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== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==
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Ekorren - that's the european brown squirrel, scientifically ''sciurus vulgaris''. Jumps around, collects various stuff, hides things and never finds all of it again.
Ekorren - that's the european brown squirrel, scientifically ''sciurus vulgaris''. Jumps around, collects various stuff, hides things and never finds all of it again.
I found the link to geohashing on some geocaching forum. Ok, I thought, so there's something even more crazy, so let's try it ;) Then I read all of the past XKCD comics and suddenly felt at home. Given that my list of regularily read webcomics is all but short there's really no excuse that I didn't find XKCD earlier.
I'm mostly hashing by bike, so I'm somehow restricted to the nearer surroundings of my home coordinates which are roughly N 48°31' E 9°3', as well as weather-restricted. But I don't take both of it very serious. And the first geohash I visited was far away from home...
== Plans (if any) ==
''Planning means to substitute random with error.''
For a spontanous expedition bicycle will be the only reasonable mode of transport for me, so I'm somehow restricted to the nearer surroundings of my home coordinates which are roughly N 48°31' E 9°3', as well as weather-restricted. Though, the first geohash I visited was far away from home...
== Statistics ==
== Statistics ==
''Retrohashes not included.''
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! !!successful!!failed
! !! #points !!colspan=2|reached!!Plan B*
!                                                              !!    !! yes!! no !!
|align=left| '''Hashpoints scouted'''                          || 233|| 198|| 35 ||
|align=left| - [[Image:Centurion.png|24 px]] saturday 4 pm / centurion 
|                                                                  31 || 31 ||    ||
|align=left| '''Graticules'''                                  || 31 || 31 ||    ||
|align=left| - [[Image:Cherry2.PNG|24px]] unlocked graticules    ||  5 ||    ||    ||
<!-- Luxembourg, Pforzheim, Goslar, Kempten, Esbjerg -->
|align=left| '''Countries'''                                    ||  8 ||  8 ||    ||
<!-- Luxembourg, Germany, France, Austria, Denmark, Switzerland, Poland, Sweden -->
|align=left| - unlocked countries                                ||  1 ||    ||    ||
<!-- Luxembourg -->
|align=left| '''Expeditions by location:'''                    ||    ||    ||    ||
|align=left| - [[Stuttgart, Germany|Stuttgart graticule (48,9)]]||112 || 92 || 20 ||
|align=left| - [[Pforzheim, Germany|Pforzheim graticule (48,8)]]|| 69 || 60 ||  9 ||
|align=left| - 29 other graticules                              || 52 || 46 ||  6 ||
|align=left| - [[File:Flag of Germany.png|20px]] Germany        ||223 ||189 || 34 ||
|align=left| - [[File:Flag of Luxembourg.png|20px]] Luxembourg  ||  1 ||  1 ||    ||
|align=left| - [[File:Flag of France.png|20px]] France          ||  3 ||  3 ||    ||
|align=left| - [[File:Flag of Switzerland.png|20px]] Switzerland||  2 ||  1 ||  1 ||
|align=left| - [[File:Flag of Austria.png|20px]] Austria        ||  1 ||  1 ||    ||
|align=left| - [[File:Flag of Poland.png|20px]] Poland          ||  1 ||  1 ||    ||
|align=left| - [[File:Flag of Denmark.png|20px]] Denmark        ||  1 ||  1 ||    ||
|align=left| '''Expeditions total'''                            || 14 || 1
|align=left| - [[File:800px-Flag of Sweden.png|20px]] Sweden          || 1 |1 ||    ||
|align=left| - [[Image:Longtrekbadge.png|24 px]] saturday 4 pm  || 3 ||  
|align=left| '''Expeditions by type of transport:'''            ||   ||    ||    ||
|align=left| '''Graticules'''                                  || 4 ||
|align=left| - [[Image:Walk.PNG|24px]] foot                    ||  3 ||  3 ||    ||
|align=left| - [[Image:Cherry2.PNG|24px]] virgin graticules    || 2 ||
|align=left| - [[Image:Bikegeohash.png|24px]] [[User:Ekorren/Bicycle geohashes|bike only]]
|                                                                124 || 103 || 21 || 1
|align=left| '''Countries'''                                    || 2 ||  
|align=left| - [[Image:Beastofburdenribbon2.png|24px]] horse    ||  1 ||  1 ||    ||  
|align=left| - virgin countries                                || 1 ||
|align=left| - [[Image:Bus.PNG|24px]] public transport          || 54 || 48 ||  6 ||
|align=left| '''Expeditions by type of transport:'''            ||   ||
|align=left| - [[Image:Bus.PNG|24px]][[Image:Bikegeohash.png|24px]] public transport + bike       
|                                                                  53 || 43 || 8 ||
|align=left| - [[Image:Walk.PNG|24px]] foot                    || - ||
|align=left| - [[Image:Bus.PNG|24px]] public transport + human powered boat       
|                                                                   1 ||  1 ||    ||
|align=left| - [[Image:Bikegeohash.png|24px]] [[Bicycle Geohashes|bike]]|| 10 || 1
|align=left| '''Reasons for failure:'''                        ||   ||   ||    ||
|align=left| - [[Image:Bus.PNG|24px]] public transport          || 4 ||
|align=left| - [[Image:Notrespassing.gif|24px]] No access      || 27 ||   || 27 || 
|align=left| '''Reasons for failure:'''                        || ||
|align=left| - [[Image:TrailofBlood.PNG|24px]] Trail of Blood  || 1 ||    ||  1 || 
|align=left| - [[Image:Notrespassing.gif|24px]] No trespassing || || 1
|align=left| - [[Image:Trainwreck.png|24px]] Transportation failure||(2)||  ||    || 1(+1)
|align=left| - [[Image:DWN Ribbon.jpg|24px]] Mother nature      || 8 ||   || 8 ||
|align=left| - Stupidity                                        ||    ||    ||    ||  1
''Plan B: Expedition failed in this category, but a second approach put it into another one (whether that succeeded or not). Nr. in brackets: multi-purpose failure counted in another category.''
== Past Expeditions ==
== Past Expeditions ==
'''[[User:Ekorren/Expeditions|See here]] for a detailed list of past expeditions. Might not include the most recent ones.'''
Most recent expeditions:
190. [[2012-03-03 50 8]] Friedberg/Hessen (train+bike)
191. [[2012-04-14 48 8]] Nagold-Vollmaringen (bike)
192. [[2012-04-20 48 8]] Rottenburg-Seebronn (bike)
193. [[2012-04-22 48 9]] Tübingen-Bühl (bike)
194. [[2012-05-08 48 9]] Tübingen (bike) (No Trespassing)
195. [[2012-05-12 47 9]] Ostrach (train+bike)
196. [[2012-05-14 48 9]] Reutlingen-Gönningen (bike) (No Trespassing)
197. [[2012-05-20 48 9]] Trochtelfingen (train+bus+bike)
198. [[2012-05-21 48 9]] Metzingen (bike from Trochtelfingen) (midnight, Geohashing Day)
199. [[2012-06-01 48 9]] Kusterdingen-Jettenburg (bike)
200. [[2012-06-24 48 9]] Münsingen (train+bike)
201. [[2012-07-04 48 9]] Tübingen-Bebenhausen, Schönbuch forest near Dettenhausen (bike)
202. [[2012-07-16 48 8]] Bad Wildbad (train+hike)
203. [[2012-10-02 48 9]] Kusterdingen-Wankheim (horse)
204. [[2013-01-07 48 9]] Freiberg/Neckar (train+bike)
205. [[2013-02-13 48 9]] Tübingen-Waldhausen (bike)
206. [[2013-04-07 48 9]] Tübingen-Lustnau (bike)
207. [[2013-05-11 48 9]] Korntal-Münchingen (train+hike)
208. [[2013-06-20 49 8]] Böchingen (bus+train+hike)
209. [[2013-07-08 52 13]] Berlin (bus)
210. [[2013-08-18 48 8]] Deißlingen (train+bus+bike)
211. [[2013-11-04 58 12]] Skepplanda, Ale kommun, Västergötland, Sweden. (train+bus+hike)
212. [[2013-11-11 48 9]] Nehren (bike, 20 km)
213. [[2013-12-09 48 9]] Tübingen (walk, 4.5 km)
214. [[2014-03-04 48 9]] Tübingen-Waldhäuser Ost (bike, 12 km]]
215. [[2014-03-11 48 9]] Tübingen-Weilheim (bike, 10 km)
216. [[2014-04-26 48 10]] Gerstetten +<br>
217. [[2014-04-26 48 9]] Holzgerlingen (double hash, train + bike + train + bike, bike part 91 km)
218. [[2014-05-16 48 9]] Tübingen or Rottenburg (bike, 30.21 km)
219. [[2014-05-25 48 9]] Burladingen-Starzeln (train + bike, bike part 57.91 km)
220. [[2014-06-07 49 12]] Cham (Oberpfalz) (train + bike, bike part 75.44 km)
221. [[2014-07-03 48 9]] Pliezhausen-Dörnach (bike)
