City Park. Expedition Thwarted.

4/30/2010 -- Friday - Graticule Hopping

Jim's final expedition for the month fails for so many reasons. Expedition Thwarted.

4/28/2010 -- Wednesday - Local

Jim and APR are thwarted by private property near the Sunset Transit Center. Expedition Thwarted.

4/25/2010 -- Sunday - Local

Aperfectring goes and drives up a mountain in an effort to obtain his first multihash, but Expedition Thwarted by the yet unmelted snow above 3000ft elevation.

4/25/2010 -- Sunday - Graticule Hopping

Aperfectring makes an early morning trip to a popular cabin+camping park. Expedition Success.

4/24/2010 -- Saturday - Local

Jim fails to gain access to the backyard of a house in Sandy. Expedition Thwarted!

4/21/2010 -- Wednesday - Local

Michael5000 fails to reach the edge of a quarry north of Estacada due to technical problems with a new GPS unit. Expedition Thwarted!

4/20/2010 -- Tuesday - Local

Out of towner Starbird is turned back by blackberry brambles, but seasoned bramble scramblers Jim and APR successfully reach a local point on Sauvie Island.

4/18/2010 -- Sunday - Graticule Hopping

Jim reaches a hashpoint amid slopes and logging debris. Success!

4/15/2010 -- Thursday - Graticule Hopping

Jim fails to reach a point in Rural Yamhill County. Expedition Thwarted!

4/13/2010 -- Tuesday - Local

APR joins Jim for his almost honorable mention cubicle geohash at lunchtime in Hillsboro. Expedition Success!

4/11/2010 -- Sunday - Local

The 5000s bring a friend to a little swamp south of Oregon City. Expedition Success!

4/4/2010 -- Sunday - Local

Jim stands in the flower bed outside of a Hillsboro business park building. Expedition Success!

4/3/2010 -- Saturday - Graticule Hopping

Jim fails to reach a point in Rural Washington County. Expedition Thwarted!

4/1/2010 -- Thursday - Local

Michael5000 scales a volcano to record his first successful expedition in two months. Expedition Success!

3/28/2010 -- Sunday - Graticule Hopping

Jim fails to reach a hashpoint in the middle of a road in Rural Washington County. Expedition Thwarted!

3/19/2010 -- Friday - Graticule Hopping

Jim finds a hashpoint in the middle of a road in Rural Washington County. Expedition Success!

3/14/2010 -- Sunday - Graticule Hopping

Jim encounters a lack of access to a hashpoint in rural Yamhill County. Expedition Thwarted.

3/08/2010 -- Monday - Local

Jim, APR, and visiting geohasher Rhonda make it to picnic tables in a schoolyard in Vancouver (WA). Expedition Success!

3/2/2010 -- Saturday - Local

Mother Nature convinces Jim to not brave a Lake Oswego slope. Expedition Thwarted!

2/27/2010 -- Saturday - Local

Jim manages to reach a hashpoint near a Portland rail yard. Expedition Success!

2/15/2010 -- Monday - Graticule Hopping

Jim and APR cross the Columbia to a hashpoint in a virgin graticule. Expedition Success!

2/13/2010 -- Saturday! - Graticule Hopping

Jim gets permssion to tromp in a forest in Corvallis. Expedition Success.

2/11/2010 -- Thursday - Graticule Hopping

Jim and APR can't find anyone to give them permssion to tromp in a forest in Banks. Expedition Thwarted.

2/6/2010 -- Saturday - Local

Jim can't find anyone to give him permssion to tromp over a field in North Plains. Expedition Thwarted.

2/4/2010 -- Thursday - Local

The 5000s and Jim discover the back side of a Safeway in Milwaukie. Expedition Success.

1/31/2010 -- Sunday - Local

Jim visits a hashpoint next to a church (and graveyard). Expedition Success.

1/30/2010 -- Saturday! - Graticule Hopping

Jim and Aperfectring hop to the St. Helens Graticule. Expedition Success.

1/11/2010 -- Monday - Local

Mrs. and Michael 5000 (and Jim too!) conquer a sidewalk strip in Northeast Portland. Expedition Success.

1/9/2010 -- Saturday! - Local

Jim and Michael5000 race separate expeditions to a dead-end road near Tualatin. Expedition Success.

1/2/2010 -- Saturday! - Local

Side of a vinyard in Sherwood, Oregon. Expedition Success.

2011 Expeditions with reports

2011-12-07 -- Wednesday - Local

Michael5000's 100th Expedition takes him to Aloha in the dark. Expedition Success.

2011-11-04 -- Friday - Local

Jim finds a hashpoint hiding behind a muffler shop. Expedition Success.

2011-10-16 -- Sunday - Local

Kyldt visits the riverside in Washougal. Expedition Success.

2011-10-15 -- Saturday - Graticule hopping

Michael5000 and Jim make visits to Vernonia. Expedition Success.

