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Template:Bicycle geohash

This user earned the Bicycle geohash achievement
by cycling to the ({{{latitude}}}, {{{longitude}}}) geohash on [[{{{date}}} {{{latitude}}} {{{longitude}}}|{{{date}}}]].

The achievement can be claimed when you reach a geohash by bike on the correct day, and take a photo of yourself containing the necessary proof. Using a car, public transport or any other vehicle that is not entirely powered by yourself is not allowed. Monocycles, unicycles, trikes, and scooters may also belong to this achievement, as do skateboards and longboards as long as they are not electric.

If you end up at the same point you started and took a different route back to the start than the one you took to the hash (and the two halves of the route do not touch, cross, or coincide anywhere except beginning and end), go ahead and claim the Tron achievement too: Your bicycle has become a light cycle!


The following Geohashers have supplied proof and have won this award, (in descending order of total distance cycled). Please only mention your longest (total distance) ride. Use Bicycle geohashes to list the shorter ones in order to tidy up this award page.

Entries marked with a `*` also involved some public transport, which is not included in the claimed distance.

Geohasher(s) Coordinates Distance (there, back) Notes
Arvid 2008-10-04 Tubbergen and Groningen, Netherlands 339km (31.2, 141.7, 166.5) Multihash on 52 6 (my home graticule) and 53 6 (Groningen). Distances home->hash1->hash2->home.
Lachie 2014-06-19 Shepparton, Australia * 338km From Murchison East to Wangaratta via Bright and the geohash, excluding the 10 kms to the station in the morning.
Lachie 2013-02-08 Gordon, Australia 278km From Melbourne to Halls Gap via hash
thepiguy 2008-09-01 Pender Harbor, BC 237km Went 8.5km by kayak too!
Reinhard 2010-04-17 Lindenau, Germany 224 km (180, 44)
Stevage 2013-01-12 -37 145 Victorian Alps, Australia * 220 km (plus approximately 25km of train)
FelixTheCat 2015-05-23 Strijbeek, Netherlands 172 km From Delft to very near the Belgian border, then back to Delft.
Stevage, Talex, Felix Dance 2011-10-22 -37 147 Bairnsdale, Australia 168 km From Bairnsdale to Moe. (We then rode 169km+ to our respective houses the next day)
Ekorren 2009-09-28 Reutlingen and Langenau, Germany. 156.28km (ca. 15, 121, 20) Over the mountains even. Double hash on the Stuttgart and Augsburg graticules, back from the Donau valley by train. Longest 100% bike round trip was 84.70km (38.38/46.32).
Manu 2009-05-30 Babow, Germany 152 km (25, 127) Combined with a nice trip along the Gurkenradweg (Spreewald).
Kripakko 2021-06-01 Lieksa, Finland 142.7 km In hilly Finnish countryside. I cycled the whole distance of the trip save for a few hundred metres on foot.
Eupeodes 2012-07-23 51 4 139 km During holiday in Belgium. Cycled back home the same day which gives a nice distance.
Hijackal 2012-06-07 Strasbourg, France 129 km (60 km, 69 km)
Benjw 2012-09-17 Cambridge, UK 126.5 km (65.9, 60.6) Took a different route back. Total time seven hours due to fields and crap farm tracks.
DODO 2015-04-07 Neuburg a.d. Donau, Bavaria, Germany 120 km From Ellwangen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Frogman 2014-08-02 Eugene, OR 119km (55, 64) That's just the biking distance! There was also a bit of walking.
Gabriel 2009-06-25 Borås, Sweden 116km (57, 59) 25°C and direct sun. Conclusion: Big water consumption!
Robyn 2008-09-27 Everson, Washington 114.9km (86km, 29km) Finally I didn't take another form of transport (ferry/bus) partway to the geohash, so it counts