222. [[2014-07-08 48 8]] Ammerbuch-Poltringen (bike)
223. [[2014-07-11 48 9]] Bad Urach (bike)
224. [[2014-07-13 48 8]] Bösingen-Herrenzimmern (train + bike)
225. [[2014-07-14 48 8]] Rangendingen-Höfendorf (bike)
226. [[2014-07-15 48 9]] Wannweil (bike)
227. [[2014-07-17 48 8]] Simmersfeld (bike, back by train)
228. [[2014-07-19 47 8]] Blumberg (train + bike)
229. [[2014-07-21 48 9]] Kirchheim unter Teck (bike, back by train)
230. [[2014-08-11 49 8]] Walzbachtal (train + bike)
231. [[2014-09-17 48 8]] Rottenburg am Neckar (bike)
232. [[2014-10-01 48 8]] Rottenburg am Neckar (bike)
233. [[2014-11-01 48 8]] Horb-Dießen (train + bike)
234. [[2014-12-01 48 9]] Tübingen-Bebenhausen (bike)
235. [[2015-01-14 48 8]] Rottenburg am Neckar (bike)
236. [[2015-01-27 48 9]] Midnight fail at Fellbach or Stuttgart (public transport)
237. [[2015-03-16 48 8]] (started off for [[2015-03-16 49 7]] but rerouted along the way) Snowy Black Forest at Bad Herrenalb (public transport + hike)
238. [[2015-03-27 48 9]] Rammert forest at Tübingen-Kilchberg (bike, 68,3 km)
239. [[2015-04-13 48 9]] Kusterdingen-Wankheim (bike, 12 km)
240. [[2015-05-03 48 9]] Tübingen, private backyard (no trespassing) (bike, 1 km)
241. [[2015-05-15 48 9]] Kusterdingen, a field (not reached) (bike, 18 km)
242. [[2015-06-20 48 8]] Weissach (bike, 102 km)
243. [[2015-07-17 48 9]] Tübingen, football ground (no trespassing) (bike, 3 km)
244. [[2015-09-11 48 9]] Reutlingen, railway line (public transport)
245. [[2015-11-26 48 9]] Tübingen (bike, 20 km)
246. [[2016-01-29 48 9]] Pliezhausen (bike ca. 20 km, walking ca. 10 km)
247. [[2016-04-28 48 8]] Tübingen, Schönbuch between Hagelloch and Unterjesingen (bike 13 km, walking 10 km)
== Achievements ==
=== Unlocked graticules ===
Graticule unlocked | latitude = 49 | longitude = 6 | date = 2008-10-28 | name = Ekorren | image = GH281008.49.6.sign.jpg
Graticule unlocked | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8 | date = 2008-11-26 | name = Ekorren and Danatar | image = 2008-11-26-48-8-signs.jpg
Graticule unlocked | latitude = 51 | longitude = 10 | date = 2009-02-22 | name = Six people | image = 2009-02-22_51_10_e_Cake.1.jpg
Graticule unlocked | latitude = 47 | longitude = 10 | date = 2009-06-07 | name = Nine people
Graticule unlocked | latitude = 55 | longitude = 8 | date = 2010-08-21 | name = Four people
=== Regional achievements ===
''<small>All regional achievements I can think of. Selected Minesweepers.</small>''
See also: [[User:Ekorren/Regions|List of regions and graticules]]
| {{ Regional geohash | name = Ekorren | region = Landkreis Tübingen | count = 2 |image = Wappen_Landkreis_Tuebingen.png }}
| [[2009-01-03 48 8|48 8]] [[2008-11-15 48 9|48 9]]
| [[2008-10-28 49 6|2008-10-28]]
|{{ Regional geohash | name = Ekorren | region = Landkreis Böblingen | count = 2 | image = Wappen_Landkreis_Boeblingen.png}}
| [[Luxembourg, Luxembourg|49 6]]
| [[2009-03-22 48 8|48 8]] [[2009-05-09 48 9|48 9]]
| [[Image:Bus.PNG|30px]][[Image:Walk.PNG|30px]]
| [[Image:Landgeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Border.PNG|30px]][[Image:Cherry2.PNG|30px]][[Image:Minesweeper_geohash_flag.png|30px]]
| On a meadow near Fentange, south of Luxembourg. Virgin graticule and virgin country.
| [[2008-11-15 48 9|2008-11-15]]
|{{ Regional geohash | name = Ekorren | region = Zollernalbkreis | count = 2 | image = Wappen_Zollernalbkreis.png }}
| [[Stuttgart, Germany|48 9]]
| [[2009-03-01 48 8|48 8]] [[2010-07-15 48 9|48 9]]
| [[Image:Bikegeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Landgeohash.png|30px]][[Image:Longtrekbadge.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Minesweeper_geohash_flag.png|30px]]
| Near Kusterdingen, on a field. Saturday 4 pm, but didn't meet anyone as [[User:Nick_mz|nick_mz]] was late and I didn't expect anyone to come.
| [[2008-11-18 48 9|2008-11-18]]
|{{ Regional geohash | name = Ekorren | region = Stadt Hechingen | count = 2 | image = Wappen_Hechingen.png }}
| [[Stuttgart, Germany|48 9]]
| [[2009-03-01 48 8|48 8]] [[2010-07-15 48 9|48 9]]
| [[Image:Bikegeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Landgeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Dejavu.png|30px]][[Image:Lastmanstanding.png|30px]]
| Reutlingen, on a cycle path between Ohmenhausen and the city centre. Déjà vu geohash and probably the only expedition worldwide on that date.
| [[2008-11-19 48 9|2008-11-19]]
|{{ Regional geohash | name = Ekorren | region = Landkreis Garmisch-Partenkirchen | count = 2 | image = Wappen Landkreis Garmisch-Partenkirchen.png}}
| [[Stuttgart, Germany|48 9]]
|[[2009-06-07_47_10|47 10]] [[2011-04-30_47_11|47 11]]
| [[Image:Bikegeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Landgeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Consecutivegeohash.jpg|30px]]
| Wannweil, at ''Gärtnerei Hespeler''.
| [[2008-11-22 48 9|2008-11-22]]
|{{ Regional geohash | name = Ekorren | region = Gemeinde Ammerbuch | count = 2 | image = Wappen Ammerbuch.svg.png}}
| [[Stuttgart, Germany|48 9]]
|[[2009-10-02 48 8|48 8]] [[2011-11-03 48 9|48 9]]
| [[Image:Bikegeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Landgeohash.png|30px]][[Image:Longtrekbadge.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Meetup.PNG|30px]][[Image:Frozen.png|30px]][[Image:Snowman2.png|30px]]
| Tübingen, Rammert forest, near Hofgut Eck. A XKCD'ish snowman (no eyes!) was built and I met [[User:Nick_mz|nick_mz]].
| [[2008-11-26 48 8|2008-11-26]]
|{{ Regional geohash | name = Ekorren | region = Stadt Tübingen | count = 2 | image = Wappen_Tuebingen.png}}
| [[Pforzheim, Germany|48 8]]
|[[2012-01-28 48 8|48 8]] [[2008-11-22 48 9|48 9]]
| [[Image:Bus.PNG|30px]][[Image:Walk.PNG|30px]]
| [[Image:Landgeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Cherry2.PNG|30px]][[Image:Meetup.PNG|30px]][[Image:Minesweeper_geohash_flag.png|30px]]
| Pforzheim, in front of the slaughterhouse. Met [[User:Danatar|Danatar]].
| [[2008-11-29 48 9|2008-11-29]]
|{{ Reverse Regional | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8 | name = Ekorren | count = 2 | graticule = Pforzheim, Germany }}
| [[Stuttgart, Germany|48 9]]
| [[2008-11-26 48 8|Germany]]<br>[[2009-01-12 48 8|France]]
| [[Image:Bikegeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Landgeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Frozen.png|30px]][[Image:Mnimbgeohash.jpg|30px]]
| Sonnenbühl-Genkingen, Öschenbachtal. Ice and slope is a bad combination.
| [[2008-12-12 48 9|2008-12-12]]
|{{ Reverse Regional | latitude = 47 | longitude = 8 | name = Ekorren | count = 2 | graticule = Zürich, Switzerland }}
| [[Stuttgart, Germany|48 9]]
| [[2009-05-31 47 8|Germany]]<br>[[2011-01-09 47 8|Switzerland]]
| [[Image:Bikegeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Landgeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Frozen.png|30px]][[Image:Mnimbgeohash.jpg|30px]]
| St. Johann-Würtingen, with a lot of snow getting in my way.
| [[2008-12-15 48 9|2008-12-15]]
|{{ Reverse Regional | latitude = 48 | longitude = 7 | name = Ekorren | count = 2 | graticule = Strasbourg, France }}
| [[Stuttgart, Germany|48 9]]
| [[2009-11-07 48 7|Germany]]<br>[[2011-08-20 48 7|France]]
| [[Image:Bikegeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Landgeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Notrespassing.gif|30px]]
| Hattenhofen, failed due to fenced area, and there was noone I could ask to be let in.
| [[2008-12-17 48 9|2008-12-17]]
|{{ Reverse Regional | latitude = 52 | longitude = 13 | name = Ekorren | count = 2 | graticule = Berlin, Germany }}
| [[Stuttgart, Germany|48 9]]
| [[2009-06-27 52 13|Brandenburg]]<br>[[2013-07-08 52 13|Berlin]]
| [[Image:Bikegeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Landgeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Frozen.png|30px]][[Image:Snowman2.png|30px]]
| Reutlingen, and once more too much ice and snow
| [[2008-12-27 48 9|2008-12-27]]  
|{{Minesweeper geohash | graticule = Stuttgart, Germany | ranknumber = 8 | nw = true | n = true | ne = true | w = true | e = true | sw = true | s = true | se = true | name = Ekorren}}