2011-10-09 -- Sunday - Local

The 5000s, and maybe others, visit a sidewalk south of Milwaukie. Expedition success!

2011-10-01 -- Saturday - Local

A field in Vancouver is also an easy flyby, if you happen to be in the neighborhood. Expedition success!

2011-09-28 -- Wed - Local

An apartment complex in Vancouver is an easy flyby, if you happen to be in the neighborhood. Expedition success!

2011-09-26 -- Monday - Local

Three weeks and fifteen expeditions later, Michael5000 returns to the home graticule. Expedition success!

2011-09-25 -- Sunday - Local

Jim attempts to reach a hashpoint near a rock museum, but is thwarted.

2011-09-14 -- Wed - Local

Michael5000 visits suburban Vancouver. This will turn out to be the first act of a fourteen-Expedition Endurance Geohashing binge. Success.

2011-09-11 -- Sunday - Local

Relet and Lyx come visiting, and join APR and Jim to attempt to reach a farm driveway. Expedition thwarted.

2011-09-10 -- Saturday - Local

Jim's attempt to reach a hashpoint in a railyard is thwarted.

2011-09-01 -- Thursday - Local

Kyldt, Michael5000, and two Kates with problematic footwear. Four humans, three successful expeditions!

2011-08-26 -- Friday - Local

Jim went somewhere

2011-08-25 --Thursday - Local

Kyldt went somewhere

2011-08-20 -- Saturday - Local

Jim went somewhere

2011-08-18 -- Thursday - Local

Jim went somewhere

2011-08-14 -- Sunday - Local

Jim went somewhere

2011-08-04 -- Thursday - Local

Frogman and friends break into the world of geohashing with an ambassadorial visit to Vancouver, Washington. Expeditions Success!

2011-08-03 -- Wednesday - Local

Kyldt leaves a hashpoint marker, Michael5000 discovers it. Expeditions Success!

2011-07-27 -- Wednesday - Local

Michael5000 conquers a suburban street in Clackamas County. Expedition Success!

2011-07-24 -- Sunday - Graticule hopping

Michael5000, Mrs.5000, and Candida Nashe drive a long way to not visit a stone quarry. Expedition Thwarted!

2011-07-08 -- Saturday - Local

The 5000s and a guest fail to make much headway in the brush off of Skyline Drive. Expedition thwarted.

2011-07-08 -- Friday - Local

Jim tries on Saturday to Retro the Friday hashpoint. Expedition thwarted.

2011-07-04 -- Monday - Local

Michael5000 visits Sellwood. Expedition "Success".

2011-06-26 -- Sunday - Local

Jim can't reach a hashpoint in the Columbia. Expedition Thwarted.

2011-06-20 -- Monday - Graticule hopping

Jim can't reach a hashpoint on Gaston farmland. Expedition Thwarted.

2011-06-18 -- Saturday - Local

Jim reaches a house in Lake Oswego. Expedition Success.

2011-06-17 -- Friday - Local

Michael5000 and Jim reach a hashpoint on Marine Drive in Portland. Expedition Success.

2011-05-29 -- Sunday - Local

Michael5000 wanders in a powerline right-of-way in Forest Park. Jim thrashes around. Expedition Success.

2011-05-23 -- Monday - Local

On a farm near Scholls Ferry Road. Expedition Thwarted.

2011-05-22 -- Sunday - Local

A freeway median on I-205 in Clark County. Expedition Success.

2011-05-21 -- Saturday - Geohashing/Mouseover Day - Local

On the Willamette. Expedition Success.

2011-05-07 -- Saturday - Local

Two of us visit a dead end residential street in Southeast Portland. Expedition Success.

2011-05-03 -- Tuesday - Local

Jim visits a parking lot in South Beaverton. Expedition Success.

2011-04-27 -- Wednesday - Local

Michael5000 does another arguably pointless drive-by, this one in The 'couv. Expedition success.

2011-04-21 -- Thursday - Local

Michael5000 does an easy drive-by in Happy Valley. Expedition success.

2011-04-01 -- Friday - Local

Kydlt foolishly climbs through brambles to a hashpoint

2011-03-31 Thursday - Local

Jim finds a hashpoint in a housing complex. Expedition Success.

2011-03-24 Thursday - Local

Jim can't get to a hashpoint in Forest grove. Expedition thwarted.

2011-03-23 Wednesday - Local

Jim finds a hashpoint in a neighbor's hayfield. Expedition success.

2011-03-18 Friday - Local

Michael5000 and Jim have no luck getting to a point inside an industrial zone off Foster Road. Expedition thwarted.

2011-03-12 Saturday - Local

Jim is unable to gain access to the correct field containing a Vancouver Washington hashpoint. Expedition thwarted.

2011-03-09 Wednesday - Local

Michael5000 is prevented from reaching the hashpoint by the abstract concept of property ownership. Expedition thwarted.