John 2022-03-07 Rowville, Australia 112.7km (42.4km, 70.3km) To hash, hash to home via the beach
Baarde 2020-08-20 Soultz-Haut-Rhin, France 102.7 km (73.1 km there, 29.6 km back) Returned by train from Bollwiller to Colmar.
Juja 2009-05-07 Dittersdorf, Germany 101km (46km there, 55km back) All by bike and back, with a little food detour. The very best thing to do with your day off.
Nickholden 2013-05-25 Short Heath, Derbyshire, England 97.9km (48km there, 28km plus 22km home) Longest distance I've ever cycled. Or am ever likely to.
relet 2008-08-23 Güstrow, Germany 97km (82km, 12km to station, 3km home) Return by train.
dawidi 2008-06-15 Nuremberg, Germany 95km (80km, 15km) returned by train from Amberg to Regensburg
MagicIan 2013-08-28 Norwich, United Kingdom 95.0 km (47.5 km, 47.5 km)
Tom Viza 2008-05-24 Sheffield, UK 92km (~45, 4, 43) Distance includes detour for fish & chips
Elbie 2009-04-25 Victoria, British Columbia 91km (~46 km, ~45 km) Does not include taking the ferry to Vancouver Island and back, and bussing through the George Massey Tunnel
ElSupreme 2008-06-07 Atlanta, Georgia ~ 90km (69km, 21km) Did not make the entire return trip
Jonatan 2009-05-10 Göteborg, Sweden ~ 85km (40km, 45km)
nesbiteg 2012-07-22 Portland, Oregon 78.2km (32km there, 46km back) Strava proof here
Pedalpusher 2014-09-11 Buffalo, New York 73.51km (36.62km to the hash) Home -> Hash -> Home
SastRe.O 2019-06-02 Greifswald, Germany 71km (21km, 50km) Home -> Hash -> Geocaching -> Home. Image of the tracklog can be seen here
Calamus 2012-06-27 47 8 70km Can be viewed here
Kliment 2008-05-31 51 6 68km
NWoodruff 2018-10-09 Atlanta, Georgia
2010-11-20 Toccoa, Georgia
2020-11-03 Roswell, Georgia
47.73 km round trip
I first rode to work before the days location was announced.
Can be viewed here
Can be viewed here
Zubenelgenubi 2008-07-26 Newark, NJ 66 km (28 km, 38 km) With the point in the middle of a residential street (speed limit 25 mph), this also made for a Speed Racer geohash.
Zigdon 2008-06-07 San Francisco, CA ~64km
Tom 2008-06-22 Budapest, Hungary ~64km (31km, 33km) I rode all the way. (A short detour on the way back to get some ice-cream.) Photo proof here, my path here
Fippe 2020-12-13 52 9 (Ostermunzel) 62km
Danatar 2008-09-20 Würzburg, Germany 60.2km (29.7km, 30.5km) Took a longer but much better and faster road on the return trip.
El muerte verde 2009-08-04 Paderborn, Germany 60km (27.5km, 32.5km) Most of those streets I never cycled before trusting completely a GPS I had never used before either.
Bierhefe 2011-08-02 Hamburg, Germany 59.4 (29.3, 30,1) Took a different route on the way back.
Sigrid 2010-05-10 Göteborg, Sweden 58.8 km (29.5, 29.3) A windy hash including "bike on a car ferry".
Bill^2 2008-06-22 Detroit, Michigan ~58km 18 miles each way, hope to post stop-motion video of the ride there, taken at 1 frame every 10 seconds from handlebar-mounted camera (sample with other riders here.)
Mystrsyko 2014-10-07 Springfield, Illinois 57.29km Strava proof
Coyotebush 2022-08-06 Seattle, Washington 55.7km (18.5km, 37.2km)
Hermann 2008-05-26 Hamburg, Germany 55.5km (23.5km, 22km)
Kriechstrom 2008-09-06 Baesweiler, Germany 53.7 km Proof supplied at this page. Never trust the weather forecast!
Ben and Grace 2008-06-03 41 -71 ~50 km and ~15 km, respectively
Felix Dance 2012-02-10 Kilcunda, Victoria Australia 49.7kms from home, to work, to the geohash, then back home Photographic Evidence
DolphinTreasure 2014-10-07 Springfield, Illinois 48.28km