| [[Stuttgart, Germany|48 9]]
| [[2009-10-28 49 8|49 8]] [[2009-04-13 49 9|49 9]] [[2009-01-02 49 10|49 10]] <br> [[2008-11-26 48 8|48 8]] [[2008-11-15 48 9|48 9]] [[2009-09-28 48 10|48 10]] <br> [[2009-05-31 47 8|47 8]] [[2009-07-27 47 9|47 9]] [[2009-06-07 47 10|47 10]]  
| [[Image:Bus.PNG|30px]][[Image:Walk.PNG|30px]]
| [[Image:Landgeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Frozen.png|30px]]
| Dettenhausen, in the Schönbuch forest
| [[2009-01-02 49 10|2009-01-02]]  
|{{Minesweeper geohash | graticule = Pforzheim, Germany | ranknumber = 8 | nw = true | n = true | ne = true | w = true | e = true | sw = true | s = true | se = true | name = Ekorren}}
| [[Bamberg, Germany|49 10]]
| [[2012-01-14 49 7|49 7]] [[2009-10-28 49 8|49 8]] [[2009-04-13 49 9|49 9]] <br> [[2009-11-07 48 7|48 7]] [[2008-11-26 48 8|48 8]] [[2008-11-15 48 9|48 9]] <br>[[2009-05-31 47 7|47 7]] [[2009-05-31 47 8|47 8]] [[2009-07-27 47 9|47 9]]
| [[Image:Bus.PNG|30px]][[Image:Walk.PNG|30px]]
| [[Image:Landgeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Frozen.png|30px]][[Image:Minesweeper_geohash_flag.png|30px]]
| Satteldorf-Gröningen, in a strange tree plantation
| [[2009-01-03 48 8|2009-01-03]]  
|{{Minesweeper geohash | graticule = Augsburg, Germany  | ranknumber = 7 | nw = true | n = true |          | w = true | e = true | sw = true | s = true | se = true | name = Ekorren}}
| [[Pforzheim, Germany|48 8]]
| [[2009-04-13 49 9|49 9]] [[2009-01-02 49 10|49 10]] 49 11<br> [[2008-11-15 48 9|48 9]] [[2009-09-28 48 10|48 10]] [[2011-04-06 48 11|48 11]]<br> [[2009-07-27 47 9|47 9]] [[2009-06-07 47 10|47 10]] [[2011-04-30 47 11|47 11]]
| [[Image:Bikegeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Landgeohash.png|30px]][[Image:Longtrekbadge.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Frozen.png|30px]][[Image:Consecutivegeohash.jpg|30px]][[Image:Compass.jpg|30px]]
| Rottenburg am Neckar
| [[2009-01-04 48 8|2009-01-04]]  
|{{Minesweeper geohash | graticule = Strasbourg, France | ranknumber = 6 | nw = true | n = true | ne = true |          | e = true |          | s = true | se = true | name = Ekorren}}
| [[Pforzheim, Germany|48 8]]
| [[2008-10-28 49 6|49 6]] [[2012-01-14 49 7|49 7]] [[2009-10-28 49 8|49 8]] <br> ''48 6'' [[2009-11-07 48 7|48 7]] [[2008-11-26 48 8|48 8]] <br>''47 6'' [[2009-05-31 47 7|47 7]] [[2009-05-31 47 8|47 8]]
| [[Image:Bikegeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Landgeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Frozen.png|30px]][[Image:Consecutivegeohash.jpg|30px]]
| Rottenburg-Ergenzingen
| [[2009-01-07 48 9|2009-01-07]]  
|{{Minesweeper geohash | graticule = Berlin, Germany | ranknumber = 4 | w = true | sw = true | e=true | s=true | name = Ekorren}}
| [[Stuttgart, Germany|48 9]]
| ''53 12'' ''53 13'' ''53 14'' <br> [[2009-08-28 52 12|52 12]] [[2009-06-27 52 13|52 13]] [[2011-05-21 52 14|52 14]]<br>[[2010-08-22 51 12|51 12]] [[2011-05-24 51 13|51 13]] ''51 14''
| [[Image:Bikegeohash.png|30px]]
| [[Image:Landgeohash.png|30px]]
|{{Minesweeper geohash | graticule = Goslar, Germany | ranknumber = 3 | n = true |se = true| name = Ekorren}}
| [[Image:Frozen.png|30px]][[Image:Snowman2.png|30px]]
| [[2011-08-31 52 9|52 9]] [[2009-11-13 52 10|52 10]] ''52 11'' <br> ''51 9'' [[2009-02-22 51 10|51 10]] ''51 11''<br>''50 9'' ''50 10'' [[2011-05-20 50 11|50 11]]
| Pliezhausen-Rübgarten, in the Schönbuch forest
''[[User:Ekorren/Symbols|How I use the symbols in this table]]
== Achievements ==
'''Five or more graticules in a row:'''
48,7-48,12 (6, west-east)
47,8-52,13 (6, southwest-northeast)
47,7-47,11 (5, west-east)
49,6-49,10 (5, west-east)
'''Progress on regional hash for Baden-Württemberg:''' (10 of 11)<br>
|                          || [[2010-01-09 49 8|49 8]] || [[2009-04-13 49 9|49 9]] || [[2009-01-02 49 10|49 10]]
| [[2009-11-07 48 7|48 7]] || [[2008-11-26 48 8|48 8]] || [[2008-11-15 48 9|48 9]] || [[2009-09-28 48 10|48 10]]
| [[2011-06-13 47 7|47 7]] || [[2009-05-31 47 8|47 8]] || [[2009-07-27 47 9|47 9]] || ''47 10''
=== Location achievements ===
''<small>Only the first one of a kind, except of Déjà vu geohashes. See icons in list for more.</small>
land geohash | latitude = 49 | longitude = 6 | date = 2008-10-28 | name = Ekorren | image = GH281008.49.6.ekorren.jpg
Hash collision | latitude = 49 | longitude = 6 | date = 2008-10-28 | name = Ekorren | id = GC11ZMH | link = http://coord.info/GC11ZMH | distance = ca. 600 m | honor = honorable mention
Water geohash| latitude = 47 | longitude = 10 | date = 2009-06-07  | name = Ekorren | vehicle = rowing boat
going deep geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2011-04-18 | name = [[User:Koepfel|Koepfel]] and [[User:Ekorren|Ekorren]] | image = 2011-04-18_48_9_e_Tunnel_Portal.JPG
Virgin graticule | latitude = 49 | longitude = 6 | date = 2008-10-28 | name = Ekorren | image = GH281008.49.6.sign.jpg
Déjà vu geohash| latitude = 48| longitude = 9| date = 2008-11-18| olddate = several occasions, but the proof is a bit weak| name = Ekorren knows he | image = 2008-11-18-48-9-Path.jpg
Déjà vu geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2009-05-20 | olddate = countless trips, among them [[2009-04-27 48 9]] and [[2008-12-27 48 9]] | name = Ekorren and Nick_mz
Déjà vu geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2009-06-07 | olddate = [[2009-04-21 47 9|2009-04-21]], [[2009-05-14 47 9|2009-05-14]] and countless other occasions | name = [[User:Ekorren|Ekorren]] | image = 2009-06-07_48_9_track.jpg
Déjà vu geohash| latitude = 48| longitude = 8| date = 2010-06-29| olddate = several occasions using the bus through the hash| name = Ekorren | image = 2010-06-29_48_8_Bus.jpg
Déjà vu geohash| latitude = 48| longitude = 9| date = 2010-09-27| olddate = several occasions by bus or bike| name = Ekorren
Déjà vu geohash| latitude = 48| longitude = 9| date = 2010-11-24| olddate = countless trips, tracklogs on request | name = Ekorren
Radio Yerevan | achievement = Déjà vu geohash |detail = - although it would have been perfectly within accuracy when passing by train like countless times before, the actual measurement preferred a point 2m off the tracks, which he visited this time. | date = 2011-02-13 | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8 | user = Ekorren | image = 2011-02-13_48_8_S-Bahn_1.JPG
Déjà vu geohash| latitude = 48| longitude = 9| date = 2011-04-18| olddate = countless trips, including his very first hash [[2008-10-28 49 6]]. | name = Ekorren
Déjà vu geohash| latitude = 48| longitude = 8| date = 2011-05-07| olddate = a few times, still need to figure out dates and proof | name = Ekorren
Déjà vu geohash| latitude = 48| longitude = 9| date = 2011-10-25| olddate = often enough | name = Ekorren
Déjà vu geohash| latitude = 48| longitude = 9| date = 2011-11-25| olddate = several times using the bus from Metzingen to Neuffen | name = Ekorren
Déjà vu geohash| latitude = 48| longitude = 9| date = 2014-03-04| olddate = many times with bus line 5 or other transport | name = Ekorren
=== Getting there ===
''<small>Only the first one of a kind. One border hash per country.</small>''
Public Transport Geohash | latitude = 49 | longitude = 6 | date = 2008-10-28 | busline = rail and bus | name = Ekorren | image = DB-650.0-at-night.jpg
Public Transport Geohash | latitude = 49 | longitude = 6 | date = 2008-10-28 | busline = rail and bus | name = Ekorren | image = DB-650.0-at-night.jpg
land geohash | latitude = 49 | longitude = 6 | date = 2008-10-28 | name = Ekorren | image = GH281008.49.6.ekorren.jpg  
Bicycle geohash| latitude = 48| longitude = 9| date = 2008-11-15| name = Ekorren | image = 20081115-48-9-View.jpg  
Walk geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2009-03-14 | name = Ekorren | distance = 16 km
| Ekorren earned a [[Hash Collision|hash collision honorable mention]] by finding the geocache [http://coord.info/GC11ZMH GC11ZMH] near to the [[2008-10-28 49 6]] hash (and other caches near later hashes).[[Category:Hash collision achievement]]