2011-03-02 Wednesday - Graticule Hopping

Jim is thwarted attempting to reach a Skyline hashpoint

2011-02-26 Saturday - Local

Several of us make it to the Columbia River Bike Path. Expedition success!

michael5000 earned the Frozen Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (45, -122) geohash on 2011-02-26 while the temperature was 28°F.

2011-02-04 Friday - Local

Various folks visit an access road near Highway 26. Expedition success.

2011-01-10 Monday - Local

Michael5000 Ducks through Irvington on his way to work. Expedition pretty much success.

2011-01-09 Sunday - Local

Jim finds a hashpoint in an driveway. Expedition Success!

2011-01-08 Saturday - Graticule Hopping

APR goes hiking in the coast range. Expedition Thwarted!

2011-01-02 Sunday - Graticule Hopping

Jim finds a hashpoint in an orchard. Expedition Success!

2012 Expeditions with Reports

2012-07-22 -- Wednesday

Michael5000 does some late-night church-going on the Boulevard of Roses. Expedition Success.

2012-07-22 -- Sunday - Local

nesbiteg and Jim make it to an industrial lot in North Portland. Expedition Success.

2012-07-01 -- Sunday

Michael5000 more or less gets to the hashpoint near LaCenter, the way he sees it.

2012-06-23 -- Sunday

The Tigard Goodwill. Successful Expeditions.

2012-05-16 -- Wednesday - Local

Michael5000 is thwarted in Aloha.

2012-04-12 -- Thursday - Local

Michael5000 takes the road to Damascus. Expedition Success.

2012-04-06 -- Friday - Local

Michael5000 and Niece #4 hit a hashpoint northeast of Battle Ground. Expedition Success.

2012-04-04 -- Wednesday - Local

Michael5000 ducks through a parking lot not far from the airport. Expedition Success.

2012-04-02 -- Monday - Local

Jim fails to reach a hashpoint on top of a house on Skyline. Expedition Thwarted.

2012-03-31 -- Saturday - Local

Jim and Michael5000 find a hashpoint near the Columbia. Expedition Success.

2012-03-25 -- Some Day - Local

Jim finds an inaccessible hashpoint on Kaiser. Expedition Thwarted.

2012-03-22 -- Thursday - Local

Jim finds a hashpoint along the Columbia - Rooster Rock State Park. Expedition Success.

2012-03-12 -- Monday - Local

Michael5000 is confirmed of his suspicions in SE Portland. Expedition Thwarted.

2012-03-11 -- Sunday - Local

Jim tries to visit a hashpoint at a nearby dairy farm. Expedition Thwarted.

2012-03-05 -- Monday - Local

Michael5000 doesn't loiter on the parking lot of a major electronics manufacturing firm. Nor does Jim. Expeditions Successes.

2012-03-03 -- Saturday - Local

Jim looks at a hashpoint on farmland. Expedition Thwarted.

2012-02-28 -- Tuesday - Local

Michael5000 and Jim stop by some townhouses. Expeditions Success.

2012-02-23 -- Thursday - Local

Michael5000 stops by Milwaukie on the way to work. Expedition Success.

2012-02-20 -- Monday - Local

The geohashing community visits the Parry Center throughout the day. Expedition Success.

2012-02-18 -- Saturday - Local

nesbiteg cycles all the way to the junction of I-5 and I-205 only to be stopped twice by fencing and signage. Jim has the same results driving. Expedition Thwarted

2012-02-06 -- Monday - Local

nesbiteg attempts to cycle to the hashpoint near Mulino, but is stopped short by barbed wire. Expedition Thwarted.

2012-02-05 -- Sunday - Graticule Hopping

Jim attempts to reach a hashpoint in a field in Clatskanie. Expedition Thwarted.

2012-01-31 -- Tuesday - Graticule Hopping

Jim fails to enter another field in North Plains. Expedition thwarted.

2012-01-28 -- Saturday - Local

Jim stumbles over a hashpoint in a driveway in Hillsboro. Expedition Success.

2012-01-21 -- Saturday - Local

Michael5000 and his entourage leave a flag in Gabriel Park; Jim finds it. Expedition Success.

2012-01-19 -- Thursday - Local

Michael5000 commutes via a cul-de-sac in Happy Valley. Jim wanders by much later on. Expedition Success.

2012-01-15 -- Saturday - Graticule hopping

Michael5000 makes it to the Mt. St. Helens, Washington and completes his Minesweeper. Expedition success.

Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash 8.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Michael5000 completed the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in [[Portland, Oregon]] and all of the surrounding graticules.

2012-01-07 -- Saturday - Local

Jim & Kydlt, and later Michael5000 visit Butler Road, south of Gresham. Expedition Success.

2012-01-02 -- Monday - Local

Michael5000 takes a drive down Cornelius Pass Road. Expedition Success.