Evil Monkey 2008-06-15 Christchurch, New Zealand 48 km (18 km one-way) The difference comes from some mountain biking I did before going home.
Madmaxie 2008-12-15 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 45.32 km (25 km there, 20 km back) Way back was much quicker, stuck to Baltimore Pike the whole way, straight shot home.
Darkmark 2012-08-11 Stuttgart, Germany ~45 km Luckily it was just driving along a river. Mostly.
JwB 2016-09-15 Utrecht, Netherlands ~45 km (24 there, 21 back)
Brett 2008-08-09 Champaign, Illinois 44 km (18 km, 26 km)
TdL 2012-05-29 Osaka, Japan
2012-06-04 Kyoto, Japan
24 km
40 km. exactly.
Chandru 2012-05-16 Sacramento, California 40 km (~20 each way)
shenron and noamsml 2008-06-01 Detroit, Michigan ~40 km No photographic proof, but can be verified by the people who they met with when they geohashed
Gefrierbrand 2011-08-26 Bamberg, Germany ~40 km See expedition page
elwingelfje 2013-06-08 Groningen, The Netherlands 40 km (22 to, 18 back) See expedition page
Rhonda 2010-07-01 Vancouver, BC 38 km (19 each way)
myka 2009-02-14 Melbourne East, Australia 39.71 km My bike enjoying a view of the lake I found
StrategosMike 2008-06-28 Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 39 km
davidc 2009-08-02 Berlin, Germany 37 km
Jan 2015-04-19 52 8 (Vechta) 35km
Floffe 2008-06-15 Linköping, Sweden 34km (17km, 17km) No picture of me with bike due to only having a phone camera
Felix 2008-06-03 Hamburg, Germany 33km
CaptainLJS 2008-06-28, Boston 32.5km (16.25km, 16.25km) Proof is coming once other's pictures show up, ask in IRC.
LiNaK 2012-12-14, Tel Aviv, Israel 30 km
Sethant 2008-07-03, Denver 30 km (15km, 15km) I busted a spoke on the return trip, but the bike made it all the way!
Sara 2009-08-07, Springfield, Massachusetts 30 km (15km, 15km) New to cycling, walked the bike for part of the way.
Oisín 2014-03-13, Dresden, Germany 27.6 km Work -> Hash -> Home
Koepfel 2009-04-05 48 8 27km tracklog of the 12km-ride there available on the expedition page. The 27km also include the ride to a nearby geocache and the way back, on which we took a different route.
mtu 2011-01-20 53 10 26 km My bum hurts.
Woodveil 2009-01-22 Atlanta, GA 25 km There and back.
Mark and C-Dog 2009-09-09 44 -92 23.6 km Tron-like route
H.M.Thunder 2008-06-06 51 5 23km
aaronboardley 2013-03-09 51 -2 22km
Blueberry 2015-04-28 56 10 22km (9km, 13km) Photo, log of first part
Gormaz 2018-08-14 Burgos, Spain 21 km Photographic evidence
Tuttleturtle42 2008-06-11 Boston, MA 19.5 km
globescorer 2023-09-05 Ossingen (ZH), Switzerland 15.0 km rode like a TRON - road bridge to and railway bridge from the hashpoint
KarMann 2008-11-02 Tucson, Arizona 14.7 km (11.8 km, 2.9 km before it got too dark) bicycle in the gully
SKeaLoT 2009-10-29 Curicó, Chile 14.7 km (7.47 km, 7.23 km)
Isopekka 2010-09-19 Rovaniemi, Finland 13.4 km (6.7 km ,6.7 km)
Baerenfell 2009-06-05 München, Germany 12.9 km (about 7 km, 5.9 km)
Thomcat 2008-06-28 Seattle, Washington 10.6km photo and collected Pub Geohash on the same date
hbrx 2008-06-25 Oslo, Norway 9,6 km 5 km there, 4,6 km back (left from work, returned home)
Shriver 2008-06-28 Seattle, Washington 6.6km Photographic Evidence
StephenEdmonds 2008-09-06 Melbourne, Asutralia 6.3km (1.6km, 4.7km) Rode directly there, took scenic way home
Photo of GPS on bicycle
Photo of bicycle on way back to show mounted GPS (forgot at location)
Benjammn 2008-08-10 Havelock, North Carolina 1.2km there, same back Photographic Evidence
Steingesicht 2015-11-11 Echterdingen 20km ride total bike at hashpoint