one with nature | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2008-12-12 | name = Ekorren | image = 2008-12-12_48_9_Trail.jpg
No_batteries_geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8 | date = 2009-01-03 | name = Ekorren | image = 2009-01-03_48_8_Clock.jpg
Tron | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2009-04-27 | tracklog = http://maps.google.com/maps?q=http://tjum.anthill.de/geohashing/2009-04-27_48_9_II.kml | possessive = his | name = Ekorren | image = 2009-04-27_48_9_Sign.jpg
xkcd-100 | latitude = 55 | longitude = 8 | date = 2010-08-21 | distance = 1058 km | name = Ekorren
Ambassador geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8 | date = 2010-10-28 | granter = the owner of the meadow orchard | name = Ekorren | image =
Hobbit achievement | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2011-08-04 | pronoun = his | name = Ekorren | image = 2011-08-06 48 9 RingAtHash.JPG
Ribbon | icon = Juggernaut968.png | color = darkviolet | user = Ekorren | achievement = [[Juggernaut achievement]] | action = reaching a geohash in a straight line (with a deviation of about 1:23) on [[2011-11-16 48 9|2011-11-16]] | category = Juggernaut achievement
Beast of burden geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2012-10-02 | name = Ekorren and E. | animal = Hultaj and Hrabia | image = 2012-10-02_48_9_horses_at_hash.JPG
Bicycle geohash| latitude = 48| longitude = 9| date = 2008-11-15| name = Ekorren | image = 20081115-48-9-View.jpg
Border geohash achievement | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8 | date = 2009-01-12 | name = Ekorren | country1 = Germany | country2 = France | image = 2009-01-12 48 8 Bordersign.jpg
Border geohash achievement | latitude = 55 | longitude = 8 | date = 2010-08-21 | name = Ekorren and 3 others | country1 = Germany | country2 = Denmark
Border geohash achievement | latitude = 47 | longitude = 8 | date = 2011-01-09 | name = Ekorren | country1 = Germany | country2 = Switzerland
Border geohash achievement | latitude = 52 | longitude = 14 | date = 2011-05-21 | name = Ekorren and 6 others | country1 = Germany | country2 = Poland
Border geohash achievement | latitude = 47 | longitude = 8 | date = 2011-06-13 | name = Ekorren | country1 = Germany-Switzerland | country2 = Germany
<small>''About the '''One with Nature:''' During winter neither snow nor ice or a terrain that provides generally no easy trails could hold me from doing expeditions by bike. The one in the ribbon is just one of several snow-obstacled frozen mountain hashes. After careful examination I came to the conclusion that some of them definitely beat a number of the existing OWN hashes but are themselves still beaten by quite a number of others which leave me humble and in awe. I take the ribbon not for a single one but as kind of a lifetime achievement.''</small>
<small>More countries I hashed in, but not scored a border geohash because I would have gone there even without geohashing: Luxembourg, Austria</small>
=== Timing achievements ===
''<small>Interesting repetitions may be relisted.</small>''
Last Man Standing | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2008-11-18 | gender = Man | name = Ekorren | image = 2008-11-18-48-9-Marker1.jpg
Last Man Standing | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2008-11-18 | gender = Man | name = Ekorren | image = 2008-11-18-48-9-Marker1.jpg
Midnight geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2009-05-20 | name = Nick_mz and Ekorren | image = 2009-05-20_48_9_Road.jpg
Geohashing Day | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | year = 2009 | coorddate = 2009-05-21 | name = Ekorren | celebration = just being there | image = 2009-05-21_48_9_Marker.jpg
Birthday geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2009-08-15 | pronoun = his | name = Ekorren
Sunrise geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8 | date = 2009-10-09 | name = Ekorren | image = 2009-10-09_48_8_HashVillage.jpg
Hashiversary | new = 2009-10-28 49 8 | original = 2008-10-28 49 6 | ordinal = 1st | name = Ekorren | gender = his | image =
Geohashing Day | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8 | year = 2010 | coorddate = 2010-05-22 | name = Ekorren | mouseover = true | celebration = ending a long dry spell of unvisited hashes
Hashiversary | new = 2010-10-28 48 8 | original = 2008-10-28 49 6 | ordinal = 2nd | name = Ekorren | gender = his | image =
Geohashing Day | latitude = 52 | longitude = 14 | year = 2011 | coorddate = 2011-05-21 | name = Ekorren | celebration = visiting a polish swamp with six other people
Hashiversary | new = 2011-10-28 48 9 | original = 2008-10-28 49 6 | ordinal = 3rd | name = Ekorren | gender = his | image =
Geohashing Day | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | year = 2012 | coorddate = 2012-05-21 | name = Ekorren | celebration = burning an X at night
{{xkcd centurion
    | count = 31
    | name = Ekorren
=== Multiples ===
''<small>Longest consecutive runs at that time, and all multihashes.</small>''
consecutive geohash | count = 2 | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2008-11-18 | name = Ekorren  
consecutive geohash | count = 2 | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2008-11-18 | name = Ekorren  
consecutive geohash | count = 3 | latitude = 49 | longitude = 10 | date = 2009-01-02 | name = Ekorren
consecutive geohash | count = 6 | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2010-06-25 | name = Ekorren
Multihash | latitude1 = 47 | longitude1 = 8 | latitude2 = 47 | longitude2 = 7 | date = 2009-05-31 | name = Ekorren
Multihash | latitude1 = 48 | longitude1 = 9 | latitude2 = 47 | longitude2 = 10 | date = 2009-06-07 | name = Ekorren
Multihash | latitude1 = 48 | longitude1 = 9 | latitude2 = 48 | longitude2 = 10 | date = 2009-09-28 | name = Ekorren
Multihash | latitude1 = 48 | longitude1 = 8 | latitude2 = 49 | longitude2 = 8 | date = 2010-03-13 | name = Ekorren
Multihash | latitude1 = 47 | longitude1 = 8 | latitude2 = 47 | longitude2 = 7 | date = 2011-06-13 | name = Ekorren
Multihash | latitude1 = 48 | longitude1 = 10 | latitude2 = 48 | longitude2 = 9 | date = 2014-04-26 | name = Ekorren
=== Miscellaneous achievements ===
''<small>Usually one of a kind. Interesting repetitions may be relisted. See icons in list for more.</small>''
snowman geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2008-11-22 | name = Ekorren and Nick_mz | image = 2008-11-22-48-9-snowman.jpg
snowman geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2008-11-22 | name = Ekorren and Nick_mz | image = 2008-11-22-48-9-snowman.jpg
}}{{Meetup geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2008-11-22 | name = Ekorren almost| other = Nick_mz, but without photographic proof,
}}{{Meetup geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8 | date = 2008-11-26 | name = Ekorren | other = Danatar | image = 2008-11-26_48_8_hp.jpg
Virgin graticule | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8 | date = 2008-11-26 | name = Ekorren | image = 2008-11-26-48-8-signs.jpg
Meet-up | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2008-11-22 | name = Ekorren almost| other = Nick_mz, but without photographic proof,
Meet-up | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8 | date = 2008-11-26 | name = Ekorren | other = Danatar | image = 2008-11-26_48_8_hp.jpg
Frozen Geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2008-12-12 | temperature = around -3. This was the third sub zero hash where he couldn't bring an accurate thermometre, but this time it didn't get above zero the whole day anywhere in the area.. | name = Ekorren | image = 2008-12-12_48_9_Marker.jpg
Frozen Geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2008-12-12 | temperature = around -3. This was the third sub zero hash where he couldn't bring an accurate thermometre, but this time it didn't get above zero the whole day anywhere in the area.. | name = Ekorren | image = 2008-12-12_48_9_Marker.jpg
No_batteries_geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8 | date = 2009-01-03 | name = Ekorren | image = 2009-01-03_48_8_Clock.jpg
drag-along | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8 | date = 2009-04-25 | partner = some stranger in the forest | name = Koepfel and Ekorren
Easy_geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2009-06-07  | name = Ekorren | image = 2009-06-07_48_9_Train.jpg
Phonebooth stuffing | latitude = 47 | longitude = 10 | date = 2009-06-07 | name = Nine people
Regional geohash | name = Ekorren | region = Landkreis Tübingen | count = 2 |image = Wappen_Landkreis_Tuebingen.png
Speed racer| latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2009-06-07  | name = Ekorren | image = 2009-06-07_48_9_gps2.jpg | speed = almost 140 km/h
consecutive geohash | count = 3 | latitude = 49 | longitude = 10 | date = 2009-01-02 | name = Ekorren  
Speed racer| latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2009-08-02  | name = Ekorren | image = 2009-08-02_48_9_ViewfromHash.jpg | speed = 30 km/h
Picnic_geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8 | date = 2009-10-09 | name = Ekorren | image = 2009-10-09_48_8_Picnic.jpg | food = breakfast
+ displaced origin
=== Hashcards ===
''<small>Please add confirmations here.</small>''
No trespassing geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2008-12-15 | name = Ekorren  
Hashcard | latitude = 49 | longitude = 10 | date = 2009-01-02 | recipient = UnwiseOwl | name = ekorren | image = 2009-01-02_49_40_UO_002.jpg
Hashcard | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8 | date = 2009-01-12 | recipient = [[User:joannac|joannac]] | name = Ekorren | image = 2009-01-12 48 8 hashcard2.jpg
Hashcard | latitude = 47 | longitude = 9 | date = 2009-05-14 | recipient = [[User:dawidi|dawidi]] | name = [[User:ekorren|ekorren]] | image = 2009-05-14 47 9 hashcard to dawidi front.jpg
Hashcard | latitude = 47 | longitude = 10 | date = 2009-06-07 | recipient = various people | name = All participants
Hashcard | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8 | date = 2009-06-10 | recipient = [[User:srs0|srs0]] | name = [[User:ekorren|Ekorren]] | image = 2009-06-10 48 8 Hashcard-Ekorren-to-Srs0.jpg
Hashcard|latitude = 48|longitude = 9|date = 2009-07-19| recipient = [[User:Reinhard|Reinhard]]|name = [[User:Ekorren|Ekorren]] | image=20090719-48N9E hashcard front.jpg
Hashcard|latitude = 48|longitude = 8|date = 2012-01-28| recipient = [[User:NeThuS|NeThuS]]|name = [[User:Ekorren|Ekorren]]
{{Minesweeper geohash
... and more which haven't been confirmed
    | graticule = Stuttgart, Germany
    | ranknumber = 2
... and you never know what may be on the way! <!--  -->
    | ne = true
    | w = true
=== Consolation prizes ===
    | name = Ekorren
}}{{XKCD Centurion
''<small>Only one of a kind. See icons for more.</small>''
    | count = 3
    | name = Ekorren
No trespassing geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2008-12-15 | name = Ekorren | image = 2009-03-29_48_9_Lock.jpg
done with nature | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8 | date = 2009-03-08 | name = Ekorren
Trail of blood | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2011-10-02 | name = Ekorren | image = Blood.jpg
Train wreck | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2011-10-02 | name = Ekorren | reason = wrecking the bike's front wheel | image = 2011-10-01_48_9_BikeWreck.JPG
=== Gratuitous ribbons ===
For the following achievements the rules had to be stretched a bit, usually because of insufficient proof.
I put the ribbons here anyway but don't insist on counting them, and will definitely try to replace them.
Border geohash achievement | latitude = 49 | longitude = 6 | date = 2008-10-28 | name = Ekorren would have gone there anyway and thus not really | country1 = Germany | country2 = Luxembourg
gratuitous ribbon | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8 | date = 2009-02-13 | achievement = ''Plan B'' achievement 
    | description = continuing the expedition despite a major failure of technology, thanks to redundant engines, and thus reaching the
    | name = Ekorren | image = 2009-02-13 48 8 Bf Horb.jpg
gratuitous ribbon | color = pink | icon = RedSpiders.PNG | latitude = 49 | longitude = 9
    | date = 2009-04-13 || achievement = Easter Bunny Ribbon
    | description = photographing the Easter Bunny on Easter Monday, en route to the
    | name = Ekorren | image = 2009-04-13 49 9 Rosensteinpark.jpg
gratuitous ribbon | color = green | icon = Bikegeohash.png | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8
    | date = 2009-05-01 | achievement = Biked on Mount Everest Ribbon
    | description = climbing more than 8848 m on bike expeditions until reaching the
    | name = Ekorren | image = 18_Percent_Grade.jpg
gratuitous ribbon | color = red | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9
    | date = 2009-06-07 | achievement = Unavoidable Geohash
    | description = being unable to reroute a train around the
    | name = Ekorren | image = 2009-06-07_48_9_track.jpg
gratuitous ribbon | color = green | icon = Verbot_fuer_Kraftfahrzeuge.jpg | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9
    | date = 2010-06-25 | achievement = Green Ribbon
    | description = going on 100 expeditions without ever using motorized individual transport for the way to the hash, the 100th being the
    | name = Ekorren
Déjà vu geohash| latitude = 48| longitude = 9| date = 2008-11-18| olddate = several occasions, but the proof is a bit weak| name = Ekorren knows he | image = 2008-11-18-48-9-Path.jpg
Radio Yerevan | achievement = hash by getting far closer than GPS accuracy
    |detail = he still tends to believe that the exact point was ''inside'' the house.
    | date = 2010-10-30 | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | user = Ekorren | image = 2010-10-30_48_9_HashHouse.JPG
gratuitous ribbon | color = green | icon = T2htemp2.JPG | latitude = 48 | longitude = 8
    | date = 2011-02-10 | achievement = Dettingen again ribbon
    | description = hashing in four (of nine) different places named Dettingen, #4 being the location of the
    | name = Ekorren | image = <!-- picture will be added when available -->
<!-- Dettingen/Erms, Dettingen/Teck, Horb-Dettingen, Rottenburg-Dettingen -->
Radio Yerevan | achievement = Bingo geohash achievement by reaching hashes in 5 (6, even) graticules in a row (48,7-48,12)
    |detail = due to cultural incomprehension about whether ignoring the center is vital to making a line complete that achievement was never introduced
    | date = 2011-04-06 | latitude = 48 | longitude = 11 | user = Ekorren | image = 2011-04-06_48_11_e_Marker.JPG
mnimb geohash | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9 | date = 2008-12-12 | name = Ekorren | image = 2008-12-12_48_9_Trail.jpg
gratuitous ribbon | color = violet | icon = Dejavu.png | latitude = 48 | longitude = 9
    | date = 2011-11-25 | achievement = History repeats itself ribbon
    | description = visiting 10 Déjà Vu Geohashes, #10 being the
    | name = Ekorren  
''I can't decide whether [[2008-11-29_48_9]] and [[2008-12-12_48_9]] qualify for a MNIMB. They were both made difficult by snow, ice, and a terrain that provides generally no easy trails. After careful examination I came to the conclusion that they beat some of the existing MNIMB hashes but are themselves still beaten by quite a number of others which leave me humble and in awe. I'll take the ribbon for now.''
== Tools ==
== Tools ==
I run another of those online hashing tools, built to contain everything important on a glance and work on virtually every device not entirely uncapable of browsing. [[User:ekorren/Hash_Inquiry_Tool|See here.]]
I run another of those online hashing tools, built to contain everything important on a glance and work on virtually every device not entirely uncapable of browsing, or providing a convenient overview for a region. [[User:ekorren/Hash_Inquiry_Tool|See here.]]
[[Category:Geohashers in Germany]]
[[Category:Geohashers in Germany]]
[[Category:Addicted to geohashing]]

Latest revision as of 14:21, 2 April 2024

Lol-asg.png 41 / m / 48,9


Warning: May contain nuts.

Ekorren - that's the european brown squirrel, scientifically sciurus vulgaris. Jumps around, collects various stuff, hides things and never finds all of it again.

I'm mostly hashing by bike, so I'm somehow restricted to the nearer surroundings of my home coordinates which are roughly N 48°31' E 9°3', as well as weather-restricted. But I don't take both of it very serious. And the first geohash I visited was far away from home...

Plans (if any)

Planning means to substitute random with error.


Retrohashes not included.

#points reached Plan B*
yes no
Hashpoints scouted 233 198 35
- Centurion.png saturday 4 pm / centurion 31 31
Graticules 31 31
- Cherry2.PNG unlocked graticules 5
Countries 8 8
- unlocked countries 1
Expeditions by location:
- Stuttgart graticule (48,9) 112 92 20
- Pforzheim graticule (48,8) 69 60 9
- 29 other graticules 52 46 6
- Flag of Germany.png Germany 223 189 34
- Flag of Luxembourg.png Luxembourg 1 1
- Flag of France.png France 3 3
- Flag of Switzerland.png Switzerland 2 1 1
- Flag of Austria.png Austria 1 1
- Flag of Poland.png Poland 1 1
- Flag of Denmark.png Denmark 1 1
- 800px-Flag of Sweden.png Sweden 1 1
Expeditions by type of transport:
- Walk.PNG foot 3 3
- Bikegeohash.png bike only 124 103 21 1
- Beastofburdenribbon2.png horse 1 1
- Bus.PNG public transport 54 48 6
- Bus.PNGBikegeohash.png public transport + bike 53 43 8
- Bus.PNG public transport + human powered boat 1 1
Reasons for failure:
- Notrespassing.gif No access 27 27
- TrailofBlood.PNG Trail of Blood 1 1
- Trainwreck.png Transportation failure (2) 1(+1)
- DWN Ribbon.jpg Mother nature 8 8
- Stupidity 1

Plan B: Expedition failed in this category, but a second approach put it into another one (whether that succeeded or not). Nr. in brackets: multi-purpose failure counted in another category.

Past Expeditions

See here for a detailed list of past expeditions. Might not include the most recent ones.

Most recent expeditions:

190. 2012-03-03 50 8 Friedberg/Hessen (train+bike)

191. 2012-04-14 48 8 Nagold-Vollmaringen (bike)

192. 2012-04-20 48 8 Rottenburg-Seebronn (bike)

193. 2012-04-22 48 9 Tübingen-Bühl (bike)

194. 2012-05-08 48 9 Tübingen (bike) (No Trespassing)

195. 2012-05-12 47 9 Ostrach (train+bike)

196. 2012-05-14 48 9 Reutlingen-Gönningen (bike) (No Trespassing)

197. 2012-05-20 48 9 Trochtelfingen (train+bus+bike)

198. 2012-05-21 48 9 Metzingen (bike from Trochtelfingen) (midnight, Geohashing Day)

199. 2012-06-01 48 9 Kusterdingen-Jettenburg (bike)

200. 2012-06-24 48 9 Münsingen (train+bike)

201. 2012-07-04 48 9 Tübingen-Bebenhausen, Schönbuch forest near Dettenhausen (bike)

202. 2012-07-16 48 8 Bad Wildbad (train+hike)

203. 2012-10-02 48 9 Kusterdingen-Wankheim (horse)

204. 2013-01-07 48 9 Freiberg/Neckar (train+bike)

205. 2013-02-13 48 9 Tübingen-Waldhausen (bike)

206. 2013-04-07 48 9 Tübingen-Lustnau (bike)

207. 2013-05-11 48 9 Korntal-Münchingen (train+hike)

208. 2013-06-20 49 8 Böchingen (bus+train+hike)

209. 2013-07-08 52 13 Berlin (bus)

210. 2013-08-18 48 8 Deißlingen (train+bus+bike)

211. 2013-11-04 58 12 Skepplanda, Ale kommun, Västergötland, Sweden. (train+bus+hike)

212. 2013-11-11 48 9 Nehren (bike, 20 km)

213. 2013-12-09 48 9 Tübingen (walk, 4.5 km)

214. 2014-03-04 48 9 Tübingen-Waldhäuser Ost (bike, 12 km]]

215. 2014-03-11 48 9 Tübingen-Weilheim (bike, 10 km)

216. 2014-04-26 48 10 Gerstetten +
217. 2014-04-26 48 9 Holzgerlingen (double hash, train + bike + train + bike, bike part 91 km)

218. 2014-05-16 48 9 Tübingen or Rottenburg (bike, 30.21 km)

219. 2014-05-25 48 9 Burladingen-Starzeln (train + bike, bike part 57.91 km)

220. 2014-06-07 49 12 Cham (Oberpfalz) (train + bike, bike part 75.44 km)

221. 2014-07-03 48 9 Pliezhausen-Dörnach (bike)

222. 2014-07-08 48 8 Ammerbuch-Poltringen (bike)

223. 2014-07-11 48 9 Bad Urach (bike)

224. 2014-07-13 48 8 Bösingen-Herrenzimmern (train + bike)

225. 2014-07-14 48 8 Rangendingen-Höfendorf (bike)

226. 2014-07-15 48 9 Wannweil (bike)

227. 2014-07-17 48 8 Simmersfeld (bike, back by train)

228. 2014-07-19 47 8 Blumberg (train + bike)

229. 2014-07-21 48 9 Kirchheim unter Teck (bike, back by train)

230. 2014-08-11 49 8 Walzbachtal (train + bike)

231. 2014-09-17 48 8 Rottenburg am Neckar (bike)

232. 2014-10-01 48 8 Rottenburg am Neckar (bike)

233. 2014-11-01 48 8 Horb-Dießen (train + bike)

234. 2014-12-01 48 9 Tübingen-Bebenhausen (bike)

235. 2015-01-14 48 8 Rottenburg am Neckar (bike)

236. 2015-01-27 48 9 Midnight fail at Fellbach or Stuttgart (public transport)

237. 2015-03-16 48 8 (started off for 2015-03-16 49 7 but rerouted along the way) Snowy Black Forest at Bad Herrenalb (public transport + hike)

238. 2015-03-27 48 9 Rammert forest at Tübingen-Kilchberg (bike, 68,3 km)

239. 2015-04-13 48 9 Kusterdingen-Wankheim (bike, 12 km)

240. 2015-05-03 48 9 Tübingen, private backyard (no trespassing) (bike, 1 km)

241. 2015-05-15 48 9 Kusterdingen, a field (not reached) (bike, 18 km)

242. 2015-06-20 48 8 Weissach (bike, 102 km)

243. 2015-07-17 48 9 Tübingen, football ground (no trespassing) (bike, 3 km)

244. 2015-09-11 48 9 Reutlingen, railway line (public transport)

245. 2015-11-26 48 9 Tübingen (bike, 20 km)

246. 2016-01-29 48 9 Pliezhausen (bike ca. 20 km, walking ca. 10 km)

247. 2016-04-28 48 8 Tübingen, Schönbuch between Hagelloch and Unterjesingen (bike 13 km, walking 10 km)


Unlocked graticules

Graticule unlocked.png
Ekorren earned the Graticule Unlocked Achievement
by being the first to reach any hashpoint in the (49, 6) graticule, here, on 2008-10-28.
Graticule unlocked.png
Ekorren and Danatar earned the Graticule Unlocked Achievement
by being the first to reach any hashpoint in the (48, 8) graticule, here, on 2008-11-26.
Graticule unlocked.png
Six people earned the Graticule Unlocked Achievement
by being the first to reach any hashpoint in the (51, 10) graticule, here, on 2009-02-22.
2009-02-22 51 10 e Cake.1.jpg
Graticule unlocked.png
Nine people earned the Graticule Unlocked Achievement
by being the first to reach any hashpoint in the (47, 10) graticule, here, on 2009-06-07.
Graticule unlocked.png
Four people earned the Graticule Unlocked Achievement
by being the first to reach any hashpoint in the (55, 8) graticule, here, on 2010-08-21.

Regional achievements

All regional achievements I can think of. Selected Minesweepers.

See also: List of regions and graticules

Ekorren earned the Regional geohashing achievement
by reaching a hash point in all 2 graticules belonging to Landkreis Tübingen.
Wappen Landkreis Tuebingen.png
48 8 48 9
Ekorren earned the Regional geohashing achievement
by reaching a hash point in all 2 graticules belonging to Landkreis Böblingen.
Wappen Landkreis Boeblingen.png
48 8 48 9
Ekorren earned the Regional geohashing achievement
by reaching a hash point in all 2 graticules belonging to Zollernalbkreis.
Wappen Zollernalbkreis.png
48 8 48 9
Ekorren earned the Regional geohashing achievement
by reaching a hash point in all 2 graticules belonging to Stadt Hechingen.
Wappen Hechingen.png
48 8 48 9
Ekorren earned the Regional geohashing achievement
by reaching a hash point in all 2 graticules belonging to Landkreis Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
Wappen Landkreis Garmisch-Partenkirchen.png
47 10 47 11
Ekorren earned the Regional geohashing achievement
by reaching a hash point in all 2 graticules belonging to Gemeinde Ammerbuch.
Wappen Ammerbuch.svg.png
48 8 48 9
Ekorren earned the Regional geohashing achievement
by reaching a hash point in all 2 graticules belonging to Stadt Tübingen.
Wappen Tuebingen.png
48 8 48 9
Ekorren earned the Reverse regional achievement
by reaching hash points in all 2 regions of the Pforzheim, Germany (48, 8) graticule.
Ekorren earned the Reverse regional achievement
by reaching hash points in all 2 regions of the Zürich, Switzerland (47, 8) graticule.
Ekorren earned the Reverse regional achievement
by reaching hash points in all 2 regions of the Strasbourg, France (48, 7) graticule.
Ekorren earned the Reverse regional achievement
by reaching hash points in all 2 regions of the Berlin, Germany (52, 13) graticule.
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash 8.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Ekorren completed the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in Stuttgart, Germany and all of the surrounding graticules.
49 8 49 9 49 10
48 8 48 9 48 10
47 8 47 9 47 10
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash 8.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Ekorren completed the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in Pforzheim, Germany and all of the surrounding graticules.
49 7 49 8 49 9
48 7 48 8 48 9
47 7 47 8 47 9
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash 7.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Ekorren achieved level 7 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in Augsburg, Germany and 7 of the surrounding graticules.
49 9 49 10 49 11
48 9 48 10 48 11
47 9 47 10 47 11
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash 6.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Ekorren achieved level 6 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in Strasbourg, France and 6 of the surrounding graticules.
49 6 49 7 49 8
48 6 48 7 48 8
47 6 47 7 47 8
Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash 4.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Ekorren achieved level 4 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in Berlin, Germany and 4 of the surrounding graticules.
53 12 53 13 53 14
52 12 52 13 52 14
51 12 51 13 51 14
Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash 3.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png
Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash empty.png Minesweeper geohash flag.png
Ekorren achieved level 3 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement
by visiting coordinates in Goslar, Germany and 3 of the surrounding graticules.
52 9 52 10 52 11
51 9 51 10 51 11
50 9 50 10 50 11

Five or more graticules in a row:

48,7-48,12 (6, west-east)

47,8-52,13 (6, southwest-northeast)

47,7-47,11 (5, west-east)

49,6-49,10 (5, west-east)

Progress on regional hash for Baden-Württemberg: (10 of 11)

49 8 49 9 49 10
48 7 48 8 48 9 48 10
47 7 47 8 47 9 47 10

Location achievements

Only the first one of a kind, except of Déjà vu geohashes. See icons in list for more.

Ekorren earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (49, 6) geohash on 2008-10-28.
Ekorren earned the Hash collision honorable mention
by discovering the geocache GC11ZMH ca. 600 m from the (49, 6) geohash on 2008-10-28.
Ekorren earned the Water geohash achievement
by reaching the (47, 10) geohash on 2009-06-07 by rowing boat.
Koepfel and Ekorren earned the Going deep geohash achievement
by reaching the (48, 9) geohash on 2011-04-18.
2011-04-18 48 9 e Tunnel Portal.JPG

Ekorren knows he earned the Déjà Vu Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (48, 9) geohash on 2008-11-18, and previously on several occasions, but the proof is a bit weak.
Ekorren and Nick_mz earned the Déjà Vu Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (48, 9) geohash on 2009-05-20, and previously on countless trips, among them 2009-04-27 48 9 and 2008-12-27 48 9.
Ekorren earned the Déjà Vu Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (48, 9) geohash on 2009-06-07, and previously on 2009-04-21, 2009-05-14 and countless other occasions.
2009-06-07 48 9 track.jpg
Ekorren earned the Déjà Vu Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (48, 8) geohash on 2010-06-29, and previously on several occasions using the bus through the hash.
2010-06-29 48 8 Bus.jpg
Ekorren earned the Déjà Vu Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (48, 9) geohash on 2010-09-27, and previously on several occasions by bus or bike.
Ekorren earned the Déjà Vu Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (48, 9) geohash on 2010-11-24, and previously on countless trips, tracklogs on request.
Is it true that Ekorren earned the Déjà vu geohash?
In principle, yes.
But - although it would have been perfectly within accuracy when passing by train like countless times before, the actual measurement preferred a point 2m off the tracks, which he visited this time. (2011-02-13 48 8).
2011-02-13 48 8 S-Bahn 1.JPG
Ekorren earned the Déjà Vu Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (48, 9) geohash on 2011-04-18, and previously on countless trips, including his very first hash 2008-10-28 49 6..
Ekorren earned the Déjà Vu Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (48, 8) geohash on 2011-05-07, and previously on a few times, still need to figure out dates and proof.
Ekorren earned the Déjà Vu Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (48, 9) geohash on 2011-10-25, and previously on often enough.
Ekorren earned the Déjà Vu Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (48, 9) geohash on 2011-11-25, and previously on several times using the bus from Metzingen to Neuffen.
Ekorren earned the Déjà Vu Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (48, 9) geohash on 2014-03-04, and previously on many times with bus line 5 or other transport.

Getting there

Only the first one of a kind. One border hash per country.

Ekorren earned the Public transport geohash achievement
by reaching the (49, 6) geohash on 2008-10-28 via rail and bus.
Ekorren earned the Bicycle geohash achievement
by cycling to the (48, 9) geohash on 2008-11-15.
Ekorren earned the Walk geohash Achievement
by reaching the (48, 9) geohash on 2009-03-14 on foot, travelling a distance of 16 km.
OWN Ribbon.jpg
Ekorren earned the One with Nature Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (48, 9) geohash on 2008-12-12.
2008-12-12 48 9 Trail.jpg
Ekorren earned the No Batteries Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (48, 8) geohash on 2009-01-03.
2009-01-03 48 8 Clock.jpg
Ekorren earned the Tron achievement
by reaching and returning from the (48, 9) geohash without crossing his own tracks on 2009-04-27.
2009-04-27 48 9 Sign.jpg
Ekorren earned the XKCD-100 Achievement
by voyaging 1058 km to reach the (55, 8) geohash on 2010-08-21.
Ekorren earned the Ambassador achievement
by obtaining permission from the owner of the meadow orchard to access the (48, 8) geohash on 2010-10-28.
Ekorren earned the Hobbit Achievement
by bearing a ring and baring his feet to and from the (48, 9) geohash on 2011-08-04.
2011-08-06 48 9 RingAtHash.JPG
Ekorren earned the Juggernaut achievement
by reaching a geohash in a straight line (with a deviation of about 1:23) on 2011-11-16.
Ekorren and E. earned the Beast of burden geohash achievement
by harnessing the power of Hultaj and Hrabia in order to reach the (48, 9) geohash on 2012-10-02.
2012-10-02 48 9 horses at hash.JPG

Ekorren earned the Border geohash achievement
by crossing the Germany-France border on 2009-01-12 to reach the (48, 8) geohash.
2009-01-12 48 8 Bordersign.jpg
Ekorren and 3 others earned the Border geohash achievement
by crossing the Germany-Denmark border on 2010-08-21 to reach the (55, 8) geohash.
Ekorren earned the Border geohash achievement
by crossing the Germany-Switzerland border on 2011-01-09 to reach the (47, 8) geohash.
Ekorren and 6 others earned the Border geohash achievement
by crossing the Germany-Poland border on 2011-05-21 to reach the (52, 14) geohash.
Ekorren earned the Border geohash achievement
by crossing the Germany-Switzerland-Germany border on 2011-06-13 to reach the (47, 8) geohash.

About the One with Nature: During winter neither snow nor ice or a terrain that provides generally no easy trails could hold me from doing expeditions by bike. The one in the ribbon is just one of several snow-obstacled frozen mountain hashes. After careful examination I came to the conclusion that some of them definitely beat a number of the existing OWN hashes but are themselves still beaten by quite a number of others which leave me humble and in awe. I take the ribbon not for a single one but as kind of a lifetime achievement.

More countries I hashed in, but not scored a border geohash because I would have gone there even without geohashing: Luxembourg, Austria

Timing achievements

Interesting repetitions may be relisted.

Ekorren earned the Last Man standing achievement
by being the the only hasher world-wide to go on a geohashing expedition on 2008-11-18.
Ekorren earned the 2009 Geohashing Day achievement
by just being there in the (48, 9) graticule on May 21st 2009.
2009-05-21 48 9 Marker.jpg
Ekorren earned the Birthday Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (48, 9) geohash on his birthday, 2009-08-15.
Ekorren earned the Sunrise Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (48, 8) geohash on 2009-10-09 to smile at the first rays of sun to cross the horizon.
2009-10-09 48 8 HashVillage.jpg
Ekorren earned the 1st Hashiversary achievement
by attempting a hash point exactly on the 1st anniversary of his inaugural geohashing expedition.
Ekorren earned the 2010 Mouse Over Day achievement
by ending a long dry spell of unvisited hashes in the (48, 8) graticule on the Saturday following May 21st 2010.
Ekorren earned the 2nd Hashiversary achievement
by attempting a hash point exactly on the 2nd anniversary of his inaugural geohashing expedition.
Ekorren earned the 2011 Geohashing Day achievement
by visiting a polish swamp with six other people in the (52, 14) graticule on May 21st 2011.
Ekorren earned the 3rd Hashiversary achievement
by attempting a hash point exactly on the 3rd anniversary of his inaugural geohashing expedition.
Ekorren earned the 2012 Geohashing Day achievement
by burning an X at night in the (48, 9) graticule on May 21st 2012.
Ekorren earned the xkcd Triginturion achievement
by attending 31 Saturday meetups.


Longest consecutive runs at that time, and all multihashes.

Ekorren earned the Consecutive geohash achievement
by reaching 2 consecutive hash points starting on 2008-11-18.
Ekorren earned the Consecutive geohash achievement
by reaching 3 consecutive hash points starting on 2009-01-02.
Ekorren earned the Consecutive geohash achievement
by reaching 6 consecutive hash points starting on 2010-06-25.
Ekorren earned the Multihash Achievement
by reaching the 2009-05-31 47 8 and 2009-05-31 47 7 geohashes on 2009-05-31.
Ekorren earned the Multihash Achievement
by reaching the 2009-06-07 48 9 and 2009-06-07 47 10 geohashes on 2009-06-07.
Ekorren earned the Multihash Achievement
by reaching the 2009-09-28 48 9 and 2009-09-28 48 10 geohashes on 2009-09-28.
Ekorren earned the Multihash Achievement
by reaching the 2010-03-13 48 8 and 2010-03-13 49 8 geohashes on 2010-03-13.
Ekorren earned the Multihash Achievement
by reaching the 2011-06-13 47 8 and 2011-06-13 47 7 geohashes on 2011-06-13.
Ekorren earned the Multihash Achievement
by reaching the 2014-04-26 48 10 and 2014-04-26 48 9 geohashes on 2014-04-26.

Miscellaneous achievements

Usually one of a kind. Interesting repetitions may be relisted. See icons in list for more.

Ekorren and Nick_mz earned the Snowman Geohash Achievement
by building a snowman at the (48, 9) geohash on 2008-11-22.
Ekorren almost earned the Meet-up achievement
by meeting Nick_mz, but without photographic proof, at the (48, 9) geohash on 2008-11-22.
Ekorren earned the Meet-up achievement
by meeting Danatar at the (48, 8) geohash on 2008-11-26.
2008-11-26 48 8 hp.jpg
Ekorren earned the Frozen Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (48, 9) geohash on 2008-12-12 while the temperature was around -3. This was the third sub zero hash where he couldn't bring an accurate thermometre, but this time it didn't get above zero the whole day anywhere in the area...
2008-12-12 48 9 Marker.jpg
Koepfel and Ekorren earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging some stranger in the forest to the (48, 8) geohash on 2009-04-25.
Ekorren has visited an Easy Geohash
by reaching the (48, 9) geohash on 2009-06-07 without really trying.
2009-06-07 48 9 Train.jpg
Nine people earned the Phonebooth stuffing achievement
by helping stuff a phonebooth near the (47, 10) geohash on 2009-06-07.
Ekorren earned the Speed racer achievement
by passing through the (48, 9) geohash on 2009-06-07 at almost 140 km/h.
2009-06-07 48 9 gps2.jpg
Ekorren earned the Speed racer achievement
by passing through the (48, 9) geohash on 2009-08-02 at 30 km/h.
2009-08-02 48 9 ViewfromHash.jpg
Ekorren earned the Picnic achievement
by eating breakfast at the (48, 8) geohash on 2009-10-09.
2009-10-09 48 8 Picnic.jpg

+ displaced origin


Please add confirmations here.

ekorren earned the Hashcard achievement
by sending a postcard of the hashpoint area to UnwiseOwl on the (49, 10) expedition on 2009-01-02.
2009-01-02 49 40 UO 002.jpg
Ekorren earned the Hashcard achievement
by sending a postcard of the hashpoint area to joannac on the (48, 8) expedition on 2009-01-12.
2009-01-12 48 8 hashcard2.jpg
ekorren earned the Hashcard achievement
by sending a postcard of the hashpoint area to dawidi on the (47, 9) expedition on 2009-05-14.
2009-05-14 47 9 hashcard to dawidi front.jpg
All participants earned the Hashcard achievement
by sending a postcard of the hashpoint area to various people on the (47, 10) expedition on 2009-06-07.
Ekorren earned the Hashcard achievement
by sending a postcard of the hashpoint area to srs0 on the (48, 8) expedition on 2009-06-10.
2009-06-10 48 8 Hashcard-Ekorren-to-Srs0.jpg
Ekorren earned the Hashcard achievement
by sending a postcard of the hashpoint area to Reinhard on the (48, 9) expedition on 2009-07-19.
20090719-48N9E hashcard front.jpg
Ekorren earned the Hashcard achievement
by sending a postcard of the hashpoint area to NeThuS on the (48, 8) expedition on 2012-01-28.

... and more which haven't been confirmed

... and you never know what may be on the way!

Consolation prizes

Only one of a kind. See icons for more.

Ekorren earned the No trespassing consolation prize
by almost reaching the (48, 9) geohash on 2008-12-15.
2009-03-29 48 9 Lock.jpg
DWN Ribbon.jpg
Ekorren earned the Done with Nature consolation prize
by failing to reach the (48, 8) geohash on 2009-03-08.
Ekorren earned the Trail of blood consolation prize
by being too injured to reach the (48, 9) geohash on 2011-10-02 ..
Ekorren earned the Train wreck consolation prize
by failing to reach the (48, 9) geohash on 2011-10-02 wrecking the bike's front wheel.
2011-10-01 48 9 BikeWreck.JPG

Gratuitous ribbons

Ekorren earned the Plan B achievement
by continuing the expedition despite a major failure of technology, thanks to redundant engines, and thus reaching the (48, 8) geohash on 2009-02-13.
2009-02-13 48 8 Bf Horb.jpg
Ekorren earned the Easter Bunny Ribbon
by photographing the Easter Bunny on Easter Monday, en route to the (49, 9) geohash on 2009-04-13.
2009-04-13 49 9 Rosensteinpark.jpg
Ekorren earned the Biked on Mount Everest Ribbon
by climbing more than 8848 m on bike expeditions until reaching the (48, 8) geohash on 2009-05-01.
18 Percent Grade.jpg
Ekorren earned the Unavoidable Geohash
by being unable to reroute a train around the (48, 9) geohash on 2009-06-07.
2009-06-07 48 9 track.jpg
Verbot fuer Kraftfahrzeuge.jpg
Ekorren earned the Green Ribbon
by going on 100 expeditions without ever using motorized individual transport for the way to the hash, the 100th being the (48, 9) geohash on 2010-06-25.
Is it true that Ekorren earned the hash by getting far closer than GPS accuracy?
In principle, yes.
But he still tends to believe that the exact point was inside the house. (2010-10-30 48 9).
2010-10-30 48 9 HashHouse.JPG
Ekorren earned the Dettingen again ribbon
by hashing in four (of nine) different places named Dettingen, #4 being the location of the (48, 8) geohash on 2011-02-10.
Is it true that Ekorren earned the Bingo geohash achievement by reaching hashes in 5 (6, even) graticules in a row (48,7-48,12)?
In principle, yes.
But due to cultural incomprehension about whether ignoring the center is vital to making a line complete that achievement was never introduced (2011-04-06 48 11).
2011-04-06 48 11 e Marker.JPG
Ekorren earned the History repeats itself ribbon
by visiting 10 Déjà Vu Geohashes, #10 being the (48, 9) geohash on 2011-11-25.


I run another of those online hashing tools, built to contain everything important on a glance and work on virtually every device not entirely uncapable of browsing, or providing a convenient overview for a region. See here.